Solution to 16A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 A taxi reverses with you and me - we can count on it! (6) ABACUS {A}{CAB<=}{US}
9 Say, Rummy Spooner's sentry drew nigh! (4,4) CARD GAME (~guard came to card game)
10 Swell! Join after teetotaller replaces saint (6) FATTEN FA(-st+tt)TTEN
11 ... say, annoyingly tend to lie about date? (6,4) DOTTED LINE {TEND+TO+LIE}* over {D}
12 Let it be so! Some fortune may turn around (4) AMEN [T<=]
13 Obese lot, sadly no longer in use (8) OBSOLETE*
16 No! This line of argument for a change is honest! (6) T?E?I?
17 He was from the beginning enterprising, dynamic, innovative - so overwhelmingly noble (6) EDISON Acrostic Semi&lit
19 High-pitched cry (basically scary) disturbed creche - end of day (8) SCREECHY {Sc..y}{CRECHE}*{daY}
21 Surgeon's advocate (4) URGE [T]
22 Sneak or pry to become a buttinsky (4-6) NOSY PARKER*
26 Misrepresented scene involving criminal Lodge (8) ENSCONCE {ENS{CON}CE*}
27 A large number of naughty ads he sold without shame basically (8) SHEDLOAD {ADs+HE+SOLD}*
28 Measure old pavilion (6) EXTENT {EX}{TENT}
2 Hurrah! Initially Bheema rode a Vayu-Vajra? Oh! (5) BRAVO Acrostic
3 Young trainee, somewhat indulgent, edacious, stuck-up (5) CADET [T<=]
4 Cover small stagger (7) SWADDLE {S}{WADDLE}
5 Make a list of extremely important monthly instalments by 5th of September (7) ITEMISE {Im...nT}{EMIS}{s.pTe...r}
6 Wonder, Parry's daughter is right (7) REFLECT (-d+r)REFLECT
7 Brewed tea, consumed several times in cosy chat! (4,1,4) TETE A TETE {TEA}* [Letter Bank]
8 In addition to that he threw it haphazardly (9) THEREWITH*
14 Bertha's oral offence? (3,6) BAD BREATH {BERTHA}* [RA]
15 Yes! Debtor is beaten up for an area at the bottom of the sea (6,3) OYSTER BED*
18 Made-up one endlessly horny protagonist perhaps flawed (3-4) NON-HERO {ONE+HORNy}*
19 Arrest extremely useless writer inside borders of Switzerland (7) SUSPEND {Us...eS}{PEN} in {Sw...nD}
20 Return advertisement cycling around Indonesian capital (7) RIPOSTE {(+R)POSTE(-r)} over {In...n}
23 Drop costs (limitlessly) to settle (5) ROOST {dROp}{cOSTs}
24 Complex conversation about previous inmate (2-3) EX-CON [T]
Reference List
Girl = G, Teetotaller = TT, Saint = ST, Date = D, Regina = R, Small = S, Daughter = D, Right = R
The gate of the village opened with a SCREECHY sound.
ReplyDeleteGanesh and the sidekicks saw the NON-HERO playing a CARD GAME (Solitaire).
There was no need to IRRITATE him in any manner whatsoever. Just a gentle TETE-A-TETE.
And then he was given the ITEMISED list giving the EXTENT of the money he owed.
Card game SUSPENDED the cheque was written and signed on the DOTTED LINE.
What happened next?
Breezy CW given by Pixel Dust.
Thanks Sathia
ReplyDeleteLearnt a new word today! Shedload!
ReplyDeleteWe were familiar with load-shedding!!
DeleteWell to make it popular,
DeleteEditor gave way to appeal
Fresh wordplay. Interesting and nice crossword. Thanks PD.
ReplyDeleteNice simple crossword. Itemise is my COD
ReplyDelete19A - POS mismatch?
+1 N vs adj
Deletecry seems redundant
DeleteYes 'cry' is redundant and should not be there. If High pitched cry were to be the definition the answer should be SCREECH and not Screechy
Delete16A:thesis=line of argument
ReplyDelete(no+thesis) for a change=is honest.