Solution to 7A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Provide support before it takes wings (11) CATERPILLAR {CATER}{PILLAR}
7 Reduce men, provide guns (3) A?M ()
9 Reject appeal to include single colour (5) LILAC {CAL{1}L<=}
10 I've agents working, they need to be developed (9) NEGATIVES*
11 Wild bears have some distance to cover, look grumpy (9) MISERABLE {MI{BEARS*}LE}
12 Disposed in June, Judge recused showing malaise (5) ENNUI {IN+jUNE}*
13 Ascertain money is enough to start with (7) REALISE {REAL}{IS}{En...h}
15 The turf laid on top of a mineral... (4) SODA {SOD}{A}
18 ...on the morning of the festival (4) ONAM {ON}{AM}
20 Fighter in rear action for a nobleman carrying weapons (7) ARMIGER {{MIG} in {REAR*}
23 Sovereign rights - invested Guilder regularly (5) RULER {R}{gUiLdEr}{R}
24 Italian bard took the London underground back - it was sort of first outing for her (9) DEBUTANTE {D{TUBE<=}ANTE}
26 Don Juan has more knowledge about a country (9) WOMANISER {W{OMAN}ISER}
27 Capital has to be invested in American city (5) LHASA {L{HAS}A}
28 Mine in North India, millions extracted (3) ERA mERA Where's the Definition?
29 Ireland applied all remedies (7,4) EMERALD ISLE*
3 Expert in a fancy car? (5) RACER {R{ACE}R} &lit
4 Base count supporting - extremely interesting (7) IGNOBLE {NOBLE}<=>{In...nG}
5 On the French ship there is nothing to stand on (7) LEGLESS {LE}{SS}<=>{LEG}
7 Beginning a day passage (6) ADVENT {A}{D}{VENT}
8 Said to be big mountainous region (6) MASSIF (~massive)
14 Not knowing or caring about one, perhaps (9) IGNORANCE {CARING+ONE}*
16 Africans and guns - inviting a revolution (8) UGANDANS {AND+GUNS+A}*
17 Near east turmoil, it's toxic stuff (8) ARSENATE*
19 Cook made use of jellyfish (7) MEDUSAE*
21 Have a look at things above your eyes and tip of the nose (6) BROWSE {BROWS}{nosE}
22 Old student found mineral lacking Iodine (6) ALUMNA ALUMiNA
25 Fastened around the length and surface covered (5) TILED {TI{L}ED}
Reference List
Judge = J, Right = R, Novice = L, Fancy car = RR, On = LEG, The in French = LE, Ship = SS, Day = D, Length = L
How do you get Leg in 5D?
ReplyDeleteOn= leg, as in cricket. Onside
ReplyDeleteTypo in anno
Delete@Padmanabhan - Thank you. Silly me, didn't remember this.
Deletetoo confused and tried a get G. you found it. Gr8 paddy
DeleteBTW, there is no back to front as indicated.
ReplyDeleteleg leg ss ( On 'the French' ss)
leg le ss
Delete7A ARM - provide guns; men {ARM}y
ReplyDelete12Ac ENNUI seeing after a very very long time
ReplyDeleteYes,it is one of the favorites of all setters.