Monday 28 November 2022

No 13722, Monday 28 Nov 2022, Avtaar

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Some years ago, Iberians turned over fuel from waste (6) BIOGAS [T<=]
5   Lack of current in European river - water contaminated with trace of red copper (5,3) POWER CUT  {PO}{WE{Red}{CU}T}
9   Ordering of song with cello, striking front end of stick (3,5) COL LEGNO {sONG+CELLO}* &lit
10 Crooks having the French replaced by the Spanish messengers (6) ANGELS ANG(-le+el)ELS
11 This easy life can turn romantic, perhaps? (8,4) PRIMROSE PATH {PRIMROSE PATH + CAN = ROMANTIC PERHAPS} [CA]
13 Learner entertained by John's online publication (4) BLOG {B{L}OG}
14 Dealer in elastic and rubber, principally all over India (8) SUPPLIER {SUPPL{I}E}{Ru...r}
17 Possibly, New Delhi's not originally near the boundaries of Khilji's capital? (8) HELSINKI {N+dELHIS}*{Kh..jI}
18 Haphazardly swerve, leaving corner (4) VEER swERVE* Semi&lit
20 Awe-inspiring Pranayama, maybe? (12) BREATHTAKING [DD]
23 Moon rocks our planet at regular intervals (6) EUROPA {OUR+PlAnEt}*
24 Tomb carries assassin - heartless and cruel (8) INHUMANE {INHUM{As...iN}E}
25 Picked up freezing bird moving out with young 'uns (8) CHILDREN {(~chilled) CHILD}{wREN}
26 South American female, say, in a place south of London (6) SUSSEX {S}{US}{SEX}

2   Hero in pink gown stripped every now and then (4) IKON pInK+gOwN
3   US lawyer barred from temple amidst carnivals in Ecuadorean territory (9) GALAPAGOS {GALA{PAGOda}S}
4   Iguanas killed a curious monkey (6) SAGUIN IGUaNAS* 
5   Delaying tactics of expert in probing anti-Castro revolutionary (15) PROCRASTINATION {PRO}{ANTI+CASTRO}* over {IN}
6   Where one may find folks exchanging messages in straw hats, apparently (8) WHATSAPP [T]
7   Build National Park around Indian state (3,2) RIG UP {GIR<=}{UP 
8   Wanting basic education free, learner enters for primer in French (10) UNLETTERED UN(-f+l)LETTERED
12 Nomadic group, abducted by miscreants, about to spend the night in the open (5,5) SLEEP ROUGH {GROUP}* in {HEELS<=}
15 After losing rhythm in the beginning, Laver goes berserk, winning match #1, 6-0,6-0 (4,5) LOVE GAMES {LAVEr+GOES}* over {Ma..h}
16 Threatening articles on Avtaar carried by popular newspaper at the end (2,3,3) IN THE AIR  {THE}{A}{I} in {IN}{n...eR}
19 Spectacles model wearing pants (6) SIGHTS {SIGH{T}S}
21 Dozen characters from a large islet (5) A?O?L (Addendum - ATOLL {A to L}{L} - See comments) 
22 Former Unionist escaping from leopard (4) ONCE OuNCE

Reference List
The in French = LE, The in Spanish = EL, Learner = L, John = BOG, India = I, New = N, With = W, South = S, US Lawyer = DA(District Attorney), Popular = IN, Model = T, Large = L, Unionist = U


  1. Well done. Slight change in anno. Dozen characters from A = A to L

  2. That is what Sathya has said- A to L. There is just a typo.

  3. Na Paddy. Wp is not just dozen characters.
    It's (dozen characters FROM A) very specific.

  4. Excellent crossyy.
    Thought french Once = ounce

  5. Tough and enjoyable crossword from Avtaar today. Especially liked the cluing for 5A,17A,25A,12D and 15D.

  6. Dear all - I wanted to share some news with you. I had gone on a 2 day weekend trip to Nava thirupathi & guess who I met there?
    Spinner (our erstwhile crossword setter). He is Srivatsan, a software professional & a trained singer of carnatic music.
    It was a real pleasure meeting him. He seems to have stopped setting Crosswords due to other commitments. But he enquired after most of you & said a special Hi to Colonel.

    1. How did you spot him,by the way?
      Did he not tell that he is also a serious college level cricketer, a real spinner?
      He is proficient enough to sing in sabhas.

    2. His Cw's were delectable. Pity he could not contine.

  7. Spinner & Dr. RKE are known to each other at Trichy.

  8. I didn't spot him exactly. He was sitting next to me & said cw setting was his hobby & that got us started.
    He told me about his singing & shared his December schedule. Have promised to attend a couple of his concerts

  9. He said he is from NIT tricky but no mention of cricket or of Dr.RKE.
    I, intact, told him about my stories in the blog & how I was inspired by the Doc - but he did not say anything. Said, he had not read any.

  10. Nice puzzle - though I did not get col legno. My COD - atoll & supplier.
    Thanx avtaar
