Tuesday 1 November 2022

No 13699, Tuesday 01 Nov 2022, Hypatia

Solution to 22D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Spooner's present behind back door of delivery truck (4,4) LIFT GATE (~gift late to lift gate)
5   Swimmer wears Speedo initially at sea (6) WRASSE {WEARS+Sp...o}*
10 Brainy Indian's first exotic rice dish (7) BIRYANI {BRAINY+In...n}*
11 Transport organ (7) VEHICLE [DD]
12 Essence of poppadum - a mild, distinct flavour (5) UMAMI [T]
13 Elon's tips (nothing outrageous) for becoming generous (9) ENNOBLING {EloN}{NO}{BLING}
14 Avoids modelling before easy targets (7,5) SITTING DUCKS {DUCKS}<=>{SITTING}
18 Dad's rant for excellence (4,8) HIGH STANDARD {DADS+RANT}* [RA]
21 Resistance from naughty child touching electronic ball (9) IMPEDANCE {IMP}{E}{DANCE}
23 Supply vehicle stopped by flat tyre at rear (5) CATER {CA{flaT}{tyrE}}R}
24 Boy and girl entertained by a new Disney movie (7) ALADDIN {A}{LAD}{DI}{N}
25 Small company near one old sign (7) SCORPIO {S}{CORP}{1}{O}
26 Taxes the French bonds (6) DUTIES {DU}{TIES} DU in French is 'from'?
27 State of equilibrium? Anyhow it's say, very boring (8) ISOSTASY {ITS+SAY}* over {SO}

1   Work of Harry or Balu (6) LABOUR*
2   Section of roof or matching structure (6) FORMAT [T]
3   Group of seals delights (9) GRATIFIES {G}{RATIFIES}
4   Teaching kids to go inside? (6-8) TOILET-TRAINING [CD]
6   "About a Boy" includes Hugh's first therapy (5) REHAB {RE}{Hugh}{A}{B}
7   Short cuts lost without carbon copy at home (8) SUCCINCT {CUTS}* over {CC}{IN}
8   Introduction to English novel genres inspiring one to perk up (8) ENERGISE {En...h}{NERG{1}SE*}
9   Stressed out losing time after ironing gowns (7,7)  EVENING DRESSES {StRESSED}*<=>{EVENING}
15 Board members out of Patna procrastinated terribly (9) DIRECTORS  pROCRaStInaTED*
16 Country dog biting husband too (8) THAILAND {T{H}AIL}{AND}
17 Encourage putting time around plot for vegetable (8) EGGPLANT {EGG} with {T}<=>{PLAN}
19 Regularly picked up troops in an ideal location (6) UTOPIA {Up+TrOoPs+In+An}
20 Turn weak in drudgery, exhausted and sagging (6) DROOPY {POOR}<= in {Dr,,,rY}
22 Steer clear of displacement in cybercurrency, briefly (5) D?D?E (Addendum - DODGE {DO{D}GE} - See comments)

Reference List
Electronic = E, Girl = DI, New = N, Small = S, Old = O, Very = SO, Group = G, About = RE, Boy = B, Carbon copy = CC, at home = IN, Time = T, Husband = H, Time = T


  1. 22D: Steer clear of = DODGE. D (for displacement) inside DOGE, short for Dogecoin, a cyber currency

  2. Expected Dr.x to continue. Surprised to see Hypatia. Anyway Mardnusro should feel happy!!

  3. Link for lift gate leads to tail lift?

  4. ....and there is even mention rail gate. But no lift gate.

  5. Sorry I found it late and at the end. (U.S.version)

  6. Thrilled to complete Hypatia.
    My cod - high standard, impedance.
    Why such low attendance?
    Raining only in Chennai? No??

