Tuesday 24 December 2019

No 12814, Tuesday 24 Dec 2019, Dr. X

 Takes the blame and moves to prison (7,3,3) CARRIES THE RAP [DD?] Second part of definition not clear (Addendum - CARRIES THE CAN {CARRIES}{THE CAN} - See comments)
8   What botanists study in seminars about origin of life? (5) FLORA {F{Life}ORA}
9   Begs Congress to reorganize after absorbing results at Centre (9) SCROUNGES {CONGRESS}* over {resUlts}
11 She drives with purpose, pursuing essentially drunk fellow in anger (10) CHAUFFEUSE {USE} after {CHA{drUnk}{F}FE}
12 One pursuing drug dealers sprinted around club (4) NARC {RAN<=}{C}
14 Craving alcoholic spirit for a period of five years (7) LUSTRUM {LUST}{RUM}
16 Criminal in detention after killing wife with oriental poison (7) ACONITE {wA{CON}IT}{E}
17 Fool about to tackle girl beginning to exercise in that place (7) THEREIN {NIT<=} over {HER}{Ex...e}
19 Smoke a cigarette and become happy (5,2) LIGHT UP [DD]
21 Drags husband away from ruffians (4) TUGS ThUGS
22 A commotion by good maiden grabbed by bare film star (7,3) LEADING MAN {LE{A}{DIN}{G}{M}AN}
25 Ross happily enters to consume sponge cake (5,4) SWISS ROLL {SWI{ROSS*}LL}
26 Set fire to rubbish around church (5) TORCH {ROT<=}{CH}
27 Joke that’s expressed casually — not what a fisherman might do? (9,4) THROWAWAY LINE [DD]

2   Open declarations of war primarily embodied by firing a salvo (7) AVOWALS {War} in {A+SALVO}*
3   Feared criminal controlling syndicate testified again (10) REAFFIRMED {REAF{FIRM}ED*}
4   Scoring runs, secure result (5) ENSUE ENSUrE
5   Escapes from trouble after revolution on street (5,4) TURNS TAIL {AIL} after {TURN}{ST}
6   Item useful to trap birds (4) EMUS [T]
7   Neighbour’s good husband held by a fiend with knife at Centre (7) AFGHANI {A}{F{G}{H}AN}{knIfe}
8   Assists one drunk American model encircled by mugs (11) FACILITATES {FAC{1}{LIT}{A}{T}ES}
10 Cock-up! Hes run out scoring zero — an unexpected blow (6,5) SUCKER PUNCH {CoCK+UP+HES+RUN}*
13 Incorrigible cheat, cheerful after ensnaring model (10) CONGENITAL {CON}{GENI{T}AL}
15 Drunkard stabbing men in a sozzled state in America (9) MINNESOTA {SOT} in {MEN+IN+A}*
18 Hot single naughtily shows tongue (7) ENGLISH {H+SINGLE}*
20 South American monkey in a train angrily bites man (7) TAMARIN {A+TRAIN}* over {M}
23 Greek character beginning to dance, knocking back drink around bar (5) DELTA {Da..e}{A{T}LE<=}
24 Old wife leaves uninteresting city in Europe (4) OSLO {O}{SLOw}

Refereence List
Fellow = F, Club = C, Wife = W, Oriental = E, Husband = H, Good = G, Maiden = M, Church = CH, Runs = R, Street = ST, American = A, Model = T, Hot = H, Man = M, Bar = T


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Doc! That is correct.
      moves= carries
      prison= the can
      defn= takes the blame

    2. Mind refused to think beyond 'Takes the rap'

  2. Great CW Doc, the 4th in a row. You have delivered a SUCKER PUNCH😊

  3. Took longer today, but happy to report that I could solve all. Wives, drunks, criminals in plenty! 18D was neat. Thank you, Dr X.

    1. You are welcome Amita! Glad you could solve everything.

  4. Prasad & KKR still jet lagged?
    MB Kithe hai?

  5. One of those days where I could get to the puzzle in fits and starts.Looked up Carry the can before entering. Biffed Swiss Roll. Stared at Throwaway Line for ages before the Penny drop Moment. Thoroughly enjoyed solving. Thanks Dr. X

    1. Learned the word for half a decade!

    2. Agreed. But I am not sure if I may recall it if and when it appears again in a CW. We may not get it elsewhere- good to know it anyway.

    3. Paddy, the word has Lust and Rum, might be tough to forget :)

    4. Yeah,very closely connected and I will now certainly remember thanks to your comment. I was complaining more about my sharp(!) memory- you would know better if it is age related.

  6. All the ingredients for agave party. Chauffeurs facilitates reaching therein ,narc supplies, scrounged for more, light up a fliff, reaffirms participation ,spells out a throwaway line,throws a sucker punch , turns tail and finally Carrie's the can !Avowals to never get involved for the next five years with lust or rum and be satisfied with a mere swiss roll!

    Phfew ! What a grid. Thanks Doc.

  7. Enjoyed the construction of 'flora'.

