Thursday 25 July 2024

No 14236, Thursday 25 Jul 2024, Bruno

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Snoring in the middle of stripped down popular English crossword, perhaps? (6) PUZZLE {poPU{ZZ}Lar}{E}
4   Computer from American city functions essentially when dropped in soda (6) LAPTOP {LA}{P{f..cTi..s}OP}
9   Harvest of farmer ultimately stolen by policeman (4) CROP {C{f...eR}OP}
10 Queen in USA too surprised with last president's references (10) QUOTATIONS {Q}{IN+USA+TOO+p...nT}*
11 Make another effort to communicate with Harry, finally getting involved in Peter's problem (6) RETYPE {RET{h...rY}PE*}
12 Lost time in part of book on escort (8) CHAPERON {CHAPtER}{ON} 
13 Dead Queen on last parade with King, perhaps? (6,3) NUMBER ONE {NUMB}{ER}{ON}{p...dE}
15 Change - remove last letter and last word (4) AMEN AMENd
16 No flattery repulsed King (4) LION {N}{OIL}<=
17 Classless society and music with no beats? Married man's into it! (9) COMMUNISM {MUSIC+NO}* over {M}{M}
21 Electronic system's temporary - company needs to replace one (8) INTERCOM INTER(-1+co)COM
22 It might keep one warm - a frog perhaps? (6) JUMPER [DD]
24 Avoided collisions close to girls (4,6) NEAR MISSES {NEAR}{MISSES}
25 Black finger's tip chopped off (4) INKY pINKY
26 Toe's wounded at one end - work extremely likely to be held back (6) DACTYL {w...eD}{ACT}{Li..lY<=}
27 Some boys terrorise animal (6) OYSTER [T]

1   One recently became rich - built unapproved pod outside (7) PARVENU UNAPpRoVEd*
2   Lively and fast - gets last batsman out for zero (5) ZIPPY (-n+z)ZIPPY
3   One in Barcelona that visits Louvre often for a drink (7) L?Q?E?R (Addendum - LIQUEUR - {1}{QUE} in {LoUvRe} - See comments)
5   One form of a tax - a revenue, mainly (6) AVATAR {A}{VAT}{A}{Re...e}
6   Family of bears in Montana migrating (9) TRIBESMAN {BEARS+IN+MT}*
7   Water transport leaving river quickly - reaching edges of ocean (7) PONTOON {PrONTO}{OceaN}
8   Iconoclast fits norm? Mainly conservative? No, no! Eccentric! (13) NONCONFORMIST {FITS+NORM+Co...e+NO+NO}*
14 Refer to mob uprising around Iran's and Russia's capitals at different points to get facial recognition measurement? (9) BIOMETRIC {CI{Ru...n}TE}{MO{Iran}B}<=
16 Oil producer's products leach ecstasy on river when going upstream (7) LINSEED {LINeS}{DEE<=}
18 King may suppress joke (7) MAJESTY {MA{JEST}Y}
19 Orator's point gets limitless press coverage, when brought up (7) SPEAKER {PEAK} in {pRESs<=}
20 Keenness of upper classes to live in London, for example (6) ACUITY {U} in {A CITY}
23 Wet duck seen in fog (5) MOIST {M{O}IST}

Reference List
English = E, Soda = POP, Queen = Q, Time = T, Queen = ER, No = N, Married = M, Man = M, Company = CO, Zero = Z, That in Spanish = QUE, River = R, Ecstasy = E, Upper classes = U


  1. After a long time Bruno’s CW. As usual challenging and nice.

  2. 3DN : Liqueur - lur (louvre often) i (one) que (that in spanish)

  3. Good one from Bruno. Loved solving.

  4. Did better this time in a Bruno CW and enjoyed. Yes- after a long time.

  5. I couldn't l get LION.
    Got everything else.

    My fav
    Thanx Bruno!
