Tuesday 16 July 2024

No 14228, Tuesday 16 Jul 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Winner's angry about deviants, essentially getting military award (8,5) VICTORIA CROSS {VICTOR}{devIAnts}{CROSS}
10 Electric circuit on roaster damaged overworking (9) RESONATOR* {RES{ON}ATOR*}
11 Poles are in a catch (5) SNARE {S}{N}{ARE}
12 Satisfy service-level agreement, take 50% discount (5) S?A?E (Addendum - SLAKE {SLA}{taKE} - See comments)
13 Full-time employee is independent, very sincere at work (2-7) IN-SERVICE {I+V+SINCERE}*
14 Scratching head, chemist turns to belief in god (6) THEISM cHEMIST*
16 Have dhal in the second half and meat (4) VEAL {haVE+dhAL}
19 Chinese idol in Japan kept by ordinary guards (4) JOSS {J}{O}{SS}
20 Old name of capital often opted by ruler (6) PEKING {oPtEd}{KING}
25 Knowledge about battle at Ukraine finally taken to head (9) AWARENESS {A}{WAR}{u...nE}{NESS}
26 Boorish son smothers one in victory (5) SWAIN {S}{W{A}IN} Is the definition okay?
27 Avoid backing Dave having drugs (5) EVADE {DAVE<=}{E} Drugs/Drug?
28 Application with no licence to operate hearse around Western Australia and Redmond primarily (9) SHAREWARE {HEARSE}* over {WA}{Re...d}
29 Offered to keep the essence gentle (13) TENDERHEARTED {TENDER{HEART}ED}

2   Terrible side, naps to a large degree (2,6) IN SPADES*
3   100 + 9.5 unit of mass (5) TONNE {TON}{niNE}
4   Heartlessly coach again to remember (6) RETAIN RETrAIN
5   Irritating to see Victor in new air-base (8) ABRASIVE {V} in {AIR+BASE}*
6   Rescuer struggles to contain force and acceleration to come up again (9) RESURFACE {RESUR{F}{A}CE*}
7   Fixed attics in a hurry (6) STATIC*
8   Present? Not new, made in advance (6) PRESET PRESEnT
9   Number could be odd or this, small earlier (5) SEVEN {EVEN}<=>{S}
15 Completely lifeless notes composed by father after consuming drug (5-4) STONE-DEAD {NOTES*}{D{E}AD}
17 Behind every start, ship uses gold and an appraiser (8) ASSESSOR {ASS}{Ev..y}{SS}{OR}
18 Residence of a clergyman gets six cars nearly, on time (8) VICARAGE {VI}{CARs}{AGE}
21 Spice given for a drink at Germany (6) GINGER {GIN}{GER}
22 Provide auditor some time to get her head cleared (5) CATER {CA}{Time}{hER}
23 Able to take a small piece, basically excellent starter (6) CANAPE {CAN}{A}{Pi..e}{Ex...t}
24 West Indies cap earned held by Bolt (6) ESCAPE [T]
26 Sharp swing (5) SHEER [DD]

Reference List
Poles = S,N, Service-level agreement = SLA, Independent = I, Very = V, Japan = J, Ordinary = O, Guards = SS, About = A, Head = NESS, Son = S, Drug = E, Western Australia = WA, Victor = V, Force = F, Acceleration = A, New = N, Small = S, Ship = SS, Gold = OR 


  1. 28a
    Shareware is a proprietary s/w with license albeit limited usage.

  2. 3D half of 9 is NE not NI as shown?

  3. 26a POS?
    Did cone across swain in adjective form. As it is that meaning is archaiac.

    1. Did not come across (in dictionaries)*

    2. I also googled endlessly. Swain is a rustic lad. Not boorish by any stretch.

  4. 10a why why why?
    Have "on" and then again overworking!

  5. 22d is some really necessary!

  6. 12 Satisfy service-level agreement, take 50% discount (5) {SLA}{(-ta)KE}

  7. 12A: satisfy = slake
    Service-Level Agreement taKE 50%discount
    Hence, (s+l+a)(ke)

  8. A service-level agreement (SLA) is an agreement between a service provider and a customer. (WIKI)

  9. Joke from cryptics
    Whys is 3.14 important
    Opinion becomes onion without it!

  10. @ Prasad - I'd similar doubts to most of the queries raised by you.

    Yet some interesting clues & a nice grid.
    My fav
    Thanx Afterdark.

    1. Like yesterday have few more.
      But this does not feel like AD.
      And a very sepcific intriguing point: usage of link words.
      Has been using container indicators as link words like get/kept/has.

    2. This results in a lot of confusion while solving for a novice like me.
      Becos I take clues literally.

  11. 3d 9.5 is actually nine and half. Half of nine should be 4.5!

    1. By the same logic - half of nine is ne. This seems like an ok or rather a clever clue to me.

    2. 9.5 is not half of nine!

  12. 1a victoria is feminine version of victor. So winner is victoria. Dont need the streneous addition.

    1. Is Victoria a synonym for winner? I didn't find it anywhere.

  13. 11,12,18,8d,18d
    Very non-cryptic operations on fodder.
    I liked the present-preset though.
    Just too many for a cryptic (thc esp), imho.

