Tuesday 6 September 2022

No 13653, Tuesday 06 Sep 2022, Incognito

Solution to 25A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   A king in the south east gets drink (4) SAKE {S{A}{K}E}
8   After drink, in a tavern at first with a couple of bridge players, thinks carefully (9) RUMINATES {RUM}{IN}{A}{Ta,,,n}{E}{S}
10 Used to be a basic ingredient, for starters, and condiment (6) WASABI {WAS}{A}{Ba..c}{In...t}
11 Short sister grabs neck awkwardly at top of spine resulting in ailment (8) SICKNESS {SI{NECK*}Ster}{Spine}
12 Real scam on island (8) CONCRETE {CON}{CRETE}
14 Foolish person from Pakistani Twitter (6) NITWIT [T]
16 Wrongly made me a dish of boiled soy bean (7) EDAMAME*
18 Resin held by monarch is missing (7) LACKING {LAC}{KING}
21 Like bird's behind (6) ASTERN {AS}{TERN}
23 Near insect behind one parked pushcart in the beginning (8) APPROACH {ROACH}<=>{A}{Pa...d}{Pu...t}
25 Best quality container returned... not Chinese! (8) ?O?N?T?H (Addendum - TOPNOTCH {POT<=}{NOT}{CH} - See comments)
27 Nurse endlessly one fibrous connective tissue (6) TENDON {TEND}{ONe}
29 Photographer arrived with Nobel laureate (9) CAMERAMAN {CAME}{RAMAN}
30 Sir, I returned flower (4) IRIS<=

1   Rogue girl associate and spy follow Virginia (8) VAGABOND {G}{A}{BOND}<=>{VA}
2   Horribly fat after devouring European cheese (4) FETA {F{E}TA*}
3   US rice cooked in voyage (6) CRUISE*
4   Accumulated in Panama's sedimentation (7) AMASSED [T]
5   An acting commanding officer at National Defence Academy is a snake (8) ANACONDA {AN}{A}{CO}{NDA}
6   Floor star hugging model (4) STUN {S{T}UN}
9   Rice preparation from Takamatsu, Shikoku (5) SUSHI [T]
13 Count motorcades arranged in absence of winding roads (5)  COMTE MOTorCadEs*
15 Kyoto is redeveloped? Capital! (5) TOKYO*
17 Financial commentary composed in absence of Chief Minister (8)  MONETARY  cOmMENTARY*
19 Diseased crone's initial infection shows localised death of cells (8) NECROSIS {CRONES*}{In...n}{Sh..s}
20 Simi consumes product of incineration in dish made of thinly sliced flesh (7) SASHIMI {S{ASH}IMI}
22 Scot travelled around India showing indifference to emotion (5) STOIC {STO{I}C*}
24 Clear right to use invention (6) PATENT [DD]
26 Terribly mean way to address a person (4) NAME*
28 Pin down leaders of North American Indian litigants (4) NAIL Acrostic

Reference List
King = K, Bridge players = E,S, Chinese = CH, Girl = G, Associate = A, Virginia = VA, European = E, Acting = A, Commanding Officer = CO, Model = T, India = I


  1. 25A. Topnotch. Best quality= top. Container= pot .returned is top. (Notch)aina is notch.topnotch

  2. Pot returned top is fine. After that it is all confused.

  3. Nice set, thanks. Liked 29A Cameraman. Briefly struggled with 24D PATENT by overthinking the clues

  4. What does this mean?
    CW is more easily solvable!!

  5. 18a I assumed 'held by' is container indicator and couldn't parse

  6. I also had the same doubt for 18ac.
    @ Prasad San - ???
    But finished the grid in 15mins.
    Nice, easy & breezy

  7. Should i add advance Arigato?

