Tuesday 27 September 2022

No 13671, Tuesday 27 Sep 2022, Gussalufz

Solution to 25D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   View broadcast at one, live (9) ELEVATION*
10 Enquire about missing Indian Railways card (5) QUEEN ENQUirE*
11 Diamond ring Frenchman dropped in wild shrub (7) RHOMBUS {RH{0}{M}BUS*}
12 Study aspects of sex? Am in! Exciting!! (7) EXAMINE [T]
13 Kind to muffle — at the onset! — naughty nasal sound (5) SNORT {S{Na...y}ORT}
14 Circumstantially single man consumes bites of nutrients and proteins for energy (4,5) WIND POWER {WI{Nu...s}D{Pr...n}OWER}
16 Doctor cures poor father as expected (3,3,3,6) PAR FOR THE COURSE*
19 Was sorry about gluttony, having eaten two times (9) REGRETTED {RE}{GRE{T}{T}ED}
22 Headgear frequently sported backwards by American pilot (5) TIARA {AmeRicAn+pIloT}<=
24 The woman's oddly better with a drink (4,3) HERB TEA {HER}{BeTtEr}{A}
26 Strong feeling — two essentially divides (1+50×2)×2! (3,4) ILL WILL {tWo} in {1+LL}{1+LL}
27 Rise in geeks' demands? (5) NEEDS (RisE in NERDS)
28 Space program's final stages caught in new energy crisis (9) EMERGENCY {s..cE}{p...aM}{ERGEN{C}Y}*

1   Garfunkel is wearing this man's suit (6) HEARTS {HE{ART}'S}
2   When it was time for action from Zorro, he texted you desperately! (4,4) ZERO HOUR {ZORRO+HE+U}*
3   Spiritual master gets ordinary student inspired by the endlessly fascinating journey (6,4) RABBIT HOLE {RABBI}{TH{O}{L}E}
4   Puzzle gossip involving Gussalufz getting extremely gross (6) JIGSAW {J{I}{GrosS}AW}
5   Old Indian coin is over 10 euros, they feel (8) ANTENNAE {ANN{TEN}A}{E}
6   A bit of ale serving as water (4) AQUA {Ale}{QUA}
7   Raised five children, now regularly hides to take stock (6) REVIEW {RaisEd+fiVe+chIldrEn+noW} 
8   Prepare one for final journey, then hear sermon, taking veil off (8) ENHEARSE [T]
15 Hospital department to ask questions covering a month with zero record of performance (10) PROCTOLOGY {PR{OCT}{0}{LOG}Y}
16 Lightly roasting fresh carp with aromatic spice (8) PARCHING {CARP*}{HING}
17 One with some trust on god during complicated test finds concentration (8) TITRATES {T{1}{Tr..t}{RA}TES*}
18 Gangster breaks rules, switches allegiance (8) REALIGNS {RE{AL}IGNS}
20 Plot revealed by Imagine Dragons played in reverse (6) GARDEN [T<=]
21 Push liberal nonsense (6) DRIVEL {DRIVE}{L}
23 A lover not on top sets down cushions (6) ALLAYS {A}{Lo..r}{LAYS} Not on top? See comments
25 I am disappointed about a mission (4) T?S? (Addendum - TASK {T{A}SK} - See comments)
Reference List
Indian Railways = IR, Frenchman = M, About = RE, Time = T, 50 = L, Caught = C, Ordinary = O, Student = L, Old indian coin = ANNA, Euro =E, As = QUA, Record = LOG, God = RA, Gangster = AL(Capone), Liberal = L 


  1. Replies
    1. Def: cushions. A + (Lover - over) {not "on top" = deletion of
      OVER} + LAYS {sets down}.

    2. Thank you Viresh. It's clear now.

  2. 25d I'm disappointed TSK about A TASK mission

  3. Vladimir was seen sitting in his GARDEN, solving a JIGSAW puzzle.
    Whisky and AQUA mineral water on a stool nearby.
    Soon his mind sets out to EXAMINE his life thus far.
    He REGRETTED some of his actions.
    " Something NEEDS to be done".

    But then he also felt that it was not an EMERGENCY situation.

    It is not ZERO HOUR!

    What happened next?

  4. Nice to meet Lewis Carroll.
    Loved antennae.

  5. Here are my notes for this puzzle.


    The theme of this crossword is that delightful old story, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll. ALICE can be seen as a nina running across the 9th row from the top, and CARROLL is a nina in the 11th row.

    The following entries are thematic:

    1d. HEARTS.
    3d. RABBIT HOLE.
    10a. QUEEN.
    20d. GARDEN.
    24a. HERB TEA. Sure, only the second word is thematic :-).

    Personal notes

    I finished setting this crossword on August 31, the day my son Kavi turned 16. While he forbade me from making a big fuss on any social media, he has no visibility into this outlet of expression for me, for now :-). So, this is where I can freely say how happy I am at how he has grown, and how dearly I wish for him (and my daughter!) to experience maximally idyllic and happy moments, to enjoy a lifetime filled with curiosity and wonder, not entirely unlike that summer afternoon was for Alice!

    1. Wish them all the very Best in all their future endeavours on behalf of all of us from the blog. How nice to be a proud parent!!
      There are 2 Thirukkurals one each for the parent and the son/ daughter-
      Parent's duty is to put him/ her in Elite society and the son's duty is to make others say that his father should be a proud one.

  6. Tsk : disappointment with a ; task : mission

  7. Enquire about missing Indian Railways card (5) QUEEN ENQUirE*..( Queen= Card in a pack of playing cards?)

    1. Yes, QUEEN = card in a pack of playing cards. IR = Indian Railways.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. 27A. Didn't understand the annotation. Can someone please help?

    1. Yes, a tricky one. Read R is E (in stead of Rise)
      So, Nerds becomes Needs.

