Monday 29 July 2024

No 14239, Monday 29 Jul 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Mrs. Mop hugs doctor and engineer in the meeting place (7) CHAMBER {CHA{MB}{E}R}
5   Light bang in rift (3,4) GAS LAMP {GA{SLAM}P}
9   Doctor enthralled by Chinese leader's dance (5) MAMBO {MA{MB}O}
10 American traffic policewoman fulfilled fantastic dream to conceive child inside (5,4) METER MAID {MET}{ERMA{chIld}D*}
11 4444 - This is how some animals walk! (10)(2,3,5) ON ALL FOURS Rebus Enu should be (2,3,5) See comments
12 Conclusions of far too long creature (4) FROG [Tail acrostic]
14 Friendly personal assistant leaves for public transport that's likely to catch fire (11) COMBUSTIBLE {COM(-pa+bus)BUSTIBLE}
18 Perhaps lives with long dream for this? (6,5) SILVER MEDAL {LIVES+L+DREAM}* Semi&lit?
21 Economical with the truth and fiction ultimately, right? (4) LIEN {LIE}{f...oN}
22 Foreign enemy wins second tournament after taking hint to become rich (10)(2,3,5) IN THE MONEY {EM{tOu...t}NEY*}<=>{HINT}* Enu should be (2,3,5) See comments
25 Feel depressed? Come to earth (9) TOUCHDOWN {TOUCH}{DOWN}
26 Vagrant mixing essence of lemon in gin (5) TRAMP {TRA{leMon}P}
27 Studio settled dues for strips (7) DENUDES {DEN}{DUES*}
28 As may be seen regularly, Indian cars go up in smoke (7) ARSENIC {SeEn+I+CARS}*

1   Usual encouragement gets man to forget exhaustion primarily (6) C?M?O? (Addendum - COMMON {COM(-e+m)M ON} - See comments)
2   Provide room and protective garment for player (3,3) ARM PAD {ARM}{PAD}
3   Toady spoils fight, Spooner says (10) BOOTLICKER (loot bicker to bootlicker)
4   Ladies' man comes after Quebec, NATO revealed (5) ROMEO {...Quebec, Romeo...)
5   Worried about going into land in skirt (3,6) GET AROUND {G{ATE<=}ROUND} 
6   A female forgot expedition gear (4) SARI SafARI
7   One bear fights with a creature that lives without oxygen (8) ANAEROBE {ONE+BEAR+A}*
8   Position announced after exercise causes strain (8) PEDIGREE {(~degree)DIGREE}<=>{PE}
13 Ties of old opposite numbers (10) STALEMATES {STALE}{MATES}
15 World-shattering doctors acquiring English books by American! (9) MOMENTOUS {MO}{M{E}{NT}O}{US}
16 Out-of-the-way ladies to go berserk (7) ISOLATED*
17 I run for gin of poor quality (4,4) BLUE RUIN {I+RUN}* [RA]
19 Item held by moneylender's wife in fashionable container (2,4) IN PAWN {IN}{PA{W}N}
20 Setter's work with insolvable clue, primarily thoughtless (6) MYOPIC {MY}{OP}{In...e}{Clue}
23 Shrub from old Madras central (5) HENNA cHENNAi 
24 Peel off outhouse (4) SHED [DD]

Reference List
Doctor = MB, Engineer = E, Long = L, Indian = I, Man = M, Female = F, Exercise = PE, Doctor = MO, English = E, Books = NT(New Testament), Wife = W


  1. TH carried incorrect ENU for both 11AC and 22AC clues. Apologies for this.
    Taken up with them to correct the online version

    1. The Online version is since corrected.

    2. Enu is also wrong for 16D - should be (8)

    3. Much appreciated. Thanks for spotting this too

  2. 4D. Where does NATO fit ? Why Quebec?
    I am sorry . I am unable to understand. Hence this

    1. Look up nato phonetic code

    2. Alphabetically R comes after Q. In NATO phonetic code (Radio communication) Romeo comes after Quebec.

  3. 1a Common- usual
    Encouragement- come on
    Man- m
    Exhaustion primarily- e
    To forget- deletion indicator

  4. 28a -> can anyone help with how :as may be' means 'arsenic' ?

  5. As (Chemistry) is the symbol of Arsenic

  6. Really tough due to wrong enus.
    Could not solve 11ac & 22ac.
    Wasted too much time & no fun at all.

    Is position PEDIGREE?
    Thanx KKR!

  7. Two inherent characteristics of the grid plan,
    1. frequent intersections and
    2. orthogonal geometry, facilitate movement.

    The geometry helps with orientation and wayfinding and its frequent intersections with the choice and directness of route to desired destinations.
