Tuesday, 14 June 2022

No 13582, Tuesday 14 Jun 2022, Afterdark

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Termination of pregnancy is a blessing, right held by individual internally (8) ABORTION {A}{BO{RT}{I}ON}
5   Comical! Removing head is related to eye? (6) OCULAR jOCULAR
10 Boy or heartless girl, same brightness (5) GLEAM {GirL}EAM Anno pending (Addendum - (-b+gl)GLEAM - See comments)
11 Articles covering news, setter returns over to university library, say (9) ATHENAEUM {A}{THE}{N}{A}{M{U}E<=}
12 Element of truth, minute adjustment of removing, time and again (9) RUTHENIUM {tRUTH+MINUtE}
13 Beamed in agreement, checked recurring deposit (5) RAYED {R{AYE}D}
14 Invest on gold, profit if not good, will be a bit decent (6) ORDAIN {OR}{(-g+d)DAIN}
15 Representation of God is supported by Democratic India Organisation leaders (7) DIORAMA {RAMA}<=>{De...c}{In..a}{Or...n}
18 Basic hotel, WC is broken... (3-4) LOW-TECH*
20 ...frequently asking to find new inn and record arrival... (4,2) SIGN IN {aSkInG}{INN*}
22 ...frequently asking what's the appearance (5) SIGHT {aSkInG+wHaT}
24 Guy with brown cap in reverse seen at CBD, NY (9) MANHATTAN {MAN}{TAN}<=>{HAT}
25 Focus on including fund based on law in 22 (9) SPOTLIGHT {S{POT}{L}IGHT}
26 Start in two, drop wife and pick up redhead (5) INTRO {IN}{T(-w+r)RO}
27 Fabric colouring process you'll reportedly release on Yuletide, possibly (3-3) TIE-DYE YulETIDE*
28 As per auditor, politician's near building that's the abode of God (8) EMPYREAN (~mp)EMPY}{NEAR*}

1   Could be a goat or a rabbit or a cat or the last one eating egg (6) A?G?R? (Addendum ANGORA [MD] - See comments)
2   Worth upset (9) OVERTHROW {WORTH}* [RA]
3   Basically after a tantrum first, men agree (15) TEMPERAMENTALLY  {A}<=>{TEMPER} and {MEN}{TALLY}
4   Acclaim at work; about to quit only to get promoted (7) OVATION OV{AT}ION Anno pending (Addendum - (+O)OV(-o)cATION -0 See comments)
 V is the imaginary point of a body of matter.... (6,2,7) CENTRE OF GRAVITY {graVity} Semi&lit
7   Suspicious General removes odd ones in army (5) LEERY {LEE}{aRmY}
8   Healing power finally lies with electronic media and law (8) REMEDIAL {p..eR}{E}{MEDIA}{L}
9   According to them, education involves a topic (6) THEMED [T]
16 A retired knight's title, one becomes nothing — philosopher (9) ARISTOTLE {A}{SIR<=}{T(-1+0)OTLE}
17 Fluorine combined with ashes over time leads to rapid development of rigidity in cement (5,3) FLASH SET {FL}{ASHES*}{T}
19 Respect motherland a little less over time (6) HOMAGE {HOMe}{AGE}
20 One caught in problem gets refuge (7) SANCTUM {S{AN}{CT}UM}
21 Order for junior officer to gather nine around (6) ENJOIN {EN{J}{O}IN*}
23 Scorching sun; hobo, bum, cadge, all at the end get Sprite (5) GNOME Tail Acrostic

Reference List
Right = RT, Individual = I, Boy = B, News = N, University = U, Time = T, Recurring deposit = RD, Good = G, Fund = POT, Law = L, Wife = W, About = C, Only = O, Electronic = E, Caught = CT, Junior Officer = JO


  1. 10a B(eam) or GL(eam) give the SAME meaning.

  2. What a comeback! Need another Nina telling about the Hat trick. Good going.

  3. Replies
    1. My doubt What's first doing, after a temper would give "temper a".

    2. "After A temper" would five 'Atemper'. First tantrum takes it first and then A- as marked by Col.

    3. Then after becomes just a link word?

    4. I thought after refers to men tally coming after the tantrum.

  4. 4 is a good one- graVity. Took a while to get anno after getting the word.

  5. In 24AC, what is the need for reverse?

    1. If TAN and HAT were not reversed we would get MANTANHAT

    2. Thanks Col, I simply took MAN+HAT+TAN !!!

    3. Col, I still don't get it. TAN HAT reversal gives us TAHNAT,...
      If only HAT is to be reversed, then it would be: MAN+TAH+TAN
      Am I missing something?

    4. The intention of reversal is that HAT comes before TAN meaning reverse the order if appearance

  6. What about 'the last one eating egg'?

  7. Are Ocular, gleam, rayed, sight, spotlight and (probably) flash (set) members of a theme in this grid?

  8. Anyone other than Sree-Sree has the answer as to what 'the last one eating egg' means in 1D

  9. Okay Sree-Sree let's have your solution. I have no idea

    1. The last one: a cat (as in jazz artist)

      AN RA eating GO (as command /drive/)egg

    2. Shata koti Namaskaramulu Prasad garu

    3. I expect AD to explain the anno.

    4. Not convinced by Sree-Sree's solution

    5. It's a multiple definition. There is angora Goat, angora rabbit and angora cat. And also Angora coat. So the last (which is cat) eating egg makes it coat which is again Angora

    6. Then that's a No-Ball
      Every one gets their name from the white coat (of fur/wool/hair whatever).

  10. Solved the puzzle fully but no idea regarding 1d - last one eating egg.
    Many nice clues - CENTRE OF GRAVITY - my fav.
    Thanx Afterdark.

