Monday 2 December 2019

No 12795, Monday 02 Dec 2019, Arden

1   Place to relax — will make one happy (6) PLEASE {PL}{EASE}
4   Fuss over break point finds acceptance (8) ADOPTION {ADO}{POINT*}
10 Adopt lethal procedure till the end (3,3,3) ALL THE WAY {LETHAL}* [RA] (Addendum - {LETHAL}*{WAY} - See comments)
11 Painting frames, Hindu leader and a Buddhist monk (5) ARHAT {AR{Hi..u}{A}T}
12 An American setter goes in for prayer (7) ANGELUS {AN}{GEL}{US}
13 A grave occasion for peace keepers in the wild (7) FUNERAL {F{UN}ERAL}
14 Consecutive characters said to be stuck to one with gum (5) ELEMI ELEM{1} Anno pending (Addendum - (~lm){ELEM}{1} - See comments)
15 Imply it’s cosy (8) INTIMATE [DD]
18 Cards not returned to capital (8) KINGSTON {KINGS}{NOT<=}
20 Fire below to suppress revolt (5) REBEL [T]
23 Definitely underweight on local religious practice (7) TONSURE {SURE}<=>{TON}
25 A resume cut to size (7) MEASURE*
26 Wealthy man, named a jerk (5) NABOB {N}{A}{BOB}
27 News break in a London borough on de-stressing (9) ANNEALING {A}{NN}{EALING}
28 Bend in a river, you can find a toxic plant (8) OLEANDER {O{LEAN}DER}
29 A man in detention, said to be a peasant (6) PEAHEN {PE{A}{HE}N} Definition not understood (Addendum - (~pheasant) - See comments)

1   Protective cover at a prime ground (3,5) PIA MATER*
2   Finally one will rise, without clue on poetry (7) ECLOGUE {onE}{CL{GO<=}UE}
3   Carol caught cold getting money once... (9) SCHILLING {S{CHILL}ING}
5   ...set to a Dame Fonteyn’s "Yom Kippur" (3,2,9) DAY OF ATONEMENT*
6   Empty pan, fill it with uncooked seafood (5) PRAWN {Pa{RAW}N}
7  She’s involved in sex — what will you get finally? (7) INHERIT {IN}{HER}{IT}
8   Bother to pay up when head’s turned 180 degrees (6) NETTLE (-s+n)NETTLE
9   Unforeseen turn of events in "Oliver" (5,2,3,4) TWIST IN THE TALE [DD]
16 Animal crosses Mumbai suburb, it’s preserved (9) MARMALADE {MAR{MALAD}E}
17 Everything’s green, may be it will trigger a reaction (8) ALLERGEN {ALL}{GREEN*}
19 Base ring, missing the odd count, perhaps (7) IGNOBLE {rInG}{NOBLE}
21 Cruel to bring it back in touch (7) BRUTISH {BRU{IT<=}SH}
22 Drink some of it, trust in God (6) STINGO [T]
24 Head off with headgear from the city (5) URBAN tURBAN

Reference List
Place = PL, Named = N, New = N, Sex = IT


  1. 29d peahen belongs to pheasant family.

    1. My only doubt about the clue is - whether HP is correct here!

    2. Probably you have a point. Free Dic. gives the pronunciation as 'fezent'.

  2. 10a adopt anaind lethal= all the, procedure = way, IMU.

  3. 28A- Lean= Bend, as in leaning on something?

  4. 23A- Under used in ac. clue. We discussed this yesterday?

  5. It is SURE UNDER (WEIGHT=TON) Paddy

  6. I UNDERstood your query, yet explained again! :)

  7. :-)
    So, it is to be read as "definitely under" weight, by splitting underweight as 2 words. Not quite happy with that,esp. in an ac. clue. That is what I was trying to convey.

  8. Definitely Under cannot be used in an across clue. Perhaps Over?

    1. Under also means to control/led by. X led by Y or Y leads X.

    2. Perhaps. Nevertheless a very good clue; one among many in today's puzzle.
