Thursday, 20 March 2025

No 14437, Thursday 20 Mar 2025, Crescent

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Prerequisit to score a blob, one edging to get out on zero? (9) OBBLIGATO {A+BLOB+1+GeT}*{0}
9   Fabulously divine one in Love Racket (4) ODIN {O}{DIN}
10 Caught between three ducks in silly local fun, headed back to Donald's dream-world (5-6-4) CLOUD-CUCKOO-LAND {D{C}UCK}{0}{0} in {LOCAL+fUN}{d...lD}
12 Green covering seen over pitch close to batter telling a story (9) NARRATIVE {NAIVE} over {TAR}{b...eR}<= 
13 Fraud I orchestrated taking segment of recorded sound (5) AUDIO [T]
14 Wonders about horror movie (3,4)  RED SNOW*
17 Vegetable it eats immediately beginning to provide energy (4,3) SNOW PEA {S{NOW}{Pr...e}{E}A}
19 Object of fascination (5) THING [CD]
21 Supreme love involves individual accepting recurrent blame (9) NONPAREIL {N{ON{RAP<=}E}IL}
24 Tired, i.e. dated one, wasted print version (4,4,7) DEAD TREE EDITION*
25 Brand Oracle picked up (4) SEAR (~seer)
26 Dungeon built to exile heartless criminal (9) OUBLIETTE {BUILT+TO+Ex.lE}

1   Amazing act, contender is focussed (12) CONCENTRATED*
2   A crib outside hotel or resort primarily found repugnant (8) ABHORRED {A}{B{{H}{OR}{Re...t}ED}
3   One having attained perfection transforming his dad (6) SIDDHA*
4   Perhaps Munro's written about naked slum dog (6) SALUKI {SA{sLUm}KI}
5   Go round cutting branches permanently (3,5) ?O? K?E?S (Addendum FOR KEEPS {FORK{PEE<=}S} - See comments)
6   State of soldiers following army officer to a party (8) COLORADO {OR}<=>{COL} and {A}{DO}
7   Reptile Master shows with changes to length (6) LIZARD (-w+l)LIZARD
11 Cold polar winds spreading risk in bungle (4,1,7)  DROP A CLANGER {C+POLAR}* in {DANGER}
15 Worthless article, piece about British Conservative (8) NUGATORY {A}{GUN}<={TORY}
16 Asian monkey's stroll outside for food (8) WANDEROO {WANDER}{fOOd}
18 Casts of ancient people in Britain drinking wine (8) PREDICTS {P{RED}ICTS}
20 Times supporting setter's impressions (6) IMAGES {AGES}<=>{I'M}
22Necessity of massage for auditors before book closing in June (4-2) NEED-BE {(~knead)NEED}{B}{junE}
23 Placid Icarus soaring, somewhat bitter (6) ACIDIC [T]

Reference List
Caught = C, It = SA(Sex Appeal), Energy = E, Hotel = H, Go = PEE, Soldiers = OR, Party = DO, With = W, Length = L, Cold = C, Piece = GUN, British Conservative = TORY, Wine = RED, Book = B


  1. 23d technically reverse T?
    Though I wonder if it was deliberate or oversight
    19a DD!

    1. Maybe neither. It may be by chance also.

    2. Clue wp is reverse T (soaring!)

    3. Yes it’s reverse T else soaring is redundant. Nice palindrome type fodder 😀

  2. 25A. Picked up is a HP Indicator?. How?

    1. 25a is there a brand called sear!
      Brand is still a mark even though burnt on a skin!

    2. Sears is a brand? (confused with Sear)

  3. 5d FOR KEEPS FORKS around PEE<<

    1. What he means is Solution is 'For Keeps'.
      wp- FOR K(PEE=<)S
      Branches- Forks; Go= Pee
      Round is reversal indicator.
      His solution is very cryptic!!

    2. A full stop or space after the solution wd have made it clear. Initially I also could not follow.

  4. 14A. Too obscure to be a clue. The movie wasn't released in theatres or a major streaming service or up for awards contention.

  5. 8a an obligatto is necessary but pre-requisite?

  6. @Gemini- Picked up is heard. A common homophone indicator.

  7. OK. Thanks for the Gyan...

  8. From Chennai to Colorado,
    Crescent CW is tough- an obbligato;
    New sounding words-on audio,
    Oubliette and wanderoo!

  9. Ofcourse, I couldn't crack many. No complaining thou. Rather frustrating 😔

  10. Tough nut to crack. Took a while to solve. But got them all. Thanks Crescent.
