Saturday 5 November 2022

No 13703, Saturday 05 Nov 2022, Arden

1   Sign that a guitarist's on a roll (11) SAGITTARIUS
7   Drop some sauce (3) DIP [DD]
9   Trainee acted improperly (5) CADET*
10 Written statement from a fellow providing back up crane... (9) AFFIDAVIT {A}{F}{IF<=}{DAVIT}
11 ...are rather found in one corner of the table (4,5) RARE EARTH*
12 Diving? No, no good when wearing this (5) LUNGI LUNGIng Semi&lit
13 Very little money for booze, get principal support at the back (7) CENTRUM {CENT}{RUM}
15 Not a soul in polling station on election day (4) NONE [T]
18 Starts raising immediately a lot of money (4) RIAL Acrostic
20 Rectify soldier's habit (7) REDRESS {RE}{DRESS}
23 In own surroundings sweetheart is shy (5) HEAVE {H{swEet}AVE}
24 May be Captain Marvel can make our sphere turn topsy-turvy (9) SUPERHERO
26 Placed on fire right away before the wound finally festered (9) PUTREFIED {PUT}{RE}{FIrE}{w..nD}
27 Subject partly revised in a moment (5) OMANI [T<=]
28 American in a big city, reportedly opposes the motion (3) NAY {N{A}Y}
29 Support shaky, remained using chicanery (11) LEGERDEMAIN {LEG}{REMAINED}*

1   Fire people in the contest (4,4) SACK RACE {SACK}{RACE}
2   Enraged about taking one in a headlong rush (8) GADARENE {ENRAGED}* over {A}
3   It's included in the tax (5) TITHE {T{IT}HE}
4   Mixed up characters or a couple of farm animals? (7) ANAGRAM {A}{NAG}{RAM}
5   Went around as if Chinese joined them here in Iran (7) ISFAHAN {AS+IF}*{HAN}
6   Team covered but not allowed to play (9) SIDELINED {SIDE}{LINED}
7   Lovely to have dinner around six (6) DIVINE {DI{VI}NE}
8   Atop — from bottom to top is a dialect (6) PATOIS {(+p)PATO(-p)}{IS}
14 Sid will make a hue and cry (5,4) RAISE HELL [DIS<=] 
16 Bananas are made ripe initially with sugar (8) DEMERARA {ARE+MADE+Ripe}*
17 Finally these nations became European (8) ESTONIAN {t..sE+NATIONS}*
19 One way to cut fish, if one is so inclined (7) LISTING {L{1}{ST}ING}
20 Jockey astride a pony initially is faster (7) RAPIDER {R{A}{Pony}IDER}
21 Charlie's invitation for a ride to a composer (6) CHOPIN {C}{HOP IN}
22 Courage to get everyone off the support frame (6) GANTRY GallANTRY
25 One giving support-could be a factor for a runner (5) RHONE {ONE}<=>{RH}

Reference List
Fellow = F, No = N, Good = G, Soldier = RE, On = RE, Right = R, American = A, Chinese = HAN, Hell = DIS, Charlie = C, Factor = RH


  1. Loved today's CW- a good mixture of interesting, slightly hard but reachable and easy clues.
    Nice to come across a different anagram today.
    Quite a few interesting words out of which some are CW favourites like demerara, Legerdemain etc. Had an absorbing session.

  2. Runner, flower are Arden's favourite pet names for river!

  3. Sri Sri Prasad garu to help in clearing anno of 14 D please

    1. Col. has given (in Ref.list) Dis= Hell. So raise hell (Sid) is Dis=<

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Reminded of Lungi Ngidi- a good SA fast bowler!

    1. Also reminded of a comment by an excited commentator when Rishab Pant hit him
      for a six-- "Pant has lofted Lungi over the top!"

  5. Lovely weekend fare! Thank you Arden. 🙂

  6. Enjoyed today's fare. Thanks Arden !!!!

  7. I found it very tough. Glad i finished. Though could not parse RAISE HELL & RHONE (runner for river - realised only on visiting the blog)
