Tuesday, 28 June 2022

No 13594, Tuesday 28 Jun 2022, WrdPlougher

Solution to 30A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Teaser displayed by small screens from Qatar to Zambia (4) QUIZ {Q}{UI}{Z}
3   Busts protests run out of clubs (6,4) OBJETS DART {OBJEcTS}{DART}
10 At sea, a vast ark, endless divine interventions! (7) AVATARS {A+VAST+ARk}*
11 Dutchman's pipe — long and oddly sharp (7) PINESAP {PINE}{ShArP}
12 Arch Bishop Tutu’s term for South Africans? (7) RAINBOW [GK]
13 “Marvel!” Creator uttered, to contemplate space (6) LEEWAY {LEE}{(~weigh)WAY}
15 Goddess softly welcomed by Baroque hymn (5) NYMPH {NYM{P}H*}
16 Notice hot timeless rapper losing head, attacking a person during argument (2,7) AD HOMINEM {AD}{HOt}{eMINEM}
18 Revealing new bespoke luxury brand owned by old Indian actor making comeback (3-6) LOW-NECKED {NEW*}{CK} in {DEOL<=}
21 New intel briefly interrupts gangster and darling (5) ANGEL {N}{GEn} in {AL}
23 Gear manufactured by Kia Grand’s factory, centrally located close to hub (3,3) KIT BAG {KIA}{G} over {facTory}{huB}
25 Maori dancing (all over Instagram) is art (7) ORIGAMI {OR{IG}AMI*} IG/Instagram?
27 Provisional rent distributed between two months (7) INTERIM {I{RENT*}I}{M}
28 Former British PM never introduced his namesake counterpart at the Knesset? (7) ISRAELI dISRAELI
29 How a weatherman might get wind of mean meteor burst (10) ANEMOMETER*
30 Sampling from tracks, bends old alternative western songs (4) ?D?S (Addendum - ODES {trackS+bEnDs+Old}<=)

1   21 shifts taken up as doctor? Getting close (10) QUADRANGLE {ANGEL}*<=>{QUA}{DR} Definition not understood? See comments 
2   Director’s second sublime short, some oddly visual poetry (7) IMAGISM {dIr...r}{MAGIc}{SoMe}
4   Dollar having collapsed, WHO briefly has to work through rough patch (9) BUSHWHACK BUSH{WHo}ACK Anno pending (Addendum {BU{WHo+HAS}*CK} - See comments)
5   Chase former lover, appeal every now and then (5) EXPEL {EX}{aPpEaL}
6   Ray altering names, some bits of Feludaa’s essential character (7) SUNBEAM  {NAMES+Bits+felUdaa}*
7   Hold back! Injured boatswain letting out cry of pain (7) ABSTAIN BoATSwAIN*
8   Printing mistake transgression you pardon ordinarily when selecting beginners (4) TYPO Acrostic
9   In the climax, manic Basha blowing up African citadel (6) CASBAH {maniC}{BASHA*}
14 Mostly uses slime — if prepared, makes a kind of watery paint (10) EMULSIFIES {USEs+SLIME}*
17 Dry ox hide spread as a base (9) HYDROXIDE*
19 Shrill sound from street interrupting spell (7) WHISTLE {WHI{ST}LE}
20 Queen taking bishop in mating attack primarily to advance check (7) EMBARGO {E{Ma...g}{B}{At...k}R}{GO}
21 Evacuated any pair erupting in hives (6) APIARY {AnY+PAIR}*
22 Divine being, having regularly saved cheat, in return gives permission (2-5) GO-AHEAD {GOD} over  {sAvEd+cHeAt}<=
24 One/two minutes into draining game, getting easy one (5) GIMME {1}{MM} in {GamE}  
26 Prima donna effortlessly streaking lady on a horse (4) DIVA goDIVA

