Monday, 17 March 2025

No 14434, Monday 17 Mar 2025, Incognito

Solution to 4D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Wine from East Indies (4) ASTI [T]
9   Engineer and Australian kiss lover boys (5) BEAUX {BE}{AU}{X}
10 Organised funeral without enjoyment? True! (4) REAL funERAL*
11 Sinless beginner? (6) NOVICE {NO VICE}
12 Big animals and insects carrying endless ammunition? (8) MAMMOTHS {M{AMMo}OTHS}
13 New York rejected following river line in Kings county (8) BROOKLYN {NY<=}<=>{BROOK}{L}
15 Most recent Los Angeles trial (6) LATEST {LA}{TEST}
17 Chinese hate English getting back animal (7) CHEETAH {CH}<=>{HATE}{E}
19 That is carrying rejected pots containing old distinctive variant of element (7) ISOTOPE {IE} over {POT{O}S}<=
22 Hates sailor on tailless stallion (6) ABHORS {AB}{HORSe}
24 Before conflict, saint has onset of malaria, having moderately hot temperature (8) LUKEWARM {WAR}<=>{LUKE} and {Ma...a}
26 Master walks behind university parking located towards source of river (8) UPSTREAM {MASTER*}<=>{U}{P}
28 Expose to high temperature once again herbal tea brewed after leaving lab (6) REHEAT {HERbal+TEA}*
30 French gold for German lady (4) FRAU {FR}{AU}
31 First lady with holy book in party, for example (5) EVENT {EVE}{NT}
32 Remove rod from leopard injured in spring (4) LEAP LEoPArd*

1   Badly built loos in city (4) OSLO
2   Nice soil can be made into a polymer (8) SILICONE*
3   Rapel around end of precipice, Basil (6) ABSEIL {p...cE+BASIL}* Typo for RAPPEL
4   Red pet leaves rug owned by setter (7) ?A?M?N? (Addendum - CARMINE {CARpet}{MINE} - See comments)
5   Instances when old sample is spoilt (8) EXAMPLES {EX}{SAMPLE*}
6   Taste fish containing a bit of yoghurt (3,3) TRY OUT {TR{Yo...t}OUT}
7   - Run! (4) DASH [DD]
14 A herb mixture for addiction therapy (5) REHAB*
16 Eggless broth in front of queen is excellent (5) SUPER {SoUP}{ER}
18 Replied, "And sewer is convoluted" (8) ANSWERED*
20 Municipality building wall encloses new hotel after initial take over (4,4) TOWN HALL {W{N}{H}ALL}<=>{Take}{Over}
21 One who bangs door in prison (7) SLAMMER [DD]
23 Pot? Give it a miss... (3,3) OPT OUT {POT}* [RA]
25 Martial art Shankara teaches to some extent (6) KARATE [T]
27 Hair treatment available in supermarket (4) PERM [T]
29 Male following Ms Lovelace is the first man (4) ADAM {M}<=>{ADA}

Reference List
Australian = AU, Kiss = X, Line = L, Chinese = CH, English = E, Old = O, Sailor = AB, University = U, Parking = P, French = FR, Holy Book = NT(New Testament), Queen = ER, New - N, Hotel = H, Male = M


  1. 4D CARMINE - red; rug {CAR}pet; owned by setter {MINE}

  2. Response from Ganesh was not LUKEWARM.
    Did he LEAP forward like a CHEETAH? Or did he DASH forward? (No idea).
    But he brought in the sidekicks.
    Some were from REHABS.
    A few others from KARATE schools. MAMMOTHS.
    Some were from SLAMMERS.
    Together they rushed to the Villa NEAR TOWN HALL by the side of BROOKLYN River...
    What happened next?

  3. Some v nice wp today.
    Thanx Kishore!

    That's a super 4 day run!
