Saturday, 22 March 2025

No 14439, Saturday 22 Mar 2025, Vidwan

6 Mexican adapting somewhat to cold country (6) CANADA [T]
8 Diplomatic tricks, partly extraordinary! (8) CONSULAR {CONS}{singULAR}
10 ED from old Berlin! (4,6)  EAST GERMAN {EAST}{GERMAN}
11 Shop could be exclusive (4) POSH*
12 King saw it as bad sign (8) SWASTIKA {K SAW IT AS}*
15 Contestant may do this for an ophthalmologist's device (6) EYECUP {EYE}{CUP}
16 Sales staff's hand is brown in photograph (4,9) SHOP ASSISTANT {PASS IS TAN} in {SHOT}
18 Calm angry politician leaving for Virginia (6) LIMPID {LI{-v+MP}ID} V for Virginia? Abbreviation for Virginia is usually VA.
19 A bit of verbalisation is ordinary in boring counselling (8) ADVISORY {A}{D{V IS O}RY}
21 Probability// in conflict (4) ODDS [DD]
22 Some fear Trump ethicality is something that amplifies commonly said things (3,7) EAR TRUMPET [T]
25 Most numerous, most prime and half-mad honestly! (3-2-3) MAN-TO-MAN {MANy}{TOp}{MANiac}
26 Upset about team going back to some imaginary magical solution (6) ELIXIR {RI{XI}LE}<
1 Indian King's open backtracking (4) RAJA<
2 A ground for legal action mostly involving court and a plant (6) CACTUS {CA{CT}USe}
3 Film about boring mathematical problem (4) SCUM {S{C}UM}
4 Black American writer marching into daylight with a court order (8) SUBPOENA {SU{B}{POE}N}{A}
5 Somehow most assess Trump as good enough for the job (4,6) PASS MUSTER {ASSESs TRUMP}*
7 A Mexican by leaving for border, at last, made right moves towards this! (8,5) AMERICAN DREAM {A MExICAN bordeR MADE R}* {A ME{-x+R}ICAN} {MADE R}*SEMI &LIT see comments
9 Ones never seen can become, what one sees as a silly poem (8,5) NONSENSE VERSE*  An Extra S and one E missing in the fodder?
13 Someone like Brian Lara or Vinod Kambli ends it with a win abroad! (4,6) WEST INDIAN {ENDS IT A WIN}*
14 Lost amongst boats easily! (2,3) AT SEA [T]
17 Rival Chinese mobile manufacturer's position (8) OPPOSITE {OPPO}{SITE}
20 Meeting married men in clubs, say (6) SUMMIT {SU{M}{M}IT}
23 Managed King's position (4) RANK {RAN}{K}
24 Long piece, endlessly winding (4) EPIC {PIECe}*

E=East, D=German (Deutschland), King=K, Ordinary=O, Team=XI, Court=CT, About=C, Black=B, By=X{e.g. 2 by 2=2x2}, Married=M, Men=M.


  1. 18a doesnt the wp indicate -mp +v

  2. 21 conflict is (be) "at odds"! as a phrase

  3. 7d technically a me(-x +r)ican (made+r)*

  4. In yesterday's CW, Col. had raised a doubt about 1D.
    My take- Profound is 'Profound'. I split it as Pro & Found.
    Pro- Fore; Found= Cast.

    1. Like CV Sir once said, dictionary meaning is one thing but common usage is as important.
      Can you think of one word where fore can replace pro!

    2. Not exactly. I was thinking of Foreword= Prologue

    3. Found is also base. Base gives e and cast ?

    4. Found to base to E ? Not kosher.
      I don’t see fore = pro in dictionaries too .

  5. In 13D, what is Vinod Kambli doing? I thought at first the solution was *Left Hander*.

    1. Probably as Vinod Kambli is from Mumbai..he is a West Indian!

    2. Yes, tongue in cheek! I was also wondering like you since both are left handers.

    3. Vinod Kambli is to say that
      this particular west indian
      is a cricketer. Any other
      cricketer would have served
      the purpose.

    4. To choose a left hander is to confuse people like us!

  6. 14 A 😩😩😩 not a fan of giving abbreviation in the clue to find the word.
