Sunday 13 November 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3228, Sunday 13 Nov 2022

1   Moral compass, contrary to biology etc. (10) CONSCIENCE {CON}{SCIENCE}
6   Knocks back ginger biscuit (4) SNAP<=
9   Belittling a pair of crotchets I intone (10) MINIMISING {MINIM}{I}{SING} 
10 German lad's behind, not taking sides (4) OTTO bOTTOm
11 Pub's risky investment opportunity: a cider press? (5,7) FRUIT MACHINE [CD]
15 Song and dance, regularly, with beautiful Greek (7) ARIADNE {ARIA}{DaNcE}
16 Primarily, she offers pitches ranging above normal operatics? (7) SOPRANO Acrostic &lit
17 Warrior in sad mural is never reaching the end (7) SAMURAI {SAd+MURAl+Is}
19 Public relations with a line that's been confected (7) PRALINE {PR}{A}{LINE}
20 High quail, oddly plucked, in the sauce: cordon bleu? (5,7) HAUTE CUISINE {qUaIl+IN+THE+SAUCE}*
23 Announced Oscar: Tango's kind of seedy (4) OATY (~ o t}
24 Only move us irrationally and with spite (10) VENOMOUSLY*
25 Sports team audibly sounded exhausted (4) SIDE (~sighed)
26 Thoreau so moved, taking in grand country (5,5) SOUTH KOREA {THOREAU+SO}* over {K}

1   Tents being affected (4) CAMP [DD]
2   Notes describing Everyman: ultimately tolerable square (4) NINE {N}{I}{N}{t...lE}
3   Dare America regroup to find good fellowship? (11) CAMARADERIE*
4   Quietness after peeling off, soaked in bathroom (2,5) EN SUITE {qUITENESs}* 
5   Big screens showing a little porcine mascot (7) CINEMAS [T]
7   Critic and I regrettably offering caustic stuff (6,4) NITRIC ACID*
8   Nasty xenophobes with antiquated telecom facilities (5,5) PHONE BOXES*
12 When temperature rises, British navigator becomes a pirate (7,4) CAPTAIN HOOK {CAPTAIN (-c+h)HOOK}
13 Lies in synthetic coverings (10) FALSEHOODS {FALSE}{HOODS}
14 With ten-fold increase ignored, got off (10) DISMOUNTED DIS(-c+m)MOUNTED
18 Antenatal routine disrupted (2,5) IN UTERO*
19 Distribute and collapse (4,3) PASS OUT [DD]
21 Old Russian leader, somewhat drastic in retrospect (4) TSAR [T<=]
22 'Talkative' singer's not so big, we're told (4) MYNA (~minor)

Reference List
Oscar = O, Tango = T, Grand = K, Note = N, Temperature rise = C(cold) to H(hot) 


  1. 11a DD? Fruit slot machine is a type of gambling slot machine.

  2. Seems everyman has been shifted to hindi cryptic sunday.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes.
      Second consecutive week it has been published under sunday cryptic (online)

  4. 14D. Didn't understand how c became m. Can someone please explain? Thanks.
