Friday 20 December 2019

No 12811, Friday 20 Dec 2019, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Please note, solutions without attempting the annotations will be deleted.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   What spiritualists at séances might do to bring about a complete reversal? (4,3,6) TURN THE TABLES [DD]
8   Show-off might abandon wife for leading socialite (5) POSER PO(-w+s)SER
9   Meddling salesperson about to interrupt training (9) TAMPERING {TAM{REP<=}ING}
11 Avant-garde artist decided to feature nude works on a catalogue (10) SURREALIST {SU{woRks}RE}{A}{LIST}
12 Animation when ball reverses, trapping Kohli at last (4) BRIO {O{k..lI}RB<=}
14 Renowned poet shot around foreign isle (1,1,5) T S ELIOT {TOT} over {ISLE}*
16 Shrinking Asian lake further shortened in size (4,3) ARAL SEA {AR{ALSo}EA}
17 State ultimately backing plan to bar most wine shops (7) EMPORIA {s..tE}{M{PORt}IA<=}
19 President is wearing different fur-lined cloak (7) PELISSE {P}{EL{IS}SE}
21 Free content found online (4) UNDO [T]
22 Remember marine struggling in difficulty (4,2,4) BEAR IN MIND {B{MARINE*}IND}
25 Wise guy in hill achieves insight and nirvana at last (4-2-3) KNOW-IT-ALL {KNO{WIT}{n...nA}LL}
26 Broadcasting suave socialite girl leaving (2-3) ON-AIR debONAIR
27 Fanatics start to take part in rally (13) DEMONSTRATION {DEMONS}{Take}{RATION}

2   American wielding power to force escalation (7) UPSURGE {U{P}S}{URGE}
3   Conductor say, spilling fine beer outside van (5,5) NERVE FIBRE {FINE+BEER}* over {RV}
4   Serving up some ale to holidaymakers here? (5) HOTEL [T<=] Semi&lit
5   Maiden in tape with character — it’s seen on digital images (9) TIMESTAMP {TI{M}E}{STAMP}
6   Bit of free booze lifts spirit (4) BEER [T<=]
7   Ones fleeing from horrific regimes? (7) EMIGRES* &lit
8   Idiot involved in spraying ketchup, beginning to brashly evade responsibility (4,3,4) PASS THE BUCK {ASS} in {KETCHUP+Br...y}*
10 Fool facing ruin and end of marriage enters seedy bar to drink a lot of alcohol (2,2,1,6) GO ON A BENDER {GOON}{AB{END}{m...gE}R*}
13 Rescuing from a tight spot when indisposed during fight (7,3) BAILING OUT {B{AILING}OUT}
15 Dealers incorporating detailed strategy for tariff-related economic conflicts (5,4) TRADE WARS {TRADE{WAy}RS}
18 Pack beginning to rob solitary Italian innkeeper (7) PADRONE {PAD}{Rob}{ONE}
20 Fuss after suits sent back Greek dish (7) STIFADO {ADO}<=>{FITS<=}
23 Figure lurking around grabbed head of state (5) RULER [T<=]
24 Manipulate retrogressive, old system of transferring money (4) GIRO {RIG<=}{O}

Reference List
Wife = W, Shot = TOT, President = P, Power = P, Van = RV, Maiden = M, Old = O


    12A BRIO (orb reversed with last of Kohli, meaning animation, lively)
    19A PELISSE (P ELSE with IS inside)
    20D STIFADO (Fits reversed with ado (fuss), a greek dish
    24D GIRO (RIG retrogressive with O for old, a system of money transfer in Japan and Europe)

  2. Thanks for an entertaining puzzle doctor. Kept me engaged for 45min! Of course, being a neurosurgeon I got 3Down easily but is there a problem with anagram fodder?

    1. Good morning doc. Van= RV. Abbreviation for recreational vehicle/Van.
      (Fine beer)* around RV

    2. Thanks for clarifying. Hadn't seen this abbreviation so far.

  3. 7d emigres-anag of regimes
    8 d Pass the buck-idiot-ass+anag of ketchup.P (ass)the(b)uck.b from Brashly.
    18 d Padrone-P +ad-beginning+one-solitary P ad+r+one.
    23 d Ruler.figuRE LURking .
    25 Know it all-wise guy -wit hill-knoll.Kno(wit) a ll.

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  10. Please note that henceforth solutions without annotations will be deleted

  11. 22Ac BEAR IN MIND - Marine* inside Bind (difficulty)

  12. 13Dn BAILING OUT - B(ailing)out

  13. 10Dn GO ON A BENDER - Goon(fool) + Bar* +End(ruin) +E (end of marriage)

  14. My 5th
    4Dn HOTEL - (A)le to H(oliday..){<=}

  15. 21 ac UNDO acrostic
    25 ac KNOW IT ALL definition of wise guy, knoll is hill, wit is insight, a is end of nirvana
    6 dn BEER acrostic rev

    1. 21A and 6D are Telescopic clues and not acrostics

  16. 9 ac TAMPERING. Def. Meddling. Taming is training. Rep (rev) is salesman

  17. 2D UPSURGE- ESCALATION, P in US URGE (force)

  18. 17 ac EMPORIA. Def. shops. E is end of state. AIM is plan (rev). PORT (-T) is wine

  19. 15D TRADE WARS- DEF WA (last letter removed from WAY(strategy) in TRADERS(dealers)

  20. 8A POSER(SHOW Off) S in place W in POWER(might)

  21. 26A ON AIR - def. DEB (girl) leaving DEBONAIR

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  25. No solutions without annos please. Col. has warned about this countless times. There is no point.

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  27. 22A - BEAR IN MIND
    RemBer MARINE IN Difficulty

  28. 3d NERVE FIBRE...conductor...anagram. of fine beer and outside of van ..nv

  29. Dr. RKEs comment being a neuro surgeon was useful

  30. 11 ac SCREENLIST..catalogue is list ...avanti garden artist...screen

  31. Is answer and its anno ok colonel?

  32. 14a T S ELIOT TOT around ISLE*.
    Thanks Dr. X for a wonderful puzzle and especially this clue as it made me remember the beautiful lines from " Love Song Of Alfred Prufork"
    Let us go then you and I,
    When the evening is spread out against the sky,
    Like a patient etherised upon a table.
    Let us go through certain half deserted streets,
    The muttering retreats,
    of one-night cheap hotels.
    Of saw dust restaurants with oyster shells.
    Streets that follow like an insiduous intent.
    Oh do not ask what is it,
    Let us go and make our visit.
    ....In the room the women come and go,
    Talking of Michael Angelo
    ( From memory, haven't read this for ages)

  33. 3d...recreational vehicle RV. Anagram of RV and fine beer..nerve fiber...conductor

  34. Yet to be solved

    Across - 11, 16, 27
    Down - 6

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  36. 11a sur(r)e(a list) def:avant-grade artist

  37. 16A: ARAL SEA further shortened=ALSo in AREA (size)

  38. A nice mix of easy and hard clues. I especially enjoyed 11A, 19A, 26A. Thanks, Doc.

  39. An exhilarating experience every Friday. I wonder how I missed this blog for so long.

  40. Thanks, Doc. Didn't see you last week ?As usual, all the frases are phamiliar ! Ever loyal to wife. Is there a theme ? Go on a bender on beer, turn the tables and not under the table bailing out, as one can't pass the buck, emporia, free booze, but no ecstasy in hotel?

    I liked surrealist, and TSEliot.

    All the love from Tokyo for an entertaining treat. God bless.

    1. Hi Raju, no theme in mind but cheers anyway :) Enjoy Tokyo!
