Saturday, 22 August 2015

No 11480, Saturday 22 Aug 2015, Afterdark


1 Relatively a typical move botched up with rook inside (13) COMPARATIVELY {COMPA{R}ATIVELY*}
10 Ambassador is in trouble at England facing queen (9) MESSENGER {MESS}{ENG}{ER}
11 Black? Rich colour (5) BLUSH {B}{LUSH}
12 Young ladies procured hungry lioness at an Indian sanctuary earlier (5) GIRLS {GIR}{LionesS}
13 Is getting into suspicion leading to endless troubles? (9) NUISANCES {NU{IS}ANCE}{S}
14 Observing genes I mutated (6) SEEING {GENES I}*
16 Hinge nearly fell at one point (4) AXIS {AXe}{I}{S}
19 Hunters want to conceal a bird (4) SWAN (T)

20 One's tired about getting ahead (6) ONWARD {O}{NWARD<=} O From One?
25 Call, then elope in a frenzy (9) TELEPHONE {THEN ELOPE}*

26 Cut glass object found in renovated pyramids after daybreak (5) PRISM {PyRaMIdS}*
27 Put down penny to get cake (5)  PLUMP {P}{LUMP}
28 Excluding absent adult is rude (9) INSULTING {INSULaTING}
29 Lacking direction, consult police officer about roaster and other kitchen appliances (13) REFRIGERATORS {REFeR}{IG}{ROASTER*} 


2 Strangely sober theologian returning with reporter (8) OBSERVER {SOBER*}{VER<=}
3 Skins prawn initially, later other fishes (5) PEELS {Prawn}{EELS}
4 King is getting old and violent (6) RAGING {R}{AGING}
5 Last name's informal, form rejected (8) TERMINAL {TERM}{INformAL}
6 Tremor in Nairobi; TV broadcast (9) VIBRATION {NAIROBI TV}*
7 Set up a network to include Uruguay and Switzerland (6) LAUNCH {LA{U}N}{CH}
8 Concepts of one postgraduate tabled by company chief spokesman (6) IMAGES {I}{MA}{GE}{Spo...n}
9 Spirit displayed by heads of government hospital orthopaedic section's terrific (5) GHOST {G}{H}{O}{S}{T}
15 Publication suggests, “As per ESPN broadcast, South is toppled by West” (9) NEWSPAPER {AS PER E(-s+W}PN}* 
17 Ann's marriage with Yogi's last son is trying (8) ANNOYING {ANN}{YOGI+N}* Is marriage a valid anagrind?
18 Close relatives are mostly bizarre, oddly (8) FAMILIAR {FAMILy}{bIzArRe} Oddly is being used to pick even letters?
21 Compensation for lady importing silver (6) DAMAGE {DAM{AG}{E}
22 Obstructs bribes circulated around RTO central (5) STOPS {S{rTo}OPS}
23 Condition of beginner in California, America is safe at last (6) CLAUSE {C{L}A}{US}{safE}
24 Inferior watch guards arrested (6) LESSER {LE{SS}ER}
26 Purse contains one large flier (5) PILOT {P{I}{L}OT}

Reference list

Rook=R, England=Eng, Queen=ER (Elizabeth Regina), Black=B, One=I, Point=S, Penny=P, Adult=A, Direction=E, Police officer=IG 
Theologian=Rev, King=R(Rex), Network=LAN, Uruguay=U, Switzerland=Ch, Postgraduate=MA, Company=GE, South=S, West=W, Silver=Ag, Beginner=L, California=CA, America=US, Guards=SS, Large=L 

Color/Font Scheme

Definition,Solution,Component letters,Anagram Indicator,C/C indicator,Reversal Indicator,Hidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicator,Deletion Indicator,Homophone Indicator,Movement Indicator,Positional Indicator



  1. 17 Ann's marriage with Yogi's last son is trying (8) ANNOYING {ANN}{YOGI+N}* Is marriage a valid anagrind?

    I don't know if 'marriage' is a valid anag signal but I am reminded of an ancient Tamil verse in Kurunthogai in which the union/congress between a man and a woman is likened to the mixture formed when the rain falls on red earth and becomes a mass of moist clay (செம்புலப் பெயனீர் போல,).

    1. It was also a title of a Vikram Chandra novel. Red Earth and Pouring Rain

  2. 18 Close relatives are mostly bizarre, oddly (8) FAMILIAR {FAMILy}{bIzArRe} Oddly is being used to pick even letters?

    'Oddly' means 'happening or occurring infrequently and irregularly; occasional". I think the letter pick need not necessarily be 1,3,5 ... It could be 2,4,6 ...
    This is my opinion but I am willing to hear what others have to say.

    1. Since it reads 'oddly' and not 'odd or even letters' so it's okay in my view

  3. 20 One's tired about getting ahead (6) ONWARD {O}{NWARD<=} O From One?

    We have to wait for AD's response.
    Medieval Roman numeral for 11 is O.

    1. Some mix up here. I remember having the word as Inward. Then clue is all wrong. Let me think.

    2. Hi... is about here the reversal indicatir?

    3. About can be either anagram or reversal ind. Here it is reversal without doubt as we are using synonym.

  4. Barring a few doubts expressed above it was a satisfactory solve for me. Thank you Afterdark for an enjoyable fare. :-)))

  5. Same doubts as expressed above...could solve before 6:00 in the morning...lovely feeling to have completed the xword before sunrise...(opposite of AD:before light)

  6. Thank you for an enjoyable puzzle, Afterdark! I loved the clues for CLAUSE, INSULTING, and FAMILIAR (though I did struggle a bit with the "oddly" bit!).

    One doubt: can DAMAGE be defined as compensation? I have only seen DAMAGES used in this context.

    Thanks to Ramesh for the blog!

  7. Same issue regarding Damage and damages.

    Host a party and someone asks 'what is the damage', meaning cost or price. A stretch to call cost as compensation.

    1. Think it should have been "compensation perhaps" (damage compensation); ditto for company=GE

  8. Nice puzzle from AD. Could finish it without much trouble
    12 A - hungry as letters picking ind ?
    13 A - Nuance = suspicion ?
    Thought leading in 13A , other in 29A & 3D , tabled in 8D , is in 23 D etc are redundant.(not sure though)

    1. Hungry meaning nothing in the stomach of the lioness

    2. The lioness has a rather large stomach.. About 5/7

    3. Ajeesh , 13A - Yes Chambers lists Suspicion as a synonym. Leading to is used in the sense of getting to , also for the surface this was suitable than any other connector. In both 29A, 3D the other should be taken as a part of the definition according to me, as the same genres are used in wordplay. 8D - Once again a connector - Plain by would not make sense. And it is used in the sense of placed. 23D , I dont understand your doubt

    4. A+B+ is +D is not ABD right it should be ABisD
      would have been better if you had used 's

    5. Yup you are right

    6. Or to make it clear , is it okay to use *is* as connector between word play components?

    7. Didn't see previous reply :-) still I have doubts on using big words as connectors between word play components. Also connectors between wordplay and definition like procured today. Shall ping in person :-)

  9. An excellent compilation by Additions- Deletions (AD_AfterDark) expert !Took me quite a bit of figuring out the arithmetics of this puzzle ! Thanks AD .
