Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Used his tiding dubiously to become famous (13) DISTINGUISHED*
10 Item is returned after cheat essentially stresses and persists (9) CONTINUES {UNIT<=}<=>{CON} and {strESses}
11 Into talks to include Count (5) TOTAL [T]
12 State's article released regularly this month (5) A?R?L (Addendum - APRIL - {AP}{aRtIcLe} - See comments)
13 Titles like Chief - Business Strategy primarily (9) HEADLINES {HEAD}{LINE}{St...y}
14 Say, Alto burns almost at run (6) SINGER {SINGEs}{R}
16 One in hurry causes damage (4) RUIN {RU{1}N}
19 Shock to see North is overthrown by rule (4) SCAR SCA(-n+r)R
20 Times misprint creates panic (6) TERROR {T}{ERROR}
25 Dialects used in illegal gun sale include Arabic & Gujarati primarily (9) LANGUAGES {GUN+SALE}* over {Ar...c}{Gu...i}
26 Worried to participate in department's Saturday meetings (5) DATES {D}{ATE}{S}
27 About to receive greeting note from a country (5) CHINA {C{HI}{N}A}
29 Domestic arrest of people without leader (General) (13) INTERNATIONAL {INTERN{nATION}AL
2 Bad rating frames number of blind (8) IGNORANT {IG{NO}RANT*}
3 Team leader taking money leads to case (5) TRIAL {Team}{RIAL}
4 Nothing new's tough when worked upon (6) NOUGHT {N}{TOUGH*}
5 State reportedly watches at a higher level (8) UPSTAIRS {UP}{(~stares)STAIRS}
6 Say, moon's position is over a state (9) SATELLITE {S{A}{TELL}ITE}
7 Warming and taking lid off and consuming (6) EATING hEATING
8 Seas can destroy canoes (6) OCEANS*
9 Shoot fellow before strike (5) FLASH {F}{LASH}
15 Boost in nurse's bottle (9) ENCOURAGE {EN}{COURAGE}
17 Female's correct, essentially gent will intimidate (8) FRIGHTEN {F}{RIGHT}{gENt}
18 Conditions are terribly erratic where setter is housed (8) CRITERIA {ERRATIC}* over {I}
21 Oppose others bossing a society (6) RESIST {RES{1}{S}T}
22 Stop development (5) BLOCK [DD]
23 Say, you or me will get back support in hotel (6) INDIAN {IN{AID<=}N}
24 Position of party leader in caste conflict (6) ASPECT {AS{Pa..y}ECT*}
26 Take princess's company to club (5) DISCO {DI'S}{CO}
Reference List
Run = R, North = N, Rule = R, Times = T, Department = D, Saturday = S, About = CA, Note = N, Number = NO, New = N, Fellow = F, Nurse = EN(Enrolled Nurse), Female = F, Society = S, Company = CO
Almost "Incognito-esque" today. Very enjoyable
Delete12A APRIL - month! State {AP}, aRtIcLe
ReplyDeleteIs 'General' the def. for International? Kosher? Universal is OK but..
ReplyDeleteIMO, it is international = universal = general.
Dict says so.
DeleteAs an adjective, widespread/international.
+1 - dictionaries say so.
DeleteBlock -development?
ReplyDeleteSay,like new housing colony.
DeleteBritish exclusive.
an area of land with new buildings on it.
"a major housing development in Essex"
DeleteHeadlines using head
ReplyDeleteEncourage using courage
International using nation 😏
Root issues
Also what’s the role of “can” in 8D?
If u have time - can u explain what r root issues exactly and how r they addressed/ avoided?
DeleteThank u
Delete8D- Just that it makes surface reading better, I presume. (not defending, but trying to find an explanation)
ReplyDeleteInterestingly, solution for 8D in yesterday's CW is given (in the print edition) as Sung and not Sang- which means we have to take 'un' from one, without any French.
ReplyDeleteToo easy for an AD puzzle.