Monday 21 November 2022

No 13716, Monday 21 Nov 2022, Dr. X

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Crushed by slap, irritated boy let loose in violent confrontation (7,6) PITCHED BATTLE {P{ITCHED}{B}AT}{LET*}
8   Special concept for album's first half (4,1) SIDE A {S}{IDEA}
9   Marijuana, most believe, contains primarily intoxicating element (9) POTASSIUM {POT}{ASS{In...g}UMe}
11 Influenced by cocaine, sod goes berserk (10) OCCASIONED*
12 Associate captivated by damsel in kimono (4) LINK [T]
14 One lad, excited about a little ride in Montreal amusement park (2,5) LA RONDE {ONE+LAD}* over {Ride}
16 One enthralled by exotic lassie in historical region of Central Europe (7) SILESIA {S{1}LESIA*}
17 Trendy consumer obtaining fine tea maker (7) INFUSER {IN}{F}{USER}
19 Drink after group calls it a day (5,2) PACKS UP {SUP}<=>{PACK}
21 Old flames kiss during date in retreat (4) EXES {E{X}ES<=}
22 Rodent biting, cutting mate (10) CHINCHILLA {CHIN{CHILL}A}
25 One caught in country for winking (9) NICTATION {N{1}{CT}ATION}
26 Frail urchin eating roll (5) LURCH [T]
27 Wrongly arresting sons for crime (13) TRANSGRESSION*

2   One persuading to invest, abandoning tense hesitation (7) INDUCER {INDUCt}{ER}
3   Company head pinches butt! That's vulgarity (10) COARSENESS {CO}{NESS} over {ARSE}
4   Couple finally canoodle endlessly in Finnish city (5) ESPOO {c...lE}{SPOOn}
5   Praises perfect taste of snacks in retro bar (7,2) BUTTERS UP {UTTER}{Sn...s} in {PUB<=}
6   Captain bowled out for nought finally? Flip! (4) T?S?  (Addendum - TOSS (-b+t)TOSS - See comments)   
7   Non-clergy groups in retreat, mostly couples (7) LAITIES {LAIr}{TIES}
8   Informer shot English goon with pistol (5,6) STOOL PIGEON {E+GOON+PISTOL}*
10 Attract a lot of attention, like one leaving the board might do? (4,1,6) MAKE A SPLASH [C&DD]
13 British misses outside shack showing extremely attractive bodies (5,5) BLACK HOLES {B}{LACK{HOLE}S}
15 Notice apparatus worn by large sci-fi character (9) EARTHLING {EAR}{TH{L}ING}
18 More vicious fire, crew frantically saving women (7) FIERCER {FIRE+CREw}*
20 Port of New Orleans (7) SALERNO*
23 Nobody going around clubs for the time being (5) NONCE {NON{C}E}
24 Liquor around middle of day? Gross! (4) GAIN {G{dAy}IN}

Reference List
Boy = B, Special = S, Trendy = IN, Fine = F, Kiss = X, Date = SEE, Caught = CT, Tense = T, Head = NESS, Bowled = B, English = E, British = B, Large = L, Women = W, Clubs = C


  1. 6D. Toss= Flip. Captain= Boss- bowled out= B Goes and OSS remain.For nought finally,T comes for B.

  2. Welcome Doc.
    Loved "Extremely attractive bodies"!!!

  3. Classically perfect puzzle. Loved Side-A, Black holes, Make a Splash among other clues.
    Thank You, Dr. X

    1. By classically perfect, I mean the clue of 24D; it would be a temptation for a setter to clue a"A"as midday which is grammatically and cryptically wrong..middle of day is perfect..on the other hand a recent clue in IXL had e-commerce clued all the way wrong: middlemen=E;income=in come...that's why setters like Dr.X carry the Ximenean flag with aplomb.

  4. With several of them, CONTAINER clues best understood
