Thursday 12 December 2019

No 12804, Thursday 12 Dec 2019, Skulldugger

5   Fawn over people person! (6) SLAVER [DD?] See comments
6   Mother ups and leaves with respect to relatives, as befits a daughter (6) FILIAL Anno pending (Addendum - FamILIAL - See comments)
9   Ridiculous big red tie (6) BRIDGE*
10 Apostate discovering religious text after chequered career (8) RECREANT {CAREER*}{NT}
11 Change banking domain extension here (4) COIN [CO.IN}
12 Gratuities vaguely appealing, ultimately pointless (10) LAGNIAPPES {APPEALING}*{p...eS}
13 Pretended truce I often broke (11) COUNTERFEIT*
18 Semi-fictions with altered reality in two quarters? (4-6) HALF-TRUTHS {HALF{TRUTH}S} Why 'altered'?
21 Radically refined research and development leads to good hallucinogen (4) DRUG {RD<=}{U}{G} U from? See comments
22 Go on and on about graduate work (8) BELABOUR {BE}{LABOUR}
23 Broadcast location that might be found in a school! (6) PLAICE (~place) Definition not clear See comments
24 Snack consumption interrupted by Italians (6) TITBIT T{IT}B{IT} Anno pending See comments
25 Kind, loving folks with a leg up on society protected knight (6) ANGELS {A}{N}{LEG<=}{S}

1   Dance with enthusiasm in pursuit of admirer and pirouette (8) FANDANGO {FAN}{AND*}{GO}
2   Cottage pie stuffing put away before actual breakfast (6) CEREAL {Co...e+piE}{EREAL}
3   Hanky-panky with young woman curtailed by boss (8) MISCHIEF {MISs}CHIEF}
4   Gyrating undressed supplies rubbernecker’s delight (6) PILEUP sUPPLIEs*
5   Harangue kid about expression of hesitancy (6) SERMON {S{ER}{M}ON} M from? (Addendum - {S{ERM}ON} - See comments)
7   Surgeon’s instrument polished clean before start of transplant (6)  LANCET {CLEAN*}{Tr...t}
8   After gym, ran out incoherent (11) FRAGMENTARY*
14 DEA agent every so often touts disco drug (8) NARCOTIC {NARC}{tOuTs+dIsCo}
15 Crafts for people here (8) INDIAMEN [C&DD]
16 Old man seeming to relinquish absolute power (6) PARENT apPARENT
17 Idiots bartered diamonds for ordinary little bits (6) DUNCES (-o+d)DUNCES
19 Allegiance for loose leaf tea under discussion (6) FEALTY {LEAF*}{TY}(~tea)
20 Prone to drink tinnies on a regular basis (6) SUPINE {SUP}{tInNiEs}

Reference List
Religious text = NT, Good = G, Italian = IT, Society = S, Knight = N, Absolute = A, Power = P, Diamond = D, Ordinary = O


  1. 24a as shown. italians seprated italian itlalian, imu.

  2. 5d erm is expression of hesitancy.

  3. 5a may be c&dd
    slaver:person who deals in slaves

  4. 17d how do we decide whats def!

  5. 24A- Consumption- TB
    Tuberculosis (TB) used to be called a consumpton disease in olden days since there was no cure.

  6. 14d narco is short for narcotic agent! root issue!

    1. NARC is an American slang usage for an officer from Drug Enforcement Administration

    2. not all. its specific to narcotic officer under cover

  7. 17 D I think the answer is OUNCES as defined by "little bits". In DUNCES delete D and barter it for O

  8. 20 D PRONE does not lead to SUPINE as they are exact opposites. This clue has to have an antonym indicator

    1. they are contronym, favprites of setters. as "lying flat" they mean same. in relation to face (upward or downward) they become opposites.

    2. I agree with RKE. I don't quite agree with sree_sree. In other words, prone is not equal to supine. There must be some other def that might lead to PRONE before the solver sees that it doesn't fit with the wp and then finds SUPINE.

      Also, I think grammar requires "prone to drinking" not drink.

  9. 18a deliberate misdirection! altered as restricted (-in) could be just containment indicator.

  10. RKE and other visitors here, why don't you introduce yourself with name, place of residence, profession, and any other detail that you may like to add?
    If it's Jaggu, a very infrequent commenter, I know who it is.
    But not with so many 'handles'.
    For increased camaraderie that Cdr spoke of yesterday, new commenters are advised to click on 'New members' above and post bio.

    1. Thanks for remembering me.I do lurk around. I do the crossword in the evening,by which time most of the discussion is over.

  11. Enjoyed this! Some good twisty clues today. Thank you, Skuldugger.

  12. 6a.....COULD NOT GET THE ANNO. Skuldugger or Col can reveal. However the puzzle which is too essential for the generation ....FILIAL

    1. as mentioned by Paddy @ 8:49 TB could be proper anno. I perceive from Paddy that interrupted by (It)alians. i.e between T()B and after B() is it so!!

    2. 6A- Prasad has given anno at 8.30 relatives- familial. - am gives filial.
      Mother gets up & leaves- Ma=< (gets up is the reversal indicator) which is generally commented on in Ac. clue

    3. Thanks Paddy.good to know this. I learned that I have to go into deep.

  13. Late evening solve for me. A big struggle too.

    1. Busy day for me too. Didn't have time to solve.
      Returned from hospital just now. My brother had to undergo surgery.
      But the grid seemed tough.

  14. New members if interested in posting their biodata under the members link may send it to be by mail as only one of the admins can edit that page. Prassanna's details were added there by me few days ago.

  15. Not sure if 24a is ok.
    When AA is interrupted by BB, BB goes into AA. So we get ABBAe
    Snack consumption interrupted by Italians
    Here it seems IT IT don't go into TB. One IT interrupts, but the other follows TB.
    Is this comment nitpicking?
    Is there any other view?

    1. +1. Only one Italian was consumed by [!!] consumption.

  16. Yes. As per the clue it is
    T IT IT B
