Monday, 27 September 2021

No 13362, Monday 27 Sep 2021, Arden

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   A flask first, intend to get a jug (6) CARAFE {CAR{A}{Fl..k}E}
 Chinese women not seen cooking this dish (4,4) CHOW MEIN {CHINEse+WOMen}*
9   American bibles? Yes, distributed in places of worship (6) ABBEYS {A}{BB}{YES*}
10 Organs of poor sold cheaply (3,1,4) FOR A SONG*
12 End of Carlson, snake around Chess board? It’s true (4,4) BONA FIDE {BO{c...oN}A}{FIDE}
13 Delight as husband takes short time (6) THRILL {T{H}RILL} (Addendum - {T{HR}ILL} - See comments)
15 Harry chose network to be well informed (4,3,5) KNOW THE SCORE
18 Trimmer gets cut rose, the nightly spectacle... (6,6) METEOR SHOWER {M{ROSE+THE}*OWER}
21 ... all the movement is dangerous (6) LETHAL*
22 Tax collection breeds corruption (4,4) CESS POOL {CESS}{POOL}
24 ‘Terrier’ — this beer’s lost most of the fizz (8) AIREDALE {AIRED ALE}
25 One of those who tend to fall in succession (6) DOMINO [CD]
26 Ran as a gunman giving protection died (8) HASTENED {H{A}{STEN}E}{D}
27 He left his country before, took a plane (6) EMIGRE {E{MIG}RE}

1   Sally Lunn, say, gets some meat for the party (8) CLAMBAKE {C{LAMB}AKE}
2   He dumps a piece of cloth outside (8) ROBINSON {RO{BINS}ON}
3   Get upset knowing it’s end of half the rum (3,3,3,6) FLY OFF THE HANDLE {FLY}{END+OF+HALF+THE}*
5   Round up the bear (4) HOOP<=
6   Set thermostat where you can come out unscathed (7,3,5) WEATHER THE STORM*
7   Sexy boy has to go up (6) EROTIC {ER{TO<=}IC}
8   Complaint from flower covered girls (6) NIGGLE {NI{G}{G}LE}
11 Stuck to supplement, brought in here (7) ADHERED {AD{HERE}D}
14 Colour that kept Lewis in place (7) SCARLET {S{CARL}ET}
16 Diving lad not allowed in wading pools, perhaps (8) SWOOPING {WadING+POOlS}*
17 He wrote volumes on loose woman and middlemen (8) ?R?L?O?E (Addendum - TROLLOPE {TROLLOP}{mEn} - See comments))
19 Evacuated, yes... half turned out to be a pollutant (3,3) FLY ASH {YeS+HALF}*
20 First human settlement in America — maybe true (6) UTERUS {U{TRUE*}S}
23 Controversial usage — at both ends it’s lead (4) CLUE {Co...aL}{Us.gE}

Reference List
American = A, Bible = B, Husband = TILL, Died = D, Girl = G


  1. 27d
    TROLLOPE {trollop}{e}
    loose woman = trollop
    middle men = e

  2. 22d has to go down as the all time case study for clueing.
    Liked the Arden(isms) too.

  3. Typo in 11D- D is extra- to be deleted.

  4. 13A - Husband is to Till, Hr is short form of hour (time) - So husband taking short time is T(hr)ill - Thrill

    1. Seems to be better than the one in the main post.

    2. +1 - good solve.
      I was also trying to fit husband = H, but TRILL didn't fit the rest of the wordplay.


    3. 1. (Music, other) music a melodic ornament consisting of a rapid alternation between a principal note and the note a whole tone or semitone above it. Usual symbol: tr. (written above a note) or tr
      I found this for trill. "Rapid alteration"- can this be extended to short duration?

  5. 8d- Nile as a 'flow'er is Ardenism as Prasad puts it. Not surprised this time.

    1. The word NILE reminded me of this one-liner quiz.
      What is the mood of our Netas and Netranis, related to Egypt?
      It is ‘Denial’.

    2. To be fair, it applies to netas the world over.

  6. Till,as in Free dic.-

    1. a drawer, box, or the like, in which money is kept, as in a shop.

    ...which could mean husband(!)- as in husbandry.

    1. It is paddy and has been used before. Col put bracket at the wrong place.

    2. No bracket at wrong place. I got it wrong just as Ramki has mentioned above

  7. Enjoyed the grid today. Favourites were UTERUS, DOMINO, AIREDALE, the wordplay for FIDE and also the long anagrams. Thanks Arden.

  8. Quite a tough brain-teaser and managed to solve mere 17 in the entire grid. And 7-D and 20-D happened to be 'naughty' clues.
    Nonetheless, kudos to Mr. Devanathan and now that I have recovered from the bout of 'flu, this evening I will raise the toast in his honour. Cheers, dear Arden!!!

    1. Why do you say 20D is naughty?

    2. Some things one can read between the lines. If 20D is not naughty....
      It is not and I have already said it is my COD.

  9. Great grid. My fav - UTERUS, CLUE,THRILL, NIGGLE.
    With some difficulty completed thr grid.

  10. Excellent puzzle! In 12A, Chess board FIDE was new to me. Couldn't parse 12A either, but enjoyed getting the rest. Thank you, Arden.

  11. Even i couldnt parse 13a. Just filled it.
