Sunday 26 September 2021

The Sunday Crossword No 3169, Sunday 26 Sep 2021

1   Blooms set up in a jumble (8) PETUNIAS*
5   Computer in flipping pocket, mate (6) LAPTOP {POT}{PAL}<=
10 Partially candlelit? Is mum displaying snobbery? (7) ELITISM [T]
11 Yes, sort out seafood (7) OYSTERS*
12 Take possession of oceans, by sound of it (5) SEIZE (~seas)
13 Dutch grub includes pies most feeble (9) DROOPIEST {D}{ROO{PIES}T}
14 For each spirit, a bubbly knocked back: no sweat (12) PERSPIRATION {PER}{SPIRIT+A}*{NO<=}
18 Discloses secret: distressed staff beg, howl (5,3,4) BLOWS THE GAFF*
21 Queen, King in palace to broadcast (9) CLEOPATRA {R} in {PALACE+TO}*
23 Report of distant country (5) CHILE (~chilly)
24 God, write about air (7) NEPTUNE {PEN<=}{TUNE}
25 Sad in France, English staying in seaside city (7) TRIESTE {TRI{E}STE}
26 Son getting spa treatments lies back, rests (6) SLEEPS {S}{PEELS}<=
27 A founding father who demanded respect? (8) FRANKLIN [GK]

1   Give satisfaction, if you'd be so kind (6) PLEASE [DD]
2   Tory, in vain, regularly advanced minutiae (6) TRIVIA {ToRy+In+VaIn}{A}
3   Losing unfurled umbrella, Simon Russell Beale unusually quiet (9) NOISELESS {SImON+ruSSell+bEaLE}*
 Seas that Armada tours, going round the bend (2,3,2,1,6) AS MAD AS A HATTER*
6   Extract from reggae's oppressed storyteller (5) AESOP [T]
7   'The REM Introduction' begins with eerie instrument (8) THEREMIN [T]

8   Assuming Post Office finding location (8) POSITING {PO}{SITING}
9   Toppling Trojan King: to me, it's a serious business (2,6,6) NO JOKING MATTER*
15 Love pretentiousness? No thanks (9) AFFECTION AFFECtaTION
16 Muscle vacuous: dangerous second prisoner held, escapes (8) ABSCONDS {ABS}{Da...uS}{S} over {CON} (Correction - {ABS}{Da...uS} over {CON} )
17 Exasperated utterance, revolting slop he put before setter (2,4,2) SO HELP ME {SLOP+HE}*{ME}
19 Conks out, 'empty' sign, learner driver wanting fuel (6) DIESEL {DIES}{E}{L}
20 University official: 'Everyman's wearing, lower in reputation' (6) DEMEAN {DE{ME}AN}
22 Flop down, Chubby (5) PLUMP [DD]

Reference List
Dutch = D, King = R, Sad in French = TRISTE, English = E, Son = S, Advanced = A, Thanks = TA, Muscle = AB, Second = S