Monday 19 September 2022

No 13664. Monday 19 Sep 2022, Dr. X

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Comfortable clothes, popular for picnic (8) SINECURE {S{IN}ECURE}
5   Upset by couple of fellows breaking regulation (6) RUFFLE {RU{FF}LE}
10 Native American hut in hamlet, one in a higher position (7) WICKIUP {WICK}{1}{UP}
11 Centre hosting full moon party, close to Phuket presumably (2,5) NO DOUBT {N{O}{DO}UB}{p...eT}
12 Blow up as fool gets noisy (2,3) GO OFF {GOOF}{F}
13 Endless ruckus by deranged radical (9) ELEMENTAL {mELEe}{MENTAL}
14 What chauffeur might do to deceive? (4,3,1,4) TAKE FOR A RIDE [DD]
18 Particle physics concept is incorrect, trying other ideas finally (6,6) STRING THEORY {TRYING+OTHER+i..aS}*
21 Rising in an excited state, arousing date in bed (4,5) COUP DETAT  {CO{UP}{DATE*}T}
23 Priest avoiding extremes of avarice perhaps (5) VICAR {aVARICe}*
24 In my opinion, embodies ancient painting technique (7) IMPASTO {IM{PAST}O}
25 Greek character purloins mobile, runs away (7) UPSILON PUrLOINS*
26 Striking Oslo workers conducting a form of industrial action (2-4) GO-SLOW [T]
27 Give up or reduce consuming dope on reflection (8) ABNEGATE {AB{GEN<=}ATE} 

1   Waste most of fixed allowance (6) SEWAGE {SEt}{WAGE}
2   Mexican dish in container returned by emcee unfinished (6) NACHOS {CAN<=}{HOSt}
3   Master thief turned into murderer (9) CHIEFTAIN {C{THIEF*}AIN}
4   Envy after record-breaking part in picture (14) REPRESENTATION {R{EP}{RESENT}ATION}
6   Dancing nude around university is excessive (5) UNDUE {UND{U}E*}
7   Female losing equilibrium finally fell in well (8) F?U?T?I? (Addendum - FOUNTAIN {F}{mOUNTAIN} - See comments)
8   Acclaimed former editor takes charge (8) EXTOLLED {EX}{TOLL}ED}
9   Completely dominated, he's turned on perhaps by spanking bum (5,4,5) UNDER ONES THUMB {HES+TURNED+ON}*{BUM*}
15 Social climber in French Riviera, excited to entertain starlet on vacation (9) ARRIVISTE {RIVIERA}* over {St...eT}
16 Preparing hot, spicy stew — extremely nourishing (8) PSYCHING {HOT+SPICY}*{No...nG}
17 Wins, waves shirt without hesitation — a bit of payback (8) TRIUMPHS TRIUMPHS {SHIRT}* over {UM}{Pa...k}
19 Brief inspection to tackle problem in plant (6) SCILLA {SC{ILL}An}
20 Breaking record — sportsperson's ultimate dream (6) TRANCE {TRA{s...oN}CE}
22 Detective consequently seizes cocaine in nightclub (5) DISCO {DI}{S{C}O} 

Reference List
Popular = IN, Fellow = F, Hamlet = WICK, Centre = NUB, Party = DO, Noisy = F, In my opinion = IMO, Runs = R, Dope = GEN, Record = EP(Extended play), University = U, Female = F, Editor = ED, Hesitation = UM, Detective = DI, Cocaine = C


  1. Excellent puzzle, couple of doubts though
    11a Nub is central(being at the centre) and centre is of/relating to centre.
    9a role reversal!
    To dominate is to KEEP under ones thumb!
    To be dominated is to be under ones thumb!

  2. Peter was enjoying his NACHOS in the DISCO club.
    And then there was a sudden RUFFLE.
    NO DOUBT it ought to be VLADIMIR.
    Maybe he was in his ELEMENTAL self.
    Maybe he had spotted someone to BE TAKEN FOR A RIDE.
    Maybe he did not wish to GO-SLOW.
    Maybe it was an UNDUE happening.

    1. Where was Vladimir all this while? Busy with Putin?!

  3. maybe....maybe....presumably. But no doubt? I have a doubt.

  4. Yes,doubtless is one of the meanings.

  5. Fountain - F from female and ountain from mountain (fell) losing m (equilibrium finally) meaning well.

    1. I did not know fell= mountain. Rare; Good solve.

    2. I think I might have known this from a lot of those old classic English novels read in my childhood like Lorna Doone etc ...

    3. Yes. I missed reading classics, not having access to a good library and that shows up now.

    4. Never too late to start. Infact I too need to read Lorna Doone again. I have completely forgotten what happened to her :-)

  6. Dr. X's puzzle is as bitter as the combo of Rousvastin and Clopidogrel that i swallow everyday-)

  7. Is it a request Dr.X to make both less bitter?!

  8. Hi Gemini !

    Why not fight till the bitter end?!

  9. Dr X at His devious best. New words for me 10A, 15D. My COD 17D.

  10. The other day there was this point about 'without;.
    17D- Shirt without hesitation (UM) in stead of UM within (Shirt)*