Reference List
Small screen = UI(User Interface), Clubs = C, Softly = P, Notice = AD, Time = T, New = N, Intel = GEN, Gangste = AL(Capone), Grand = G, Month = M, As = QUA, Dollar = BUCK, Former lover = EX, Street = ST, Queen = ER, Bishop = B, Minute = M


  1. Sorry for late publication. Forgot to hit the publish button. Grandkids kept me busy

    1. I thought u implemented ur earlier threat of taking a day off!! 😊😊😊

  2. Grandkids take precedence- any day!!

    1. Indeed, every grandchild is an apple of the eye for the grandparents. So sad that being a bachelor, I have missed this eternally memorable pleasure and now at my age 75 years young, it is futile to weep at my own folly of remaining single.
      Still cherish those issues of Chandamama of over six decades in which there used to be an exclusive one page devoted to a Tata (grandpa) relating stories to the kids by asking them not to fight like Kilkenny Cats!!

  3. 1d close (street)/cathedral closes.

    1. How is this related to 1D?

    2. A quandrangle is a close:

      a square or rectangular space or courtyard enclosed by buildings.

    3. Yes Prasad. Close,court,courtyard are the meanings given for quadrangle in Free dic.

    4. Thank you. I confused it with Que (of Que sara sara fame)

    5. I too got from Dic. But after seeing the blog it was not what I used the anno. I simply substituted ANGLE from 21ac.

  4. 4d dollar:buck over (WHo HAS)*

  5. 30A - ODES (...trackS, bEnDs Old...) [T<=]

    1. alternative = take alternate letters
      western = go in west direction (reverse)
      songs = ODES

    2. Alternate cannot start from wherever one feels like.

    3. Perhaps that i why the word Sampling is there

  6. Almost half the clues were biffed!
    Thank You, Col. for all the annos and Prasad for Bushwhack.

    1. Get a NAM dictionary pls.

    2. What is a NAM dictionary?
      I have only my BRB.

    3. If you mean North American Dictionary, I had my Webster's but that is left in India. I only have my BRB here which I think is the best and authoritative for almost all crosswords.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. All Greek ( French) and Latin for me today

  9. Agree with Vasant. Got many solutions but unable to parse. Had to come here from confirmation & anno. To think that Col. had finished it long before 8.30! Hats off to him.

  10. that seems right. Anagram indicator is collapsed and the def is as Col has indicated

  11. 1D I found this meaning in thefreedictionary "4. (klōs) An enclosed place, especially land surrounding or beside a cathedral or other building."

  12. Solving WrdPlougher after a long time. No unfair clues for a change

  13. Actually this is the first ever WrdPougher grid that I "completely" filled up on my own. The in quotes is because I couldn't parse all the clues but manged to get the right answer. Lots of help from the Web in wordhippo, synonym funder and of course Google etc. Only thing I got wrong was Kasbah instead of Casbah due to variance in spelling. Anyways this setters puzzles are getting less convoluted than before but still more convoluted than other setters.

  14. Bit struggled with LEEWAY, RAINBOW and QUIZ. rest all done. The word 'casbah' is a place near to Ambur. actual word I heard was kasbah a street name.

  15. Found it tough. Could not parse many.
    I have not got the hang of the setter at all.

    Some doubts
    27a - months? M? - or is that for surface?
    4dn - what is the role of collapsed? Has to work - anagram for has. Rest buck + wh is straight.
    Or to work through rough patch is the defn & collapsed is anagrind?
    3ac - can out of clubs come after run or should it come after busts?
    Kindly explain.

    1. 3ac After protests - sorry.

    2. 4D- Collapsed is anind for (WH HAS)
      Dollar= Buck
      Buck around (...)*
      Col. has marked clearly.
      27A- Again Col.has marked M in months.

  16. 30ac - why these letters only? Sampling is the indicator? Is this a letter bank clue?

    1. 30ac- I found the anno. tracks, b(e)n(d)s; old - O. could not get the anno. to pick the letter "s". I perceived sampling as def.

