Thursday 18 July 2024

No 14230, Thursday 18 Jul 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Seasoned beef is over, pack salami finally (8) PASTRAMI {PAST}{{RAM}{s...mI}
5   Aroused a woman with love and understanding (6) AWOKEN {A}{W}{0}{KEN}
10 Icon cavorting with girl is disguised (5) INCOG {ICON*}{G}
11 Stretching is essentially necessary before exercise (9) STRAINING [CD] (Addendum - STRAINING {n..eSs..y}{TRAINING} - See comments)
12 How one lacking a suit might be cold (9) HEARTLESS [C&DD]
13 Portable shelter over left bank of raging river (5) TRENT {T{Ra...g}ENT}
14 One painting portrait of maiden aboard ship (6) LIMNER {LI{M}NER}
15 Tumour in a node affected mother (7) ADENOMA {A}{NODE*}{MA}
18 Lech at exotic model in thong (7) LATCHET {LECH+AT}*{T}
20 Old king is extremely taut, overwhelmed by pain with onset of arthritis (6) ATTILA {A{TauT}IL}{Ar...s}
22 Captivated by promo demonstrating electronic device (5) MODEM [T]
24 Clamour about fraud involving American company (9) CACOPHONY {C}{PHONY} over {A}{CO}
25 Rise in oceans is ultimately worrisome (9) ASCENSION {IN+OCEANS+iS}*
26 Old professor welcoming poets heartily in ancient Greek theatre (5) ODEON {O}{D{poEts}ON}
27 Tries dancing? Yes, after consuming dope in retreat (6) ESSAYS {YES}* over {ASS<=}
28 Fancy mattress for fashionable people (5,3) SMART SET*

1   Dire Straits starting to perform before match (6) PLIGHT {Pe...m}{LIGHT}
2   Red coat is silk, cut artfully (9) SOCIALIST {COAT+IS+SILk}*
3   Border caught by Cook! Gone on thirty? That's perfectly accurate (5,2,3,5) RIGHT ON THE MONEY {HEM} in {GONE+ON+THIRTY}*
4   Catch wrongly? He is injured in arm perhaps (7) MISHEAR {HE+IS}* in {ARM}*
6   Rapid trip in middle of sea, lots throw up - it's choppy (7-4,4) WHISTLE-STOP TOUR {sEa+LOTS+THROW+UP+ITS}*
7   Chef in kitchen turned to pick up sharp tool (5) KNIFE [T<=]
8   Almost beat, having cold drink before bedtime (8) NIGHTCAP {NIGH}{T{C}AP}
9   Fine leader of archaeologists tackling corrosion in parts of pyramids (6) FRUSTA {F}{RUST}{Ar...s}
16 Witnesses leader of band going crazy outside toilet (9) ONLOOKERS {bON{LOO}KERS}
17 Pastry, sandwiches, meat for seaside picnic (8) CLAMBAKE {C{LAMB}AKE}
19 Computer expert's electronic chart in link (6) TECHIE {T{E}{CH}IE}
20 Secret in a container hidden by suspect (7) ARCANUM {A}{R{CAN}UM}
21 Sound of seal and young swan (6) CYGNET (~signet)
23 Escapes with speed, climbing over top of knoll (5) D?C?S (Addendum - DUCKS {SCUD<=} over {Kn..l}- See comments)

Reference List
Woman = W, Girl = G, Maiden = M, Model = T, About = C, American = A, Company = CO< Old = O, Cold = C, Fine = F, Electronic = E, Chart = CH


  1. Col, I think 11A is a charade and not CD?
    S (essentially neceSsary) + TRAINING (exercise), def = stretching

  2. Arden's Grids not featured in this cycle from 21 june(Dr x) to 18th july(Dr X. Wonder why. Col to clarify please.

    1. Recovering from a Hard disc crash

    2. Ohno.
      Missing a whole cycle of The art of cryptics is too much.

    3. Thanks Colonel. Wish Arden to recover fast and come out flying. Eager to see his grids in The Hindu soon.

  3. 23d DUCKS = Escapes
    Scud = Speed, climbing DUCS
    K = Top of knoll
    Over = Contain. Ind.
