Sunday 8 December 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3077, Sunday 08 Dec 2019

1   Father had potato messily and without thinking (2,3,4,2,1,3) AT THE DROP OF A HAT*
9   Trust nobleman of Norway (5,2) COUNT ON {COUNT}{O}{N}
10 Fine arts: obscure without a little drink (7) SNIFTER {FINE+aRTS}*
11 ‘A fool will spend time to gain money’: it’s an expression (5) IDIOM {IDIO(-t+m)M}
12 Paradise has madly, endlessly furiously, come before angel's head (7-2) SHANGRI-LA {HAS*}{ANGRILy}{An...s}
13 Prove herbalists worked without recipe (9) ESTABLISH HErBALISTS*
15 With some constipation, you might eat here (5) PATIO [T]
16 Appearing in item, Ceefax host (5) EMCEE [T]
18 One re-imagining geopolitics without industrialism and petroleum, primarily? (9) ECOLOGIST GEOpOLiTICS*&lit
20 From the Home Counties, nearly rancid: the bubbly's finally missing something (5-4) SOUTH-EAST {SOUr}{THE}{ASTi}
23 United in love, besotted, finding need for reproduction (5) OVULE {OV{U}LE*}
24 Puccinis sorry about embracing another composer (7) ROSSINI [T<=]
25 Pour forth, in pub, round — or several rounds (5-2) BOOZE-UP {OOZE} in {PUB<=}
26 Rumpled Boston towelling: what'll keep you dry (10,5) WELLINGTON BOOTS*

1   Greek comes before prison officer: 'How might I get water?' (10,5) ARCHIMEDES SCREW {ARCHIMEDES}{SCREW}
2   Say, daytripper: visit our isthmus, for a while (7) TOURIST [T]
3   Unreliable timetable's omitting time: that's ... worthy of note (9) ESTIMABLE tIMETABLES*
4   Declaims reduction of immigrants by 50% (5) RANTS immigRANTS
5   Green Party at first is to include what's essential to teaching (9) PISTACHIO {Pa..y}{IS}{T{teACHIng}O}
6   An affair, possibly a Scottish country dance (5) FLING [DD]
7   Italian league in history's half eliminated those to be assassinated (3,4) HIT LIST {H{IT}{L}ISTorys}
8   'A Pest of Nazareth': outrageous story of 1912 (6,2,3,4) TARZAN OF THE APES*
14 Tearing it up is a way of adding stress (9) ITERATING*
15 Intrude in a modern way and get shot with weapon (9) PHOTOBOMB {PHOTO}{BOMB}
17 Flounces out, rejecting female's advice (7) COUNSEL fLOUNCES*
19 Awaiting delivery of hysterical routine (2,5) IN UTERO*
21 With temperature having dropped, resort of Tahiti remains a humid place (5) HAITI tAHITI*
22 Expression of gratitude? I don't like that being forbidden (5) TABOO {TA}{BOO}

Reference List
Of = O, Time = T, Money = M, Recipe = R, United = U, Italian = IT, League = L, Females = F, Temperature = T


  1. In this crossword there are two parallel entries - one having an article that goes on the head and another ,,, on the foot. The setter could not think of an entry for the middle or any other part in between. Suggest any phrase. Preferably of 15 letters, but 12 to 14 are also okay. The phrase must include an article that goes on a part of the human body.

    1. No need for body part- "an article that goes on a part of the human body"(middle),which should form part of a phrase.

    2. Hand in Glove
      Skirt an Issue

      And if you are into baseball shortstop gives you two for the price of one :)

    3. That was my comment - for some reason got posted as “unknown” - possibly because it was from my phone where I had signed in to a different google account.

  2. "A finger in the pie"- even this has only finger and not an article (say ring) that goes on a finger.

  3. Came to comment that this was a really good crossword. Kudos to the creator. One question though...why is iterating creating stress? Do you mean in the sense that reiterating is emphasizing?

  4. So this crossword is very similar to the guardian's everyman crossword of October 6 2019. Does the Hindu purchase the crossword rights from them? I thought Hindu created their own crosswords.

    1. This is syndicated from the Guardian and is the same Everyman crossword that appears in the Guardian. There is however a time lag between the dates of publication in the two papers.
