Sunday 15 December 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3078, Sunday 15 Dec 2019

1   Cluedo. Mortal sin. I will be outstanding suspect! (7,7) COLONEL MUSTARD {CLUEDO+MORTAL+SiN}*
10 Tip describes good philosopher (5) HEGEL {HE{G}EL}
11 Pastry: victual cooked with oven (wanting no internal combustion?) (3-2-4) VOL-AU-VENT {VicTUAL+OVEN}*
12 Manners princes, queens curtly display (2,3,2) PS AND QS {P's AND Q's} &lit
13 Competitor permitted to enter re-staged heat (7) ATHLETE {ATH{LET}E*}
14 Begin to incriminate (3,2) SET UP [DD}
16 Conservatives pursue fun in ecclesiastical dwellings (9) RECTORIES {TORIES}<=>{REC}
19 Typical! EU corrupted by oil suppliers (9) EUCALYPTI*
20 Bang on, demand and obtain (5) EXACT [DD]
22 Broadcast to omit sudden lowering of food supplies (7) AIRDROP {AIR}{DROP}
25 Creator of effigies leaving EU bigwig and Arabian unfinished (7) TUSSAUD {TUSk}{SAUDi}
27 Teens seen around Elvis' home (9) TENNESSEE*
28 Source of alcohol the drunken yokel emptied (5) ETHYL {THE*}{YokeL}
29 Chicken? Playwright has yen to get a bit of pudding (7,7) COWARDY-CUSTARD {COWARD}{Y}{CUSTARD}

2   Corgi a stick's helping to make frenzied (9) ORGIASTIC [T]
3   Tipsy oldies almost sozzled! (5) OILED OLDIEs*
4   Parts of roof fall away, exposing a snoop (9) EAVESDROP {EAVES}{DROP}
5   Month on topless resort somewhere in the Med (5) MALTA {M}{yALTA}

 Ill-frequented locale where forbidden sauce is stuffed into fish (5,4) SOUTH POLE {S{OUT}{HP}OLE}
7   Comrade Lenin provides cover for artist (5) ADELE [T]
8   Deserted soul singer, not given intro, panics (7) DITHERS {D}{wITHERS}
9   Fashions displayed by quiet monkeys (6) SHAPES {SH}{APES}
15 Hairy figure to dismiss two batsmen, according to Spooner (5,4) POLAR BEAR (~bowler pair to polar bear)
17 A neurotic ordered strong liquor (9) COINTREAU*
18 Wanting kiss, exhilarant, worked up and rabid (2,1,6) IN A LATHER ExHILARANT*
19 The Spanish bubbly (cava, primarily) is reminiscent of rubber (7) ELASTIC {EL}{ASTI}{Cava}
21 Not dead drunk, embracing one in orderly fashion (6) TIDILY TIDdLY} over 1
23 Renovate Magritte, perhaps, with tip of hacksaw (5) RENEW {RENE}{h...aW}
24 Unhealthy-looking pie (5) PASTY [DD]
26 Got a whiff of fish (5) SMELT [DD]

Reference List
Good = G, Fun = REC(Recreation), Yen = Y, Month = M, Deserted = D, Quiet = SH, Kiss = X, Dead = D


  1. I may not be in time to have a shot at it.

  2. Lot of foreign phrases- my bugbear.

  3. Puzzle 1A...reveals the author of today's Special.... good to know about PS and QS. happy sunday col.sir
