Wednesday 3 July 2024

No 14217, Wednesday 03 Jul 2024, Spinner

Solution to 15A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Following Pythagoras' lead, peculiar nerd turned at ninety degrees (13) PERPENDICULAR {Py...r}{PECULIAR+NERD}*
10 Percentage of quota not fulfilled (5) RATIO RATIOn
11 West Indies coming with extremely laurelled aces - they don't need to get through qualification! (4,5) WILD CARDS {WI}{La...eD}{CARDS}
12 Work from test site owned by us (6) LABOUR {LAB}{OUR}
13 Guess English's complicated, at times! (8) ESTIMATE {E}{AT+TIMES}*
15 Line-up comes before kick-off, as time runs out in front of essentially tempestuous audience! (9) ?I?T?N?R
16 Dealing with love, silly! (2,2) ON IT {0}{NIT}
20 Female choir's reverberation (4) ECHO [T]
21 Get shot by mistake while not being the intended target? (9) PHOTOBOMB {PHOTO}{BOMB} &lit
24 Dodgy check is caught in large heist upfront (8) TICKLISH {TICK}{L}{IS}{He..t}
26 Deceitful U-turn awkwardly exposed leader (6) UNTRUE {U+TURN}*{Ex...d}
28 Support side finally with new captain, as old as you and me! (9) ENCOURAGE {sidE}{N}{C}{OUR AGE}
29 Intense performance about upper-class eccentricities, primarily (5) ACUTE {AC{U}T}{Ec...s}
30 Caution : Spinner's returning with power and will! (13) DETERMINATION {DETER}{I'M<=}{NATION}

2   Doctor hails best form (9) ESTABLISH*
3   Publicity over channel beginning to sell goods! (8) PRODUCTS {PR}{O}{DUCT}{S}
4   Scientist not working for slippery customer? (4) NEWT NEWTon
5   Clarify incorrect American cess trapping top taxpayers (10) ILLUSTRATE {ILL}{US}{Ta...s}{RATE}
6   Mischief-maker swaying without taking either side (6) URCHIN lURCHINg
7   Patriarchy shackles parts of the heart (5) ATRIA [T]
8   Faithfully obedient after troubling at first (5) TRULY {RULY}<=>{Tr...g}
9   Basically adds forced stress? (7) ASSERTS {Adds}{STRESS*} &lit
14 Fanaticism perhaps unseats him? (10) ENTHUSIASM*
17 Main menu cooked with complete, unending love (6,3) NUMERO UNO {MENU*}{ROUNd}{0}
18 Accepts sender's first letters randomly with no address, essentially! (7) SETTLES {Se...s}{LETTErS}*
19 Every association worker is rich (8) ABUNDANT {A BUND}{ANT}
22 Set clues having a catch! (6) CLAUSE {CL{A}USE*}
23 Enjoy part of movie featuring chief villain (5) REVEL {RE{Vi...n}EL}
25 Hoard auditor's money (5) CACHE (~cash)
27 Spotted rival players getting exercise on the sides (4) SEEN {S}{N} over {Ex...sE}

Reference List
English = E, Large = L, New = N, Captain = C, Upper-class = U, Publicity = PR, Over = O, Love = 0,  Rival players = S(south), N(North)

Tuesday 2 July 2024

No 14216, Tuesday 02 Jul 2024, Saral

 Solution to 8A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Frank caught involved in crime before (7) SINCERE {C} in {SIN}{ERE}
8   Pest in place near bar (6) L?C?S? {Addendum - LOCUST {LOCUS}{T} - See comments)
9   Priest inside cycle rickshaw (6) CLERIC [T]
10 Soldier about to divide baked breads for units (8) BRIGADES {BR{GI<=}ADES*}
11 Cover arrived containing Ohio university banner (10) CAMOUFLAGE {CAM{O}{U}{FLAG}E}
13 Old international model in flight (4) EXIT {EX}{I}{T}
14 Masters from the beginning arranged competitors' exercise schedule (4) ACES Acrostic
16 Rotating reel in circles (5) LOOPS <=
18 Changing skin colours (4) INKS
19 Summons with wrong RTI (4) WRIT {W}{RTI*}
21 Rascal parking in new sector in military school, say (5,5) CADET CORPS {CAD}{ETCOR{P}S*}
23 Show off power in defence (3,5) AIR FORCE {AIR}{FORCE}
25 Losing head, monarch thrashed reporter (6) ANCHOR mONARCH*
26 A great deal of money in old gaming house (6) CASINO {CASh}{IN}{O}
27 A work in front of department is clumsy (7) AWKWARD {A}{WK}{WARD}

