Monday, 24 March 2025

No 14440, Monday 24 Mar 2025, Afterdark

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Designed culottes in college at England for Romaine (3,7) COS LETTUCE {CULOTTES} in {C}{E}
6   Crowd seen in Christmas service (4) MASS [T]
10 A priest is out of favour during trial period (9) PROBATION apPROBATION
11 A win once more (5) AGAIN {A}{GAIN}
12 Arranged mass meet, hence red liqueur (5,2,6) CREME DE MENTHE {M+MEET+HENCE+RED}* 
14 Those people's article ending in tragedy (4) THEY {THE}{t...dY}
15 Say, China's eaters in a mess are at fault (3,7) TEA SERVICE {EATERS*}{VICE}
17 Cassettes played in legal actions as a precedent (4,5) TEST CASES*
21 Career or Carrier (5) CRAFT [DD]
22 Say, aggressive sales vets rife surprisingly (4-9) SELF-ASSERTIVE*
24 A space ultimately made wide open (5) AGAPE {A}{GAP}{madE}
25 Increase support at one entrance (9) PROPAGATE {PROP}{A}{GATE}
26 Trade some soda and liquor (4) SALE {Soda}{ALE}
27 People with time follow Insta luminaries primarily for payment (10) INSTALMENT {MEN}{T}<=>{INSTA}{Lu...s}

1   Enable or restrict account accessing a tape, remove page on time (10) C?P?C?T?T? (Addendum - CAPACITATE {CAP}{AC}{!}{TA(-p+t)TE} - See comments)
2   Sleek moss when burnt has no fumes (9) SMOKELESS*
3   Polish setter found in back alley (6) ENAMEL {ENA{ME}L<=}
4   Boat's timer malfunctions, royal engineers inducted (7) TRIREME {TRI{RE}ME*}
5   Cheats smuggle iron statues primarily to own (7) CONFESS {CON{FE}{St...s}S}
7   Watchful in a funeral (5) AWAKE {A}{WAKE}
8   Yodelled one in Singapore (4) SUNG {S{UN}G}
9   Jog in American terminals (6) CANTER [T]
13 Conclusion to pay people on time (10) SETTLEMENT {SETTLE}{MEN}{T}
16 Dead inmate in a compound (9) INANIMATE*
18 Visitor was more quiet when man left and lady entered (6) CALLER CAL(-m+l)LER
19 File's quiet on writer circumventing a rule (7) SHARPEN {SH}{A}{R}{PEN}
20 Mark ousts us in a terrible way (4,3) SUSS OUT*
21 Restrict dogs (7) CURTAIL {CUR}{TAIL}
22 A sluggish person has taken small digital protection (5) SNAIL {S}{NAIL}
23 Girl has style but no brain (4) LASS cLASS

Reference List
College = C, England = E, Priest = P, Mass = M, Time = T, Page = P, Royal Engineers = RE, Man = M, Lady = L, Quiet = SH, Rule = R, Small = S


  1. 1D enable -> capacitate; restrict -> cap, account -> ac, a -> i, tape -> tate ([p)age <-> (t)ime]

  2. 8D is probably SANG rather than SUNG. S {AN} G.

  3. One= also UN.
    I went by Sung.

  4. I also thought it is SANG.
    Many lovely clues today.
    As already mentioned by Paddy loved

    Thanx AD!
