Saturday, 6 May 2017

No 12000, Saturday 06 May 2017, Anon

12K and counting. In case you would like to take a crack at the 1000th one, here is the link


1 Dreams of snakes receiving one portion (11) ASPIRATIONS {ASP{I}{RATION}S}
9 …of legumes // that cost almost nothing (7) PEANUTS (DD)
10 Earnest single heartless man (6) SOLEMN {SOLE}{MaN}
11 Protect losing Republican’s issue (5) ENSUE {ENSUrE}
12 Sincere // Wilde stated the importance of being thus (7) EARNEST (DD)
15 Awareness curtailed by dope (4) SENS {SENSe}
16 Delicacy of tennis played in dais (10) DAINTINESS {DAI{TENNIS*}S}
18 Unwind, lose source of stress, protest at port (10) DISENTWINE {DISsENT}{WINE}
20 Starts badgering a lonely individual in Indonesian island (4) BALI (Acrostic)
23 Prepare again in difficult terrain (7)  RETRAIN {TERRAIN*}
24 Greek mathematician extracts iodine from drug (5) HERON {HEROiN}
26 Love assortment of fruit (6) ORANGE {O}{RANGE}
27 Evicting son admitted into excursion (7) OUSTING {OU{S}TING}
28 Dear sir, save material for enemies (11) ADVERSARIES {DEAR+SIR+SAVE}*


2 Kitchen appliance, unidentified, may be flying (6) SAUCER (DD)
3 Leave Quebec out of enquiry this month (4) INST {INqueST}
4 Staying away from sailors missing first round of drill (10) ABSTAINING {ABS}{TrAINING}
5 Sick of single endless drone in US city (8) ILLINOIS  {ILL}{I}{NOISe} State is more famous. Not sure if any one has even heard of the city of Illinois
6 Greeting returning chap with wobbly seat (7) NAMASTE {MAN<=}{SEAT*}
7 Rupee dips in a frenzy from the top (5,4) UPPER SIDE {RUPEE+DIPS}*
8 Minister’s correspondence with lad (6) PARSON {PAR}{SON}
13 Stifle authors who write comedy (10) GAGWRITERS {GAG}{WRITERS}
14 Spying on exotic sea pigeon (9) ESPIONAGE {SEA+PIGEON}*
17 Beguile at // the gate (8) ENTRANCE (DD)
19 He dares comic to be cut off (7) SHEARED {HE+DARES}*
21 Scared of air force strike (6) AFRAID {AF}{RAID}
22 Modest Conservative in a hurry (6) CHASTE {C}{HASTE}
25 Physicist’s book on how radiation originates (4) BOHR (Acrostic)

One=I, Republican=R, Iodine=I, Love=O, Son=S
Quebec=Que, Sailors=ABS, Single=I, Air force=AF, Conservative=C 

Color/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. Thank you Ramesh for the nice blog and the link to old times.

  2. For my first visit to the US in 1996, I landed in O'Hare international airport, Chicago, Illinois, where my niece and her family received me and drove me to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I stayed with them for one month before I went to Kingston, ON, Canada.

    1. Any memorable crossword experience in USA?

    2. In 2002 when I posted messages to Cryptic Clue Workshop on NYT Forums on the Web from Texas, my fellow-members wondered what the heck I was doing in that State. Heidi on FB:1ACross knows me from that time. Later in 2004 I was an active participant from Calif. in a Yahoo Groups that was run by Pradeep Raghunathan who is now seen on FB.

  3. Thanks Ramesh for the link & the blog.
    Nice easy puzzle from Anon..Heron reminded of his formula to calculate the area of the triangle...& Niels Bhor, the Danish Physicist whose structure of atom was a path breaking effort

  4. Simple and elegant weekend puzzle! Thank you Anon.

  5. 1000th puzzle was published on Oct 17th 1974! Almost 43 years ago.

    1. ...which means it must have started a further 3 years back. CV to confirm. Earlier to that was it a syndicated CW or not numbered?

    2. Prior to 1971 when THC was launched, the paper carried no crossword.
      But the weekly Sport & Pastime, the predecessor to Sportstar, carried a general (non-sports thematic) crossword without attribution but obviously from a UK paper/syndicate.

    3. Interesting. Thank you CV for the info. I was under the impression that the CW in TH was started much earlier. I started doing CW with the Sunday edition and IE and had to wait for a week for correction/ filling leftovers and preserving the print edition till then.
      Yes, I remember seeing CW in S&P but was not solving them.

  6. Another day of low attendance. ANON's simplicity is his forte'. Sens for a drug is new to me.
    DISENTWINE had me in a twist as it is rather unusual, as DISENTANGLE is more common. PEANUTS reminded me of ex- president JIMMY CARTER. GAG WRiTERS is not a hyphenated word?

    Deepak has to solve the mystery of low hits here !

    1. The cause of low attendance may be due to social media..fb..whats app..those who were regularly commenting here might be busy there..just a surmise.

    2. Go back and check. Attendance has always been thin on Saturdays.

  7. e for drug, sens for drug and it makes sense!

  8. Thanks Anon, it was to nice to solve your crossword. Congrats on taking the THC 12000 Mark.
