1 The Fairy King in Borneo resort (6) OBERON*
5 Craving for drink, son moves eastward in short-sleeved top (6) THIRST T(-s)HIR(+s)ST
8 Advice regarding no-fly zone? Let’s change subject (4,2,5) DONT GO THERE [DD]
11 Not hip, not fancy – and balding (4,2,3) THIN ON TOP*
12 Peacekeepers write: ‘Release from enclosure!’ (5) UNPEN {UN}{PEN}
13 Favourite – Oxford, perhaps – with a flower (7) PETUNIA {PET}{UNI}{A}
14 How Spooner introduces Hancock to Starmer: a little furry creature (7) MEERKAT (~keir matt to meerkat)
15 Guilty! Eve naughtily eats, satisfying insidious serpent – in the beginning? (7) GENESIS Acrostic &lit
17 Word for word? (7) SYNONYM [CD]
20 Step one – to be embraced by celebrity (5) STAIR {STA{1}R}
21 Hubby explaining what happens after teams change ends? (5,4) OTHER HALF [DD]
22 Ink in sketch representing where to find washers (7,4) KITCHEN SINK*
23 Cuts some sweet chestnuts (6) ETCHES [T]
24 According to Cockney, Caribbean country’s having decentish innings? (6) EIGHTY (~ haiti)
2 Dirty money’s source, concerning fraud in sports equipment (9,6) BADMINTON RACKET {BAD}{MINT}{ON}{RACKET}
3 Burmese city developed ladders? Tell me more (7) RANGOON {RAN}{GO ON}
4 Bedtime booze coming – drop of tequila – tops! (9) NIGHTCAPS {NIGH}{Te...a}{CAPS}
5 Infant happy to count (3,2) TOT UP {TOT}{UP}
6 Decorate cake – younger Scout getting lemonade finally – what keeps it cool? (3,4) ICE CUBE {ICE}{CUB}{l...dE}
7 Keeps thick jeans out for cold-weather clothing (9,6) SHEEPSKIN JACKET*
10 Bean containers rejected in a mood (4) SNIT<=
14 Mechanic’s nasty accident (9) MISCHANCE*
15 Shocked exclamation: Gee! Venomous reptile! (4) GASP {G}{ASP}
16 What the competent come up to score (7) SCRATCH [DD]
18 What a patient needs is occasional sipping (7) NURSING [DD]
19 Everyman’s standing up with very loud resentment (4) MIFF {I'M<=}{FF}
21 Darts players’ limits discovered in Rochester (5) OCHES [T]
Reference List
Son = S, Oxford perhaps = UNI(versity), Gee = G, Very loud = FF
Special at 10:30 by Ghaza
ReplyDeleteComparatively easier Sunday