Tuesday 29 September 2020

No 13053, Tuesday 29 Sep 2020, Neyartha

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   Characteristic of certain chromosome fragments revealed in Saracen triceps (8) ACENTRIC [T]
9   Language making the disturbed hypnotist sit out (6) PYTHON HYPNOTist*
10 Open with a shout at a pep rally for a religious song (10) PLAINCHANT {PLAIN}{CHANT}
11 A gem of a language (4) RUBY [DD]
12 Language error makes son drop back (4) LISP (-s)LI(+s)SP
13 One may visit this at the end of a restaurant meal (4,4) CASH DESK [CD]
16 Revolutionary communist behind the gate with the heartless lady is a hospital employee (7) ORDERLY {OR}{RED<=}{LadY}
18 Invest in a film after the king and knight trade places to get a Russian satellite (7) SPUTNIK {PUT} in {S(-k+n)NI(-n+k)K}
20 Large church making the scholar get attached to a vitreous mineral (8) ?A?I?I?A (Addendum - BASILICA {BA}{SILICA} - See comments)
21 Verified statement from the leading members of the Finnish-American comedy troupe (4) FACT Acrostic
23 Language from Jack makes the Conservative leader drop the sparkling wine (4) JAVA {J}{cAVA}
24 Young girl drinking ciders formatting the storage media (5,5) LASER DISCS {LAS{CIDERS*}S}
25 Disconnect resulting from a swift swallow upsetting the peacekeepers in front (6) UNPLUG {GULP<=}<=>{UN}
26 New chair getting interrupted by Adam’s wife is one who gets things done (8) ACHIEVER {ACHI{EVE}R*}

1   Language detailing a direction-less quantity (5)  SCALA SCALAr
2   Imperceptibly put feminist in a fix after the welcome by a single friend (15) INFINITESIMALLY {FEMINIST+IN}*{1}{ALLY} (Correction - {1}{FEMINIST+IN}*{ALLY} - See comments)
3   One might start from here to find about getting embedded in the misleading charts (7) SCRATCH {S{C}RATCH*}
4   One put on this might experience unease (4) SPOT [CD]
5   Pilferage stoppers in the warehouse get time to replace fine products subject to a recall (5,10) STORE DETECTIVES  {STORE}{DE(-f+t)TECTIVES}
6   Pompous doctor with wine gets picked up by a short-legged horse from the south (9) BOMBASTIC {MB}{ASTI} in {COB<=}
 Brief news summary of the return of the fast bowler (5) RECAP<=
14 Drink an egg-less appetiser (3) SUP SoUP
15 Relative’s Greek letter brought in after I removed sculpted granite (5-4) GREAT-AUNT {TAU} in {GRANiTE}*
17 Floral arrangement put on the radio (3) LEI (~lay)
19 Cricket player to grab flipped box for the woven mats (7) BATSMAN {NAB<=} over {MATS}*
21 July holiday in the US for the auditor’s out (5) FORTH (~fourth)
22 Loosens crewel segment to get to the fastener (5) SCREW [T]
24 Sign language (4) LOGO [DD]

Reference List
Son = S, Gate = OR, King = K, Knight = N, Jack = J, Conservative = C, About = C, Time = T, Fine = F


  1. 20a - BA (scholar) + SILICA
    Gopal Choudary

  2. 20.a. scholar is ba.vitreous mineral is silica. Hence basilica for a large church.

  3. 2d technical, I(feminist+in)*ALLY

  4. Replies
    1. OR, AND, and NOT are gates in computer processors.

  5. solved the puzzle 20A...but not pressed publish button. But well solved by Unknown @ 8:33
    Esp. 9a,16a and 19d....was my COD. Thanks to Neyartha

  6. From Free Dic.
    OR circuit, OR gate - a gate circuit in a computer that fires when any of its inputs fire

    It has been used many times in TH and other CW's. I learnt it here.

  7. Inspite of being a firmware engineer took some time to figure what languages Neyartha meant.

  8. And for us laymen,we had to depend on wordplay and crossings. Bur Neyartha was really helpful there.

  9. Any idea how only = O in yesterday's Lesotho clue ? It's not present in Chambers

    1. O=Only is an accepted abbreviation in crosswords. Repeated here number of times.

    2. Thanks KKR. Vasant ji .. repeated here doesn't make it standard IMO 😉 A setter in THC uses Chennai = C multiple times doesn't make Chennai = C, right ?