1   Huge oriental tailless rat below northern gate (8) ENORMOUS {E} and {MOUSe}<=>{N}{OR}
2   Composition on the radio, almost complete and relaxing (8) PEACEFUL {(~piece)PEACE}{FULl}
3   That man getting red basil, basically an aromatic plant (4) HERB {HE}{R}{Ba..l}
4   Setting clues including one for cleanse (6) SLUICE {CLUES}* over {1}
5   Very cold times, Indian eagle finally kept in enclosure (3,3) ICE AGE {I} with {e..lE} in {CAGE}
6   Star acting heartlessly, takes chance (8) ASTERISK {TAkES}*{RISK}
7   Hansell also regularly turning up for dance (5) SALSA {hAnSeIi+AlSo}<=
12 A worthless duck (5) AVOID {A}{VOID}
15 Naval commander is rehearsing at first, organising festival (8) CARNIVAL {NAVAL+Co...r+Is+Re...g}*
17 Wager fires Spooner, resulting in delays (8) SETBACKS (~bet sacks to setbacks)
18 Cold rain destroyed warship (8) IRONCLAD*
20 Disagreement at home for light meal (6) TIFFIN {TIFF}{IN}
21 Mostly container with trace of nickel, a chemical element (6) CARBON {CARBOy}{Ni...l}
22 Big-headed prince with staff crossing Uruguay (5) PROUD {P}{RO{U}D}
24 Spirit of the land (4) ELAN [T]

Reference List
Caught = C, Bar = T, University = U, International = I, Model = T, With = W, Parking = P, Old = O, Work = WK, Oriental = E, Northern = N, Gate = OR, Red = R, Indian = I, Prince = P

Monday 1 July 2024

No 14215, Monday 01 Jul 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Bottles displaying fine slogan (7) FLAGONS {F+SLOGAN}*
5   Ageless model leaves base (7) IMMORAL IMMORtAL
9   Get used to a place over time (5) ADAPT {A}{PAD<=}{T}
10 A gun fires back to pierce instantly (2,1,6) AT A GLANCE {A}{GAT<=}{LANCE}
11 Lawyer quietly got up to reach criminal court (10) PROSECUTOR {P}{ROSE}{COURT*}
12 American sailor near Central China's uninhabitable place perhaps (4) GOBI {GOB}{chIna}
14 Femme fatale liking dress but without tops! (11) ENCHANTRESS {pENCHANT}{dRESS}
18 Faking fever? He can relax heartily and remain absent unauthorized (6,5) FRENCH LEAVE {FEVER+HE+CAN+reLax}*
21 Expressing annoyance, leader left spot (4) OUCH tOUCH
22 Wife shown iPod variety having no intention of buying (6,4) WINDOW SHOP {W}{SHOWN+IPOD}*
25 Leaders go out to admire missile? Quite contrary (5,4) RAISE HELL {pRAISE}{sHELL} [CD]
26 Fruit, dry fruit? (5) M?L?N (Addendum - MELON waterMELON - See comments)
27 When resting they are closed speedily skipping page perhaps (7) EYELIDS SpEEDILY*
28 Congresswoman from East or North misrepresented (7) SENATOR {EAST+OR+N}*

1   Female before music exercise gets iced drink (6) FRAPPE {F}{RAP}{PE}
2   Highly explosive stuff stocked up in Pelota Market (6) AMATOL [T<=]
3   Where will an indecisive person sit? (2,3,5) ON THE FENCE [CD]
4   Initially, social networks arouse flames unknowingly in chaotic state (5) SNAFU Acrostic
5   Eat a taro, man! It holds back paramour (9) INAMORATA [T<=]
6   Take advantage of mass and class (4) MILK {M}{ILK}
7   He rescues oarsmen at sea, right? (8) RANSOMER {OARSMEN}*{R} 
8   Most suspicious stories about revelry regularly by model (8) LEERIEST {L{rEvElRy}IES}{T}
13 What? No more troubling wife? (5,5) OTHER WOMAN*
15 They measure everything in zeros? Not hard (9) CALLIPERS {C{ALL}IPhERS}
16 Fighter plane lost at sea undoubtedly (2,6) OF COURSE [DD] (Addendum - {OFf COURSE} - See comments)
17 Write about editor and reporter (8) DESCRIBE {ED<=}{SCRIBE}
19 Drink permitted in holiday home (6) CHALET {CHA}{LET}
20 He starts the play as an expert having training (6) OPENER {O{PE}NER}
23 Playthings picked up in small portions (5) DOLES (~dolls)
24 Nice to give 50% discount in shop (4) DELI DELIcate

Reference List
Fine = F, Model = T, Time = T, Gun = GAT, Quietly = P, Wife = W, Page = P, North = N, Female = F, Exercise = PE, Mass = M, Right = R, Hard = H, Fighter = F, Editor = ED, Drink = CHA, Training = PE