Solution to 19A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.
Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.
1 Bottle of cognac to start with - how old are we? (7) COURAGE {Co...c}{OUR AGE}
5 Clubs it in true performance (7) RECITAL {RE{C}{IT}AL}
9 Stretch limo, say, gets the top prize (5) OSCAR {OS}{CAR}
10 Show time spent in part of the ship (9) PAGEANTRY {P{AGE}ANTRY}
11 Agreed to procure hybrid crops to prepare Scotch pancake (4,5) DROP SCONE {D{CROPS*}ONE}
13 Hard-hearted policeman gets a cut (4) CHOP {C{H}OP}
15 A feeling of dread over limited capital (8) ANGSTROM {ANGST}{ROMe}
18 One who follows an impression about her (8) ADHERENT {A}{D{HER}ENT}
19 Point lay behind the junction (4) N?D? {Addendum - NODE {N}{ODE} - See comments)
22 Massachusetts began partly as a revolutionary state (5) ASSAM {MASa...s}{AS}{A}<= (Correction [T<=] - See comments)
24 Europeans from the best school in the UK - that includes a Pole (9) ESTONIANS {E{S}TONIANS}
26 Movement for equality - place of origin covers original lines (6,3) WOMENS LIB{WOM{LINES*}B}
27 Cigarette tin not allowed (5) SNOUT {SN}{OUT}
28 Stamp on a contract - makes it water-tight (7) SEALANT {SEAL}{A}{NT}
29 Record and list out final price in the letter (7) EPISTLE {EP}{LIST*}{p..cE}
1 Porridge with jam, ready finally (6) CROWDY {CROWD}{r..dY}
2 Hector - couldn't he be in the altogether? (9) UNCLOTHED*
3 Ones acquiring essentially large areas of land (5) ACRES {AC{laRge}ES}
4 Bugging? Finally, the pain goes away (9) ESPIONAGE {thE+PAIN+GOES}*
5 Special guest room, most go for something cosmetic (5) ROUGE {GUEst+ROom}*
6 Daily carrying regular load, train to become a crook (9) CHARLATAN {CHAR}{LoAd}{TrAiN}
7 Some spot it anyway in Atlas, perhaps (5) TITAN [T]
8 A manly version of an amateur (6) LAYMAN*
14 Use emulsion paint - perhaps list out complaints of lung infection (9) PNEUMONIA {EMUlsiON+PAINt}*
16 Usual requests to a head waiter - can be easily reached (9) GETATABLE {GET A TABLE} New word for me
17 Abnormal amount - maybe he doesn't fit in (3,3,3) ODD MAN OUT {ODD}{AMOUNT}*
20 Trade fast, way Yankee goes for sanctions (6) FATWAS {FAST+WAy}*
24 Flourish amidst all the clatter (5) ECLAT [T]
25 Second generation Japanese immigrant going north? That is wrong (5) NISEI {IE}{SIN}<=
Reference List
Clubs = C, Stretch = OS, Hard = H, Pole = S, Contract = NT(No Trumps in Bridge game), Record = EP(Extended play), Daily = CHAR, Yankee = Y
ReplyDeleteReverse T!
Reverse T does not go with the rest of wordplay. Probably he meant to take only S for 'partly as'. Then reverse A S SAM. (sam from the start of Massachusetts)
DeleteNope. "Began ...... As a" simply link phrase in the passive speech.
DeleteIf 5D is ROUGE (which is correct) then the 3rd letter of 10A becomes U, and PAGEANTRY doesn't fit! Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteOr if PAGEANTRY is correct (fits the wordplay) then 5D must be ROGUE and not ROUGE? Which doesn't fit the clue.
DeleteSame doubt here
ReplyDeleteMe too was having the same doubt
DeleteI always get a doubt if one of you isnt Ramesh! (Just pun from the chocolate ad).
DeleteI think there is an error. Rogue fits in with the crossings, but cosmetic is Rouge only.
ReplyDelete16A- Gettable is used in cricket commentary to mean reachable.
ReplyDelete16DN enu should be (3-2-4) GET-AT-ABLE
ReplyDeleteAgain, I feel there is an error. Get a table does not work out to gettable.
DeleteNo word as 'Gettatable'
Get at able is one word.
DeleteSomething has to be getatable to be gettable.
Is 'Getatatble' in OED? I could not see it in Free Dic.
DeleteEnu (9) is correct
My enu is per Chambers
DeleteBuy a bench that can be acquired (3-2-4)
DeleteAnon, 12127
The link to Freedic is in the main post Paddy
DeleteArden is back to Bridge (NT) after a while.
ReplyDeleteCan be easily reached is GETTABLE
enu should be (3, 1, 5)
A is from "a" head waiter
ReplyDeleteThere cannot be a head waiter. It is always THE head waiter.
DeleteAlso, A is not properly placed in the fodder.
Paddy the answer is GETATABLE and not GETTABLE.
DeleteUsual requests to a head waiter = GET A TABLE
can be easily reached = GETATABLE
I noted you had said the word is new. I could not get it. Any ref.?
DeleteThe link was not clear (no underlining) and I missed it.
DeleteJust saw after reading your comment.
In 21D, places are sites, how i is removed?
IMO, Places = SETS (to set something is to place it) is the intended wordplay
Then 21D:
15A. Angstrom.I know it as a unit of length.But where is it in the definition?
ReplyDeleteSymbol A. Col need to correct colour.
DeleteA is angstrom unit notation and it is marked in Pink letter.
2D.Hector . Is it an anagrind ?.The meaning isnot fitting in the definition
ReplyDeleteYes, Hector is anagind.
DeleteBe in the altogether means naked.
Yes, hector is anagrid
DeleteToo many cryptic clues and the flow IMO is not friendly -)
ReplyDelete1Dn I wrote CHOKEY (Choke-Jam)(...Y) and struggled for 11Ac