Sunday 28 July 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3317, Sunday 28 Jul 2024

1   Bit of beer and a nut (4) HEAD [DD]
3   They mean the same thing (5,5) DITTO MARKS [CD]
9   In the lecture hall, study example of pond flora (4) REED (~read)
10 Cambodias king overtly to embrace act of invitation (6,4) ASKING OVER {T]
11 Old pile in a state: bingo! (7,5) COUNTRY HOUSE {COUNTRY}{HOUSE}
15 Excerpt of text remembered in the end (7) EXTREME [T]
16 Basis of a speech? (7) SOAPBOX [CD]
17 Briefly make the case for mullet? That’s mean (7) SELFISH {SELl}{FISH}
19 Heath promises to be monotonous (7) TEDIOUS {TED}{IOUS}
20 Mothers involved with suave bewhiskered type (7,5) HARVEST MOUSE {MOTHERS+SUAVE}*
23 Two airlines with grand facility for customers (7,3) CARRIER BAG {CARRIER}{BA}{G}
24 Everyman, I appreciate that, is given to self-reflection (4) META {ME}{TA}
25 Being sociable with group of journalists where music is made (6,4) MIXING DESK {MIXING}{DESK}
26 Primarily, hoopla yielding phoney enthusiasm? (4) HYPE Acrostic &lit

1   Bad luck that’s likely to grate? (4,6) HARD CHEESE [C&DD]
2   Commercial to liken Luxembourg to last thing in luxurywell enough! (10)  ADEQUATELY {AD}{EQUATE}{L}{l...rY}
4   Splashy, tinselly, less large: so trendy (2,5) IN STYLE TINSElLY*
5   Adapts Swift etc for the audience (7) TAILORS (~taylors)
6   The writer, funny character, to cover dirty old men in intros: great note! (11) MEGASTARDOM {ME}{GAS}{TAR{Di..y}{Old}{Man}
7   Positive review of DJ’s gig (4) RAVE [DD]
8   Lover-boy rises, inflamed? (4) SORE<=
12 Partitioned carelessly, leading to apprehension (11) TREPIDATION*
13 Yes, you: all bets are off (10) ABSOLUTELY*
14 Old flame, slippery sort, heading off to scold and enrage (10) EXASPERATE {EX}{ASP}{bERATE}
18 Performed a chore, removing duck that’s lingered awkwardly (7) HOVERED HOoVERED
19 In France, you run over small Italians (7) TUSCANS {TU}{SCAN}{S}
21 Flipping computers making a racket (4) SCAM<=
22 Wine before kiss, that’s the heart of it (4) CRUX {CRU}{X}

Reference List
Commercial = AD, Large = L, Old flame = EX, You in French = TU, Small = S, Kiss = X

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