Wednesday 30 September 2020

No 13054, Wednesday 30 Sep 2020, Incognito

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Cess on one car (for hire) (4) TAXI {TAX}{1}
9   A fighter gets ring for Spanish friend (5) AMIGO {A}{MIG}{O}
10 Get submerged in washing place (4) SINK [DD]
11 Scary exclamation about louse egg and fish (6) BONITO {BO{NIT}O}
12 Dahlia arranged around outskirts of Hyderabad in pretentious manner (8) LAHDIDAH  {LA{Hy...aD}IDAH*}
13 Princess’s flower’s ill fortune (8) DISASTER {DI'S}{ASTER}
15 Bug born and led astray (6) NEEDLE {NEE}{LED*}
17 Is tabby excited to look after young one? (7) BABYSIT*
19 Sir, some compounds are chemicals with same molecular weight but different arrangement of atoms (7) ISOMERS*
22 Composer hid the French chemical (6) BLEACH {B{LE}ACH}
24 Monstrous ladies with consuming interest? (8) OGRESSES [CD]
26 Chinese guy follows bird for accomplice (8) HENCHMAN {CH}{MAN}<=>{HEN}
28 Landlord certain to include question about commencement of insurance (6) SQUIRE {S{Q}U{I}RE}
30 Little data found in certain forms (4) INFO [T]
31 DIN or new ISO designed by Europe (5) NOISE {N}{ISO*}{E}
32 Arranged sale of drinks (4) ALES*

1   Ex–British Prime Minister has egg and a thick cold sauce (4) MAYO {MAY}{O}
2   Perhaps, armed forces immorality... operating in absence of Medical Officer (8) MILITARY IMmoRALITY*
3   Elephant driver’s ham? (6) ?A?O?T (Addendum - MAHOUT {HAM}* [RA] - See comments))
4   Small mountain railway carries a Clinton’s wife (7) HILLARY {HILL}{A}{RY}
5   They can be sweet between bedfellows (8) NOTHINGS [CD]
6   Hope to climb a steeple (6) ASPIRE {A}{SPIRE}
7   Indian Chartered Accountant goes to South American empire (4) INCA {IN}{CA}
14 Badly uninstall, losing nuts altogether (2,3) IN ALL {uNInstALL}*
16 Big and regal. Confused? (5) LARGE*
18 Cruel Indiana male in shade (8) INHUMANE {IN}{HU{MAN}E}
20 Brawny curs maul badly (8) MUSCULAR*
21 Find out excitedly and announce using this exclamation (5,2) FOUND IT*
23 Sancho rode, carrying TV personality (6) ANCHOR [T]
25 The remaining journalist took a break (6) RESTED {REST}{ED}
27 Bird from Northern Europe (4) ERNE [T]
29 Animal returned to tall, hollow plant (4) REED<=

Reference List
The in French = LE, Question = Q, New = N, Europe = E, Railway = RY, Indian = IN, Indiana = IN, Journalist = ED


  1. Very easy grid. Got solved fully in 15 minutes. Occasionally such grids help boost the confidence of the solver

  2. 2 more days to boost self confidence!

  3. Enjoyed a few anagrams well concealed. Got stuck for a while with false capitalisation of DIN in 31A.

  4. We have seen the lift and separate trick in clues as part of wordplay; now it seems we may see it in the light (or the solution) itself. Has it been used by Arden, Gridman and others in THC? Or is first-use of it by Incognito?? Comments invited.

  5. Replies
    1. Probably, CV Sir is referring to 3DN?

    2. Come to think of it, I think it is common in rev anagram clue.Right?

    3. Yes, Sir. But in this clue, mahout is a single word. Breaking it as mah+out, is it OK?

      In a reverse anagram, we, normally, consider ?+away or +out {either prefix or suffix] only for words which have meaning by themselves. I don't find any meaning for MAH separately. Hence the doubt.

    4. You have elaborated on the sneaking doubt I had. I am not criticising it but merely pointing to a novelty.

  6. Col., please mark T letters in the clue in pink- Anchor.

  7. It is past 9:00. Elephant driver is yet to come.

    1. Because our Col has chosen the clue carefully. It is maha outre.

    2. Right. It is a rev anagram of mahout where mah and out have to be lifted and separated.

    3. Re 3d Elephant driver's ham? (6) MAHOUT
      Compare Gridman's clue in the past:
      Easy to swap out. Nitre may be got (15)

  8. KKR I don't think MAH need necessarily be a pucca word.
