Sunday 12 June 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3206, Sunday 12 Jun 2022

1   He penned hits, some unfinished sadly? (7,8)  STEPHEN SONDHEIM {HE+PENNED+HITS+SOMe}* &lit
9   Everyman starts to get awfully enormous (4) MEGA {ME}{Get}{Aw...y}
10 Finally sag not tall — crumbling (2,4,4) AT LONG LAST*
11 Rushes (runs forward) to find help at a wedding (6) USHERS (-r)USHE(+r)RS
12 Old males confusedly kept changing direction (8) SLALOMED*
13 Slays pirates (6,3) KNOCKS OFF [DD]
15 Starter of frogs: to consume is an act of daring (4) FEAT {Frog}{EAT}
16 A little prat, with an idiot (4) TWIT [T]
17 Clues in meandering letter suggesting insobriety (9) TIPSINESS {TIPS}{IN}{(~s)ESS}
21 Former squeeze: 'I will give you beef' (8) PASTRAMI {PAST}{RAM}{I}
22 Bank not originally allowed to give you trinket (6) ANKLET {bANK}{LET}
24 Inept golfer's cry — what he's done — what you now are! (10) FOREWARNED {FORE}{WARNED}
25 Celebrity's retiring? Oh no (4) RATS<=
26 Secrecy is virtue, working here? (8,7) SECURITY SERVICE* &lit

 Time to argue for mutiny? (7) TREASON {T}{REASON}
3   Tool that's rudimentary called out (5) PLANE (~plain)
4   Goes past the Spanish church's recesses (7) ELAPSES {EL}{APSES}
5   Fluffy 'sciences' I cast off, wanting independence (4-11) SELF SUFFICIENCY*
6   Notification on nutrition forswearing adipose tissue, primarily? (3-3) NON-FAT Acrostic &lit
7   Date movie (9) HALLOWEEN [DD]
8   Study Pietersen's opening in cricket? (7) INSPECT {INS{Pi...n}ECT}
14 A neurotic trembled, wanting liqueur (9) COINTREAU*
16 Vacuous tortoise appeared to find a flower (3,4) TEA ROSE {To...sE}{AROSE}
18 Bandage cut, drinking whiskey (7) SWADDLE {S{W}ADDLE}
19 Putrid conservative penetrating? I'm not so sure (7) SCEPTIC {S{C}EPTIC}
20 A week in large African country – or a small one? (6) MALAWI {MAL{A}{W}I} Semi&lit
23 Drink of vodka at openings in Russian ballet company (5) KIROV {KIR}{Of}{Vo..a}

Reference List
Time = T, The in Spanish = EL, Whiskey = W, Conservative = C, Week = W