Tuesday 3 December 2019

No 12796, Tuesday 03 Dec 2019, Arden

1   Prime Minister stops us work overtime — New Delhi shows how it’s done (5,8) MODUS OPERANDI {MOD{US}{OP}{ERA}{ND}I}
10 Carried over, investment made totally (5) TOTED [T<=]
11 Billy’s plant, note plastic cover (9) TRUNCHEON {NOTE}* over {RUNCH}
12 Magazine, carry to the top (9) CARTRIDGE {CART}{RIDGE}
13 Dramatic capture of a violin maker (5) AMATI [T]
14 That is having solid shape — worship (7) IDOLISE {I{SOLID*}E}
16 According to media, no Italian in Spanish street (7) ALAMEDA {ALA}{MEDiA}
18 Swing back in the breeze, partly (7) TRAPEZE [T<=]
20 Old story — finding Iodine in milk (7)  EXPLOIT {EX}{PLO{I}T}
22 Back support, taking minutes for an insect (5) EMMET{TE{MM}E}
24 Prince chose half the broadside (9) PHILLIPPIC {PHILLIP}{PICked}
26 Artilleryman’s head over heels drinking French wine — not nice to see (9) UNNERVING {-g)UNNER(+g)G} over {VIN}
27 She even vacates in anger (5) IRENE {IR{EveN}E}
28 Tailor cuts up curtain, he will use needles (13) ACUPUNCTURIST*

2   Only ration distributed in the province (7) ONTARIO {O}{RATION*}
3   Erode stole central funds earlier (9) UNDERMINE {ERMINE}<=>{fUNDs}
4   Chose to shift depot (5) OPTED*
5   The last number had a billion short — count (9) ENUMERATE {thE}{NUMbER}{ATE}
6   Capital account, one’s under credit (5) ACCRA {AC}{CR}{A}
7   Outstanding on court, time to settle (3,4) DUE DATE {DUE}{DATE}
8   Old fashioned Kentish dictum, perhaps (5,2,3,3) STICK IN THE MUD*
9   Paternalistic, free, they carry an opposite charge (13) ANTIPARTICLES*
15 Discharge under a river — master point, in a way (9) EXEMPTION {EXE}{M}{POINT*}
17 Signal booster will adequately shoot, they say (9) AMPLIFIER (~ amply fire)
19 Annual investment by a normal man, actually (7) ALMANAC [T]
21 Burden of work on media (7) OPPRESS {OP}{PRESS}
23 Insect gains height in fall (5) THRIP {T{H}RIP}
25 Bar allowing others inside (5) INGOT [T]

Reference List
Work = OP, Old = EX, Minute = M, Only = O, One = A, Master = M, Height = H


  1. 22A- reversal of Tee to be indicated.
    20A- Milked nicely!

  2. A new grid by Arden. Loved this puzzle.
    FOI: Ontorio
    LOI: Alameda
    COD: Undermine
    WOD: Philippic

  3. 11 ac: managed to get TRUNCHEON from crossings and the reference to Billy, but PLANT as a clue to RUNCH was way beyond me. Does the community think it is fair?

    1. Not unfair. Runch is a weed, a wild plant.

    2. From a specific plant, it may be. But Runch is generic in the sense of any weed that crowds out cultivated plants.so may not be unfair.

  4. MODUS OPERANDI has been chopped into 5 parts and clued! Could not solve many clues but the one at 20Ac for EXPLOIT had totally deceived me-- very unobtrusive. And 21Dn for OPPRESS was also short and sweet (this one I solved)

    1. Very tough, still don't know how it is!

    2. You mean Modus Operandi? Col. has given the breakup.
      PM- Modi,work= op,time=Era,New Delhi=ND
      Modi is interrpted by
      Mod ( us op era nd)i

  5. 24ac is only PHILIPPIC - No two LLs

  6. In 15dn exe is river?? Kindly explain.

  7. I actually solved 100% today. Thank u blog. Philippic- the last to fall.

  8. Yes, Exe is a river in the UK. There are 30 three-letter rivers: but of them Dee and Exe often occur in crossword clues.Wold you care to find out the other 28 three-letter rivers? Good luck.

    1. http://bestforpuzzles.com/lists/rivers-british-isles/3.html
      That's just in Brit-isles

