Wednesday, 26 March 2025

No 14442, Wednesday 26 Mar 2025, Afterdark

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   Manage a child, one's seven essentially (7) ACHIEVE {A}{CH}{1}{sEVEn}
10 Substitute agent with one lady initially (7) REPLACE {REP} and {ACE}<=>{L}
11 Big reptiles are litter-bugs (7) TURTLES [CA] {TURTLES+BIG}*={LITTER-BUGS}
12 School member hired in plant (7) COLLEGE {COL{LEG}E}
13 Dads cried uncontrollably when thrown out (9) DISCARDED*
15 Edgar's new rank (5) GRADE*
16 A college chief initially exploits then incriminates (7) ACCUSES {A}{C}{Ch..f}{USES}
19 Show one's place in time (7) DISPLAY {D{1'S}{PL}AY}
20 Time limits for nurses (5) TENDS {T}{ENDS}
21 Viewpoints contain advanced, rigid heartless principles (9) STANDARDS {STAND{A}{RigiD}S}
25 Weather in capital during Champions Trophy erratic from the beginning (7) CLIMATE {C{LIMA}T}{Er...c}
26 Sweden surrendering after leader was overthrown in a meeting (7) S?S?I?N (Addendum - SESSION {S}{cESSION} - See comments)
28 Chose to delete first composition as it turns out bad (7) ELECTED {DELETE+Co...n}*
29 Southern queen, reportedly with ease reached Zambia to primarily engage with press (7) SQUEEZE {S}{QU}{(~ease)EE}{Z}{En...e}

1   Starters of tikkis, aloo-chaat, samosa, tandoori-paneer, eggroll, dhokla were sampled (6) TASTED Acrostic
2   Records created by child star; fantastic (6) CHARTS {CH}{STAR*}
3   Reconcile with a vagabond as per instructions (4) HEAL (~heel)
4   Seems daughter is troubled and upset (6) MESSED {SEEMS+D}*
5   Came first but quietly returned (8) PRECEDED {P}{RECEDED}
6   Regretted a game with new good side (10) APOLOGISED {A}{POLO}{G+SIDE}*
7   Support everyone embracing British game (8) BASEBALL {BASE}{ALL} over {B}
8   Mercilessly terminate and deploy odd characters away (8) SEVERELY {SEVER}{dEpLoY}
14 23 workers and helpers (10) ASSISTANTS {ASSIST}{ANTS} Should have been 22 and not 23!
16 New retail store at the launch stored cold items (8) ARTICLES {RETAIL*}{St..e} over {C}
17 Imprisoned cheat and punished (8) CONFINED {CON}{FINED}
18 Dismisses South American writer's daughters heartlessly (8) SUSPENDS {S}{US}{PEN}{Da...rS}
22 Mala's sister withholds help (6) ASSIST [T]
23 Congratulated first off and elevated (6) RAISED pRAISED
24 Son played tunes at dusk (6) SUNSET {S}{TUNES*}
27 Told to turn down right away (4) SPUN SPUrN

Reference List
Child = CH, Lady = L, College = C, Place = PL, Time = T, Queen = QU, Daughter = D, Quietly = P, Good = G, British = B, Cold = C, South = S, Son = S, Right = R


  1. Replies
    1. Tried to anno before giving up and decided to check blog . It doesn’t work without an anagrind . Fodder A is not Fodder B. Only anagram of fodder A is fodder B (at least one combination) so it needs an anagrind.

  2. 29a "with" Extraneous and misdirecting!

  3. Looks like that.
    Are us meant as equate (=) But even then an Anand is needed.

  4. SESSION- (S)weden + Cession(surrendering) with Leader C overthrown

  5. Newbie here : I didn't understand 3D - can someone guide?

    1. It is a homonym- similar sounding word, indicated by the symbol ~ (see the main post)
      Indicator is "as per instructions"
      Heal~ Heel
      When in doubt see the main post and for symbols used (~) refer to the left column in the web version.

    2. Thanks. I should have mentioned that I got the homonym indicator. What I didn't understand was how vagabond means heel?

    3. The clue is missing an hp

    4. Yes how’s heel = vagabond?

    5. Diareputable looks to be synonym of both, though slang usage.

  6. Col. ~ for Homonym is to be added in Annotations.

  7. My fav today -
    Thanx AD!
