Thursday, 6 March 2025

No 14425, Thursday 06 Mar 2025, Karaoke

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   She went to spill the beans? (5,3,4) BREAK THE NEWS {SHE+WENT}* [RA]
9   Modified agenda, note goes without saying (5) ADAGE AGEnDA*
10 If duck goes back into uncommon way of asking questions in quiz (5,4) RAPID FIRE {IF}{DIP}<= in {RARE}
11 Change religion finally in secret (7) CONVERT {CO{r...oN}VERT}
12 Most effortless energy on cycling at rest (7) EASIEST {E}{(+a)ASIEST(-a)}
13 Setting up of green city abruptly in trouble (8) ERECTING {GREEN+CITy}*
14 Judge avoided court-fool in compound (5) ESTER jESTER
18 Pilots deplane hard clientele (5) USERS UShERS
20 Wrongly subtract nothing? Delete answer and check (8) OBSTRUCT {SUBTRaCT+O}*
24 Maybe squirrel harbored to resist primarily Brazil nuts (7) HOARDER HARbORED*
26 Must review to delete section after embarrassingly rare typing mistake (7) ERRATUM {MUsT<=}<=>{RARE}*
27 Spooner's nutcase may have a second job (9) MOONLIGHT (~loon might to moonlight)
28 Island's lecturer follows 1-12 characters (5) ATOLL {L}<=>{A TO L}
29 Flowers and rare gemstone for model (6-2-4)  FORGET-ME-NOTS {GEMSTONE+FOR+T}*

1   Stupid initially bone dry (9) BRAINLESS {Bone}{RAINLESS}
2   English setter bound by advanced principles (7) ELEMENT {E}{LE{ME}NT}
3   They are fibrous - keep 50% foods, nothing excluded (8) KERATINS {KEep}{RATIoNS}
4   Extremely happy writer consumes hooch in the end and gets short stroke (6) HYPHEN {HappY}{P{h..cH}EN}
5   Daughter is abducted by crazy strippers (7) NUDISTS {NU{D}{IS}TS}
6   Husband enthralled by booze and beef (5) WHINE {W{H}INE}
7   Axe bowler and off spinner mainly from case (7) ?A?C?E
8   Very quick to forget recipe for sauce (5) PESTO PrESTO
15 You must solve them to get answer in tricky question (9) EQUATIONS {EQU{A}TIONS*} Semi&lit
16 No show by a dramatist without head support (8) ABSENTEE {A}{iBSEN}{TEE}
17 Litmus blue and essential acids for shots in the arm (7) STIMULI {LITMUS}*{acIds}
19 Communist standard, a sign of no mercy (3,4) RED FLAG {RED}{FLAG}
21 Drunk ran around in excitement for crack cocaine (7) TORNADO {RAN}* in {TO DO}
22 It's intelligent integrated circuit storing multimedia primarily (5) CHIMP {CHI{Mu...a}P}
23 Cheerful bishop's cardinal friend leaves in shock (6) BRIGHT {B}{fRIGHT}
25 Used bad oil primarily with soy essence for Filipino dish (5) ADOBO {BAD+Oil}* {sOy}

Reference List
Note = N, Energy = E, Judge = J, Hard = H, Answer = A, Section = S, Lecturer = L, Model = T, English = E, Daughter = D, Husband = H, Recipe = R, Support = TEE, Bishop = B


  1. Tough one today. I could get quite a few solutions with the help of crossings and def. but could not parse.
    13A- Why abruptly? It had me confused. Clue reads well without it.

    1. Abruptly because you are cutting off the Y from city

    2. Ok. Did not notice it. Thank you.

  2. 27A- Nutcase= Loon might? Nut is loon, but...

    1. nutcase => LOON, may =>MIGHT??

    2. Just got it. May= Might, as in may have been/ might have been.

  3. 7D HATCHET - axe; bowler {HAT} {s}pinner off from case {CHEsT}

  4. 👍Good one- both the clue and the solution.

  5. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Excitement= To do
      Check cocaine is the def. Follow the link given by Co. for Check cocaine (underlined)
      When in doubt, please check that first.

    3. Col. has given links for both Tornado & Check cocaine
