Wednesday 28 September 2022

No 13672, Wednesday 28 Sep 2022, Karaoke

Solution to 25D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   The Spanish go after poor quality bag (6) DUFFEL {EL}<=>{DUFF}
4   They yield only diesels? Maybe (8) OILSEEDS (O+DIESELS}* Semi&lit
9   Rejected strong drinks - one lacks guts (6) STRIPS SPIRiTS<=
10 Avengers used poisonous substance (5,3) NERVE GAS*
12 Parallel loan arranged In time recording second guarantee (8) ANALOGUE {A{LOAN*}G{gUa...e}E}
13 Puzzle lacks ingenuity essentially in cryptic meaning (6) ENIGMA MEAnING*
15 Be ruined by space traveller's bombardment wiping out savings and loan (4,2,6) COME TO NAUGHT {COMET}{ONslAUGHT}
18 Head-shrinker designed starship city (12) PSYCHIATRIST*
23 Criminal relative by marriage? On the contrary (6) OUTLAW (opposite of Inlaw}
24 Move fast to break set point (4,2,2) STEP ON IT*
26 Parasite bird nibbles carnage regularly (6-2) HANGER-ON {H{cArNaGe}ERON}
27 Horror film's second hard copy is circulated (6) PSYCHO {S+H+COPY}*
28 Think highly of some nitre as urea (8) TREASURE [T]
29 Junkies consume heroin in shows (6) USHERS {US{H}ERS}

1   Separate catastrophic accidents killed innocents essentially (8) DISTANCE  ACcIDENTS*
2   Syndicates heartlessly take back killers (8) FIREARMS {FIr{REAR}MS}
3   Once upon a time story about Indian achievement (7) EXPLOIT {EX}{PLO{I}T}
5   Frozen 50% of verdict in review (4) ICED DECIsion<=
6   What comes next is happening in silence! (7) SEVENTH {S{EVENT}H}
7   Join in battle with the awkward gang supplying drugs from outside (6) ENGAGE {E}{GANG*}{E}
8   Remains to stay in express during pleasure trip (6) SASHAY {S{ASH}AY}
11 I don't know cock ends as bird (7) DUNNOCK {DUNNO}{CocK}
14 Surprisingly centurion ignored cues regularly in strike (3,4) RUN INTO  ceNTURION*
16 Top public house located around untidy place (8) PINNACLE {P{INN}ACLE*}
17 Locates children wearing shoddy clothes on island (7) STATIONS {S{TAT}{I}ONS}
19 Perhaps locksmiths have gone through stress regularly (7) SHAVERS {St{HAVE}ReSs}
20 Workers are extremely trustworthy, religious and holy persons (7) TYPISTS {Tr...hY}{PI}{STS}
21 Formal wear of highest office of the cardinal (3,3) TOP HAT [DD]
22 Enactor flawed, right away, right away (2,4) AT ONCE ENACTOr*
25 Reckless to die out and exit (4) ?O?R (Addendum - DOOR {DO OR die} - See comments) 

Reference List
The in Spanish = EL, Only = O, Second = S, Hard = H, Heroin = H, Indian = I, Silence = SH, Drug E, Island = I, Reigious = PI, Right = R


  1. Erased ENIGMA.

    Vladimir ordered an ICED tea.
    He was in no mood to DISTANCE himself from his usual lifestyle keeping away from exciting EXPLOITS.

    I am not an OUTLAW. Just a HANGER-ON. Let not my life come TO NAUGHT thought he.

    Soon the USHERS came and opened the doors to the Cabaret

    Vladimir AT ONCE (sans a second thought) rushed in to occupy his favourite seat.

    What happened next?

    1. Superb compilation from the solutions Dr. Bhargav... Hats off to you

  2. mmm.... Vladimir watched cabaret!

  3. 25D Reckless - DO OR (DIE)
    Exit - Door

    1. Shot in the arm from the setter!!
      Yes, a good clue and well solved. Though I filled in, I could not parse.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 15A- I was just about wanting to clear my doubt about first letter picking until I saw Col.'s link. Did not know about it.

  6. Nice one KKR. Enjoyed solving especially -strips, Enigma, outlaw, exploit, seventh, sashay, door. Very crafty and some devious clues. Superb.

  7. KKR garu, only across grid completed. will finish down grids by 11 PM. my CoD is STRIP, ANALOG & ENIGMA. too nice and interesting.

    1. just noticed a tiny typo in reference list. Reigious = PI . letter ;l' missed. against 20D

  8. Oh, tough one from KKR Ji today. Could not get 25d. 19d was a real devious one.

  9. Lovely grid KKR. My fav - SEVENTH....
