Wednesday 28 December 2016

No 11889, Wednesday 28 Dec 2016, Neyartha

1   Some furniture items placed around the premium personal computers (8) DESKTOPS {DESK{TOP}S}
5   Signs in the sky? (6) ZODIAC [CD]
9   Navigator in trouble after disregarding a type of gauge boson (8)  GRAVITON NaVIGATOR*
10 Short summaries about an aid for laying tiles (6) SPACER <=
11 Find ill species at sea by controlling one's own impulses (4-10) SELF-DISCIPLINE*
14 A set of closely related notes for the Chinese mafia (5) TRIAD [DD]
16 Reconsiders change after I ignored the departed Cuban leader's supporters (9) ENDORSERS {REcONSiDERS}*
17 A varied collection in the vessel on the river by an old city abutting Rhode Island (9) POTPOURRI {POT}{PO}{UR}{RI}
19 Barramundis cooked partially in a dance hall (5) DISCO [T]
20 Grip a red carpet crumpled with a thick sheet for drawings (9,5) CARTRIDGE PAPER*
23 Tesla and Oscar get behind the speaker's mortgage for the rough shelter (4-2) LEAN-TO (~lien){LEAN}-{T}{O}
24 Decisive blow by the new government behind the Chinese warehouse in the former Crown colony (4,4) HONG KONG {HONG} {KO}{N}{G}
25 Surrenders grounds after the force gets taken out by the Yankee (6) YIELDS (-f+y)YIELDS
26 Take off from the east to interrupt talk on daydreaming (8) SLEEPING {S{PEEL<=}ING}

1   Follows closely with the hounds (4) DOGS [DD]
2   A treacherous one in the grass? (5) SNAKE [CD]
3   Very loud one caught in the sludge's upset by a fictional plant (7) TRIFFID {FF}{1} in {DIRT<=}
4   Overcharged peer for edit under the influence (11) PROFITEERED*
6   Officially being supported by the auditor's salary to make a relaxed sound on the radio (2,5) ON PAPER {ON} {PA}(~pay){PER}(~purr)
7   It's kept around some Asians briefly to produce an irritating sensation (9) ITCHINESS {IT{CHINESe}S}
8   Joint purchase at the British convenience store (6,4) CORNER SHOP {CORNER} {SHOP}
12 Agitated Olivier, cold, gets a source of some vitamins (3-5,3) COD-LIVER OIL*
13 Clay pit lay in ruins in a manner that is not representative (10) ATYPICALLY*
15 Cross boundary after the leading fielder gets overwhelmed by a student (9) INTERLACE INTER(-f+l)LACE
18 Danish physicist stretched the truth after discarding the vat (7) OERSTED OvERSTatED
19 Slowly follow student introduced to the poor Democrat at the wrong place (7) DRAGGLE {L} in {(+d)DRAGGE(-d)}
21 Bacterium species revealed in some cases of ulcerative colitis (1,4) E COLI [T]
22 Highly excited by the German's entry into the rising Indian state (4) AGOG {G} in {GOA<=}



  1. An easy offering from Neyartha but enjoyable...the cluing style is very distinctive & the right mix of clies
    Thanks Neyartha

  2. An easier one from Neyartha, yet had to struggle a bit in NE corner. A satisfactory solve though. Thanks Neyartha.

  3. Where is Phantom?Lion spotting?

  4. Vasant,

    Off track- here is something interesting. take a look.

    1. Paddy & Vasant: I had posted this information a few weeks ago here. He, SP , is in touch with me. He posts all the Hindu, ET and Sunday Times crosswords and with annotations too. One can do all the past ones that one had missed. However, at times he fails to appear as he seems to be very pre-occupied with temples and music concerts in Madras. I had invited him to participate in this blog but for some reason, he is not responding !

  5. I have tried that..nice one
    But I am doing ET puzzles in Excel only..there are 5 types of grid for ET puzzles...I have made all 5 grids in excel..i cut the puzzle from on line addition..paste the same alongside the grid & then solve

    1. Can you send me those grids (5 or 6?) as mail attachment?

  6. Of course do send me your mail id..i will also send you the the hindu crossword grids of all setters in excel..btw..the sunday crossword in the sunday times has only two types of xword which also i have in xword which also i shall send to you

    1. Read..two types of grid which also i have in excel
