Tuesday, 11 March 2025

No 14427, Tuesday 11 Mar 2025, Arden

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Blame a metropolis for all the greed (8) RAPACITY {RAP}{A}{CITY}
5   Announced country's development, primarily (6) STATED {STATE}{De...t}
10 Just follow an ex-PM to this place in London (7) MAYFAIR {FAIR}<=>{MAY}
11 Foreign trade - company follows modern-style architecture (3,4) ART DECO {TRADE*}{CO}
12 Current doctor provided initial treatment (5) DRIFT {DR}{IF}{Tr...t}
13 Avoid routes meant for Arctic air transport (3-6) SKI-PLANES {SKIP}{LANES}
14 One with money has orderly routine to follow, it's too small to notice (12) ANTINEUTRINO {AN}{TIN}{ROUTINE*}
18 Could be shifted - room to detect small stuff (5,7) CLOUD CHAMBER {COULD*}{CHAMBER}
21 Grown up, essentially very, very immoral person (9) ADULTERER {ADULT}{vERy}{vERy}
23 She is surrounded by us in this location (5) W?E?E ()
24 Well-built side - detailed nourishment for the sick (4,3) BEEF TEA {BEEFy TEAm}
25 Bar those who are antidemocratic, antinational at heart (7) CANTINA [T]
26 Mob went crazy as women left for Bury (6) ENTOMB {MOB+wENT}*
27 Willing to stop being in debt (8) ENDOWING {END}{OWING}

1   I'm ready to go out - not a solution (6) REMEDY {ME} in {REaDY}*
2   First person, one among many maybe a heathen (6) PAYNIM {Pe,,,n}{YAN{1}M*}
3   Tense working in an African country - is subdued (9) CHASTENED {CHA{TENSE*}D}
4   Professional dancer to perform - panic in Rocherster, perhaps (14) TERPSCICHOREAN {PANIC+ROCHESTER}* Typo in Rochester
6   Complete selling oil in France (5) TOTAL Anno not clear
7   Dog houses - born and brought up as a wooden peg (8) TREENAIL {TR{NEE<=}AIL}
8   Comes down fuming - see it played in court (4,4) DROP SHOT {DROPS}{HOT}
9   To remain an active revolutionary, one has to be in a way, brave (6,8) NATIVE AMERICAN*
15 Take down criminal, only by unarmed combat (3,4,2) TAE KWON DO {TAKE+DOWN}*{O}
16 Extremely symbolic gathering for a game (8) SCRABBLE {Sy...iC}{RABBLE}
17 Parthenon, say, captures Greek character in a jiffy (8) MONUMENT {MO{NU}MENT}
19 House with a small car below empty garage (6) GEMINI {MINI}<=>{Ga..gE}
20 Nostalgia grips even outsiders in this Asian city (6) PENANG {P{EveN}ANG}
22 Starting to temporarily accommodate a pole (5) TOTEM [T]

Reference List
Money = TIN, Women = W, Born = NEE, Only = O


  1. 6d DD
    total oil is a french company

  2. 5a announce and state both are from "status".
    Not ecpected from Arden!

  3. IMO, clue for the company would have been hinted

  4. 4D is that an archaic spelling?

  5. Sorry. I thought 11 AM. Missed reading one 1-)

  6. Is it TERPSCICHOREAN (2 C's) or TERPSICHOREAN (one C)? I could not find the first variant anywhere (including the link given by Col) though the wordplay points to that.

    1. Seems like a fugitive mid-revision clue.
      The wp suggests panic* in rochester*
      The solution is ofcourse single c.
      And the typo in rocherster!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 23a WHERE. = Location
    HER. =. She
    WE. =. Us
    Surrounded =. Contain. Ind.

  9. Generally tougher today, particularly the long ones. Needs a lot of googling,shall we say?

  10. I'd never heard of TERPSICHOREAN. Google gave only one C in spelling (as mentioned by Ramki).
    Is TAEKWONDO one word or split in 3?
    Otherwise easy.
    Thanx Arden!

