Saturday 27 July 2024

No 14238, Saturday 27 Jul 2024, Gussalufz

1   Luv it! Am incessantly stashing health supplement (7,1) VITAMIN C [T]
6   Fixed typo besetting each table (6) TEAPOY {T{EA}POY*}
9   One can root (4) ALOO {A}{LOO}
10 One thousand die after hunger, with closures in Chicago stadium cooking area (10) KITCHENDOM {K}{ITCH}{DO}{c...gO}{s...uM} (Correction - {K}{ITCH}{END}{c...gO}{s...uM} - See comments)
11 Mercury possibly contains nitrogen? That's bonkers! (6) MENTAL {ME{N}TAL}
12 Bishop left wearing cross, sister is angry (8) BRISTLES {B}{RIST{L}ES*}
13 Boy! Start fires in empty godowns and plant diseases? (10) BLIGHTINGS {B}{LIGHT}{IN}{Go...nS}
15 Tough, but not over rough and tough (4) THUG {ToUGH}*
17 Architect's note (4) CHIT [T]
18 Running short race? Sprint, chasing time record (10) TRANSCRIPT {RACe+SPRINT}*<=>{T}
20 Regularly recurring acid dreams, weed, no electronic communications (3,5) NEW MEDIA {AcId+DrEaMs+WeEd+No}<=
22 Surprising raid, no? (6) INROAD* &lit
24 Spots in secret FL resort (10) FERNTICLES*
26 With last of cash gone, credit used for vehicle (4) TANK ThANK
27 The sly, depraved radicals (6) ETHYLS*
28 Caught wild bus ride along the edge of a street in LA (8) CURBSIDE {C}{BUS+RIDE}*

2   Will he? (Although not all there, and suffering) (3,6) ILL HEALTH [T]
3   Back around noon: naked cooking! (5) AFOOT {AF{nOOn}T}
4   Point-blank shot strikes frying pan part of a psychological test? (7) INK BLOT  {pOINT+BLanK}*

5   Result when one's put on tan foundation at night? (3) COT Anno pending
6   The ghost is less frequently seen in these regions (7) TEHSILS {ThE+gHoSt+Is+LeSs}
7   One commenting on art a ton, affectedly (9) ANNOTATOR*
8   Gas with tiny mass, abbreviated: I (5) OZONE {OZ}{ONE}
12 Headgear from Punjab, and an amulet (7) BANDANA [T]
14 Crooked agent pockets second case of every show's earnings (4-5) GATE-MONEY {GATE{MO}N*}{EverY}
16 Haphazard international body criticised over Israel, finally (9) UNPLANNED {UN}{P{i...eL}ANNED}
18 Distributed freely after deleting appallingly rude pieces (7) TIDBITS  DISTrIBuTed*
19 Clip of space habitat welcomed by music after docking (7) SCISSOR {SC{ISS}ORe}
21 Release electron stream (around speed of light) (5) EJECT {E}{JE{C}T}
23 Amidst brawls, one retreats to get food items (5) ROTIS R(-1)+OT(+1)IS
25 Some revolting chemicals in insect secretion (3) LAC [T<=]

Reference List
Each = EA, Can = LOO, One thousand = K, Bishop = B, Left = L, Boy = B, Over = O, Time = T, Caught = C, Second = MO, Electron = E, Speed of light = C


  1. 5d. Reciprocal of TAN is COT

  2. Took time to solve as usual of Gussalufz's grid. Enjoyed every bit of it. Thanks Gussalufz.

    1. Thanks, always nice to hear that a crossword was enjoyed by a solver—that is the ultimate objective for a setter!

  3. 10A typo.. EN is missing and one O is extra

  4. What is meant by green and yellow colouring.

  5. I would never have got the theme. Congratulations Deepak

    1. I got it after I saw the Nina

    2. Whatever. I had not seen the NINA and had no clue what Hobson and Jobson was

  6. Thanks, as always, to all solvers who gave this a go, and to Col. Gopinath for blogging. Here are my notes for this crossword.


    The title of the crossword (*Tom-tomming Typhoons!*) sounds like something Captain Haddock might exclaim. However, the theme here is not *Tintin*-related: both *tom-tom* and *typhoon* are words that have been taken from Indian languages into English, and this linguistic borrowing (*looting*?) is the theme of this crossword. The following entries are all words that fit the theme:

    5d. COT.
    6a. TEAPOY.
    6d. TEHSILS.
    9a. ALOO.
    12d. BANDANA.
    15a. THUG.
    17a. CHIT.
    23d. ROTIS.
    25d. LAC.
    26a. TANK.
    The title of a famous book that catalogues such words, HOBSON-JOBSON (, can be seen as a nina running across the fourth and twelfth rows. The story behind and controversy over the book's title are interesting and can be found on its Wikipedia page (

    To go with the theme, the usage, "..., *no*?" in 22a. is distinctly Indian-flavoured.

    This, my seventh THC crossword in '24, is also a salgram, as its solution words use only 24 letters. I coined the word "salgram" in the notes in my last THC, and I'll try to keep using it to make it stick :-).

    1. **Personal notes**

      I'm not a "car person," and I'm certainly not a "car race person" (I've happily ranked last on the rare occasions that I've gone Go Karting). But my son is a car person and a racing car person (he is also learning to be a pilot). And so it was that my family's just-concluded summer trip to Vienna included a day at the Spielberg Red Bull Ring, watching the finale of the 2024 Austrian F1 Grand Prix. I will admit, it was more fun that I expected, with the music and the crowd and the air show and what-not, and as it turned out to be a dramatic race (

      A couple of days after we reached back, I caught my first COVID infection. I feel much better already on the second day, as I write this; hopefully it will be a short encounter.

    2. Take good care of yourself, Viresh. Suprising to know COVID is still present

  7. It's not "most of cash," it's "last of cash," which is H, and it gets deleted from ThANK via "With ... gone, ..."
