Tuesday 29 November 2022

No 13723, Tuesday 29 Nov 2022, Karaoke

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Audience get endlessly motivated here (5,7) MOVIE THEATRE {MOTIVATEd+HERE}* Semi&lit What's the Anind?
9   Hotel worker secretly rears bird (5) OWLET [T]
10 Go-getter wears essentially priceless synthetic fabric (9) GEORGETTE {GOGETTER+p..cEl..s}*
11 Some mediocre American milk substitute (7) CREAMER [T]
12 Non-stop entertainment, hide bishop in closet (7) CABINET {CAbar{B}{IN}ET}
13 A-One bird flying, carefree (8) DEBONAIR*
14 Snake in the banks of Ganges catches your breath (5) GASPS {Gan{ASP}geS}
18 Almost deep cut (5) SEVER SEVERe
20 Firm rejected dialogue to include some bonus in pay out (8) DISBURSE {DISco{Bo..s}URSE}
24 Cataract patient gets computer aided diagnosis primarily (7) CASCADE {CAS{Co...r}{Ai..d}{Di...s}E}
26 Left-leaning state scores on information, software and technology initially (7) MARXIST {(~marks)MARX}{In...n}{So...e}{Te...y}
27 She works at home with fake surname and papers (9) NURSEMAID {SURNAME*}{ID}
28 Cut corners and avoid getting married (5) SKIMP {SKI{M}P}
29 Setter indulged in manipulating mandate to win repeatedly (4,3,5) TIME AND AGAIN {I} in {MANDATE}* and {GAIN}

1   Easily influenced by master, learner drawn in by beer can (9) MALLEABLE {M{AL{L}E}{ABLE}
2   Organic compound from critical colliery with depleted ends (7) VITAMIN {VITAl}{MINe}
3   Using log finally figure out time for aubergine product (8) EGGFRUIT {loG+FIGURE}*{T} How is this related to 'Aubergine'? See comments
Jerk up and down consuming pot heartily with strong liquor (6) HOOTCH {HO{pOt}TCH}
5   All get bras shortened! - It helps to solve problems (7) ALGEBRA {ALl+GEt+BRAs}
6   Public official mostly returns to shop (3,2) RAT ON NOTARy<=
7   Do I hear nut to yield? (7) ?O?C?D?  (Addendum - CONCEDE {CON}{(~seed)CEDE} - See comments)
8   Amateur leaves shed slowly (5) LENTO LEaN-TO
15 Hell with ambiguous prediction sparing clubs (9) PERDITION {PREDIcTION}*
16 A middle course by means of communication (3,5) VIA MEDIA {VIA}{MEDIA}
17 Maybe 26 cut needless official procedure (3,4) RED TAPE {RED}{TAPE} Anno for TAPE not clear See comments
19 The French display case at Greece poorly without basic courtesy (7) ETAGERE {AT+GREEcE}*
21 Coffeemaker's staff get limited chance to take advance (7) BARISTA {BA{RISk}T}{A}
22 I testify loudly for killing (5) ICING {I}{(~sing)CING}
23 Intern in particular cleared licentiate at final examination (6) DETAIN {DETAIl}{e...oN}
25 Khan in rotten serial, never-ending (5) SERAI SERIAl*

Reference List
Bishop = B, Firm = CO, Papers = ID, Married = M, Master = M, Learner = L, Time = T, Amateur = A, Clubs = C, Advance = A, Licentiate = L


  1. 3d "the purple egg-shaped fruit of a tropical Old World plant, which is eaten as a vegetable."

    1. Oh. Egg plant fruit! Thanks.

    2. Eggfruit is not an Aubergine product. Please see the link

    3. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eggplant

    4. Egg is common indicating shape. But does that necessarily extend to Aubergine?

    5. Our brinjal is known as aubergine in UK.

    6. Sree Sree, I am well aware that Eggplant is Aubergine/Brinjal. But it is not Eggfruit. Nowhere does it mention that Eggplant is Eggfruit

    7. Brinjal like tomato is fuit, (category of fruit vegetable)


    8. Okay it appears wiki sent me up the garden path! Just checked Chambers which lists Eggfruit as the fruit of the eggplant which makes it an Aubergine product.
      Eggfruit is not shown as a separate fruit.

  2. Very enjoyable. Liked the use of hp in many ways with 22D being the one on the cake. Very clever deletion indicators too. Thanks Karaoke. Had difficulty parsing 1A, 3D, 12A. Needed Google help for 8D.

  3. 17d cut a record/tape. Def includes needless

  4. Replies
    1. .....to the extent that concede is the correct solution.

    2. Has to be since nothing else fits. some of the meanings of con is study,go for etc. It may be extended to do. Not quite happy about it.

  5. Sorry for my late appearance. Pilgrimage to Somnath. Will be taking Gir safari 3.00pm.
    Thank you all for the comments.

    1. Say Hi to whatever lions you are able to see on my behalf and on behalf of the blog!!

    2. I did say hi but the pride was busy with some catch and didn't acknowledge.

  6. We too were at Gir on the 13th and went for the 3 PM safari saw nothing. I believe chances are better during the morning Safari

  7. Thanks Col... now we are going to Devaliya safari..Tomorrow morning Sasabihin Gir tour. Hope we will get a chance to see some

    1. At Devaliya you will definitely see them as they are captive in a large enclosed area. We too saw them there

    2. At the reserve we also saw the village where the Tribals of African origin stay. In fact quite a few of them are working with the Safari as Guides and watchers.

    3. You are right Col...We saw big family of 7lions roaming freely and tigers and cheetahs in closed areas today besides deers etc in Devaliya. Let me hope there will be something for us to see tomorrow in Sasan Gir!

    4. Our Sasan Gir trip for tomorrow is between 9.30 and 12.30. let me hope it will be interesting

  8. Generally good time to spot animals is early morning or twilight time.

