Tuesday 23 July 2024

No 14234, Tuesday 23 Jul 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 14A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Entertainers in company with Karaoke accessories (6) COMICS {CO}{MICS}
4   Like hot brown girl on a yoga course (8) ASHTANGA {AS}{H}{TAN}{G}{A}
9   One taking interest in setting benchmark? Not essentially (6) BANKER BENchmARK*
10 Characters in print and embossing are together (2,6) IN TANDEM [T]
11 Knew bear can make fresh trail (5,3,6) BREAK NEW GROUND {KNEW+BEAR}* [RA]
13 Prank involving pet is funny and clean (10) ANTISEPTIC {ANT{PET+IS}*IC}
14 Go around strikes (4) ?T?B (Addendum - STAB<= - See comments)
16 Steps leading down in Ganges had a temple originally (4) GHAT Acrostic Semi&lit
18 Implied by mistake - sure, not odd! (10) UNDERSTOOD*
21 Like award inspiring mostly ailing scientist (14) ASTROPHYSICIST {AS TROPHY IS} over{SICk}  T from? Clue corrected see comments
21 Like award first inspiring mostly ailing scientist (14) ASTROPHYSICIST {AS}{TROPHY}{1ST} over{SICk
23 Accepted timeless custom to welcome friend in an Emirate (3,5) ABU DHABI {A}{HABIt} over {BUD}
24 Shrug in dance (6) BOLERO [DD]
25 Abandoned old dear with nothing in place of great wealth (2,6) EL DORADO {OLD+DEAR}*{0}
26 Current issue (6) STREAM [DD}

1   Copper's to remain solid (4) CUBE {CU}{BE}
2   Shelter animals raised inside tower (7) MINARET [T<=]
3   Gap behind say, Spooner leading in church (8) CREVASSE {ASS}<=>{REV} in {CE}
5   Lyricists are bad viewers, per Spooner (11) SONGWRITERS (~wrong sighters to songwriters)
6   Spin around each beverage holder (3,3) TEA URN {T{EA}URN}
7   Working out with Bond? Certainly! (2,5) NO DOUBT {OUT+BOND}*
8   Criminal had me confined in a dreadful place (9) AHMEDABAD {HAD+ME}*{A}{BAD}
12 Check Biden getting confused with Putin and Harris, initially (3,2,3,3) NIP IN THE BUD {BIDEN+PUTIN+Ha...s}*
13 Government dividing city's tax revenue ultimately to annoy (9) AGGRAVATE {AG{G}RA}{VAT}{r...nE}
15 Push toy roughly around little child to intimidate (5,3) PSYCH OUT {PUSH+TOY}* over {Ch..d}
17 Bowl over areas to understand limits (7) ASTOUND [T]
19 Crude mobs essentially perceived as noisy (7) OBSCENE {mOBs}{(~seen)SCENE}
20 Royal abandons sibling in trouble (6) BOTHER BrOTHER
22 Despicable creature of either gender (4) WORM [DD] (Correction {W OR M} - See comments)

Reference List
Company = CO, Hot = H, Girl = G, Time = T, Church = CE, Each = EA, Government = G, Royal = R


  1. Vladimir took his BOLERO atop the GHAT road, not in ABU DHABI but in Kodaikanal.

    No DOUBT he wished to BREAK NEW GROUND.

    He stopped hi car and walked towards the STREAM. Made an OBSCENE gesture...

    ,Did the situation AGGRAVATE or was it NIPPED IN THE BUD?

    What happened next?

    1. Welcome Vladimir ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป after a long time.

    2. The gesture was meant to PSYCH OUT the hiker;
      But the man on the other side of the stream had NO DOUBT;
      He knew Vladimir was a WORM after all;
      It did not BOTHER him as he UNDERSTOOD Vladimir's game!

  2. 21 Like award inspiring mostly ailing scientist (14) ASTROPHYSICIST {AS TROPHY IS} over{SICk} T from? My take: {AS}{TROPHY {SIC(-k) 1ST}

    1. There was an error in the clue. The online version has since been corrected and I have updated the main post

  3. 22D: I took it as a charade W OR M, either gender being Woman or Man.

