7 Wild misery drinking drop of Dubonnet: it’s only partly sweet (4-3) SEMI-DRY {MISERY}* over {Du...t}
12 In speech, would you let Everyman drink? (3,3) MAI TAI (~might I)
14 Behind boozer, fatso that’s often steaming (6,7) SPONGE PUDDING {PUDDING}<=>{SPONGE}
17 Greens, then fruitcake and fried pâtisserie item (8) DOUGHNUT {DOUGH}{NUT}
22 One particular ticket-seller vocally eschewed home cooking (3,3) ATE OUT (~a tout)
23 One opening function, first I reveal curry (8) TANDOORI {DOOR}<=>{TAN} then{I}
24 Pupils nervously bottling beer (7) PILSNER [T]
25 Judge with mounds of fat, heading off for desserts (7) JELLIES {J}{bELLIES}
1 Creepy-crawly, one in which you find the Spanish caviare (6) BELUGA {B{EL}UG}{A}
2 Coriander? Instead, linguistically American name that’s rife online, primarily! (8) CILANTRO Acrostic &lit
4 Golden Gate – first, some cake! (6) GATEAU {AU}<=>{GATE}
5 Meaty sandwich ingredient that might be Old Norse (6) TONGUE [DD]
6 Evidently hungry, doctor taking first slice of cake, fresh out of the oven (8) DROOLING {(-c+dr)DROOLING}}
15 An apéritif or 10? No, mate, on reflection (8) DUBONNET {TEN}{NO}{BUD}<=
16 Reserve cash for summer treat (3,5) ICE LOLLY {ICE}{LOLLY}
18 German to wake up and complain (6) GROUSE {G}{ROUSE}
19 Woody spice – prized item – cask sent up (6) NUTMEG {GEM}{TUN}<=
Reference List
Time = T, Nephew = N, Grand = G, Function = TAN, Judge = J, The in Spanish = EL, German = G, Cask = TUN
All the best to all participants at the IIT (M) Crossie Open