Monday 15 July 2024

No 14227, Monday 15 Jul 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 10A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Somehow lets tour America for competition (6) TUSSLE {T{US}SLE*}
4   Grain stalks found on road was crushed beyond recognition basically (6) STRAWS {ST} and {WAS*}<=>{Re...n}
9   Plan to apply rule upfront (4) RUSE {USE}<=>{R}
10 Manage bills to purchase small batteries essentially (10) A?M?N?S?E
11 Say, in Tamil Nadu we can find a bar (6) TAVERN {T{AVER}N}
12 Dealer of special beers has money to buy article (8) SALESMAN {S}{ALES}{M}{AN}
13 A period of discharge is reversed with double force and speed essentially (4,5) TIME FRAME {EMIT<=}{F}{RAM}{spEed}
15 Vehicles' velocity? A nanosecond (4) VANS {V}{A}{NS}
16 At that time, he was in Tennessee (4) THEN {T{HE}N}
17 Producers have endless stock at leading store (9) INVENTORS {INVENTORy}{St..e}
21 Deeply involved to maintain demand subdued (4-4) KNEE-DEEP {K{NEED}EEP}
22 Father let mother, perhaps... (6) PARENT {PA}{RENT}
24 ...get undergarments with money, say that is, at stores offering 50% discount (10) BRASSIERES {BRASS}{IE}{stoRES}
25 Instrument found in plant (4) REED [DD]
26 Marine creature has power reportedly (6) MUSSEL (~muscle)
27 Grown-ups are almost uninterested to be in talkies lacking substance (6) ADULTS {A}{DULl}{Ta...eS}

1   Star featuring in Tamil falls short to create huge waves (7) TSUNAMI {T{SUN}AMIl}
2   Yes, we devotees are surrounding Bjorn Borg, say (5) SWEDE [T]
3   Salaried person backs Latin student (7) LEARNER {EARNER}<=>{L}
5   Bonefish provided at mess (6) TANGLE {T}{ANGLE}
6   Helper's a fool, is primarily torturing worker (9) ASSISTANT {ASS}{IS}{To...g}{ANT}
7   Notices as cocooned wife swings (7) SEESAWS {SEES}{A{W}S}
8   Perhaps upmarket means Disneyland, say (9,4) AMUSEMENT PARK*
14 Meal for a side along with white of eggs (9) ELEVENSES {ELEVENS}{EggS}
16 Weird to back tense worker with temper (7) TANTRUM {RUM}<=>{T}{ANT}
18 On display in fair, selenium diode at the front (7) EXPOSED {EXPO}{SE}{Di..e}
19 Athletes change side in channels (7) RUNNERS RUNNE(-l+r)RS
20 Small dog? Say it eats first (6) PETITE {PET}{IT}{Eats}
23 BIMARU rally showcases countryside (5) RURAL [T]

Reference List
Rule = R, Special = S, Money = M, Force = F, Velocity = V, Nanosecond = NS, Are = A, Latin = L, Bone = T, Fish = ANGLE, Wife = W, Tense = T


  1. 19d runnels and runners have same root "run"

    1. Not related to the above comment, wondering why channels can't be the definition (and RUNNELS the answer).

    2. +1 before i could say it was runners with certainty. "In" Indicating change to be made in channels. But with "in" being made linkword by new regime, its a toss (if crossings dont help).

    3. Also runner
      "a channel through which molten material enters a casting or moulding"

    4. yes....abs....we used this word in Blast furnace....coz., we have a structure names as Iron runner......mlten metal will pass through it.....

  2. 18d expo is short for exposition or display/describe!!

    1. 17a inventory/inventor same root.
      Lazy cluing to remove y and add s, imho.

  3. 10AC : Administer - bills (ads) small (mini) batteries essentially (ter).

  4. Replies
    1. The Spanish term las onces, “the elevens,” also refers to a refreshment taken around 11.

  5. 21A. Deep is part of both answer and definition

  6. Current affairs in cryptic world
    Rerired teacher greeting PM once (6)

  7. @ prasad - can u explain
    21ac - Deeply in clue & DEEP in solution - kosher?
    27ac - TO BE in talkies..... seems like a containment indicator. Is it acceptable as surface?

    1. I have few more surfaces that arent K.
      Didnt eant to be the lone ranger.

  8. Easier than usual.
    My fav -
    Thanx Afterdark!
