Saturday, 31 July 2021

No 13314, Saturday 31 Jul 2021, Arden


1 Total neglect did urge restart treatment (5,9 UTTER DISREGARD {DID+URGE+RESTART*}
10 Cap without releasing force (5) BERET {BEREfT}

11 Alloy of molten Ironright away cannot flow on its own (3-6) NON-MOTILE {MOLTEN+IrON*}
12 In chaste Tamil can you review the weather? (7) CLIMATE (T<=)
13 Essentially hold within reach, treat disease (7) CHOLERA {REACH*} around {hOLd}
14 European with daughter coming in to watch regularly (5) SWEDE {S{W}E{D}E}
16 Overlap of economic bloc — including India and China, excluding India and China (9) IMBRICATE {I}{M{BRIC}ATE}
19 Regular dress tailored in some city in Iowa (3,6) DES MOINES {DrEsS}{IN+SOME*}
20 Cut over, and cut both sides to be precise (5) EXACT {AXE<=}{CuT}
22 Banned slide — shedding skin like a worm (7) ANNELID {bANNEd}{sLIDe}
25 Malta wrongly shown within borders of Asia, but not this city (4-3) ALMA-ATA {A{MALTA*}siA} semi &lit
27 Get a nut, in other words, it’s for stretching things a bit (9) TAUTENING {GET+A+NUT+IN*}
28 Some have permit, rest is staff (5) MITRE (T)
29 Retaliation as part of the shoe size (7,7) COUNTER MEASURE {COUNTER}{MEASURE}


2 Being always late, could be trained on board (9) TARDINESS {TRAINED*}{SS}
3 Additional court summary (5) EXTRA (DD?)
4 Landed abroad, no one came up with a flower (9) DANDELION {LANDED*}{NO I<=}
5 Boom in a way is very good, but short (5) SONIC {SO}{NICe}
6 Save millions missing from some income, perhaps (9) ECONOMISE {SOmE+INCOME*}
7 Girl friend’s good, starts off (5) ALICE {pAL}{nICE}
8 Deadline as the guy was fed, reportedly (3,4) DUE DATE {~ DUDE ATE}
9 We get a taxi back in front of counter, say (6) ABACUS {A}{CAB<=}{US}
15 Stretch out in molten solution, it’s soothing (9) EMOLLIENT {LIE} in {MOLTEN*}
17 Told not to marry, but I became fatherthat should make things sparkle (9) BESPANGLE {BE S(-i+PA)ANGLE}
18 A small dog and flower, white in colour (9) ALABASTER {A}{LAB}{ASTER}
19 It’s part of menu put up rather extreme (7) DRASTIC {{CARD} around {ITS}} <=
21 Last shot, one’s within rights to get a bullet (6) TRACER {shoT}{R}{ACE}{R}
23 Country adjoining Argentina, Uruguay (5) NAURU (T)
24 Half-hearted motorist getting more parched (5) DRIER {DRIvER}
26 Complaint brought up by politician in total (5) MUMPS {{SUM} around {PM}}<= Anno correct?

Reference List

Force=F, Right=R, With=W, Daughter=D, Economic bloc including India and China=Bric, India=I, China=Mate
On board=SS, One=I, Millions=M. We=Us, Small dog=Lab, One=Ace, Rights=RR, Politician=PM

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Friday, 30 July 2021

No 13313, Friday 30 Jul 2021, Arden


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   God’s role is to provide protection (7) RAMPART {RAM}{PART}
5   Pointed as one got up (7) ACEROSE {ACE}{ROSE}
9   Cat iron clad law for these plants (5) CACTI {C{ACT}I} Cat Iron or Cast Iron?
10 Repeal in two parts — no one opposed disobedience (9) REBELLION {RE}{BELL}{NO 1<=}
11 Ardens yet to move, still... (9) SEDENTARY*
12 ... a Belgian returning some of the spores (5) GLEBA [T<=]
13 Issue as part of the remittances (4) EMIT [T]
15 A club facing mounting unrest, it’s like a slaughterhouse (8) ABATTOIR {A}{BAT}{RIOT<=}
18 Force to do and set out with Mike the handyman (8) FACTOTUM {F}{ACT}{OUT*}{M}
19 River Danube — meandering, undeniable (4) NILE undeNIabLE
22 Free to come together after it flips (5) UNTIE UN{IT<=}E 
24 Animal like trend, not even condemned (9) LAMBASTED {LAMB}{AS}{TrEnD}
26 Pressure as playing team often gets stuffed for consumption (9) FORCEMEAT {FORCE}{TEAM*}
27 Commotion about gunners found in the trench (5) DRAIN {D{RA}IN}
28 Time to go through linein goes the lever (7) TREADLE {T}{READ}{LinE}
29 Soldier’s uniform, right? (7) REDRESS {RE}{DRESS}

1   Niche found in rest of school (6) RECESS [DD]
2   In Australia they’re nuts to use this on roads bordering Indonesia (9) MACADAMIA {MACADAM}{In...iA}
3   One covering a story, isn’t it strange? (5) ALIEN {A{LIE}N}
4   Matter resolved — allowed to complain over this terrible woman (9) TERMAGANT {TERMA{NAG<=}T*}
5   Live with a bishop over an unknown church (5) ABBEY {BE}<=>{A}{B} and {Y}
6   Explain measures to retain the glow (9) ENLIGHTEN {EN}{LIGHT}{EN}
7   One keeps constant in air (5) OPINE {O{PI}NE}
8   Nine finally, almost close (6) ENNEAD {EN{NEAr}D} Finally=In the end
14 Bird went first as the river rose, it’s documented (5,4) TITLE DEED {TIT}{LED}{DEE<=}
16 Masters brought in to transform the old school (4,5)  ALMA MATER {AL{MA}{MA}TER}
17 Exposed film, alas, kid’s feeling nervous (3,2,4) ILL AT EASE {fILm+aLAs}{TEASE}
20 Polish movie is hit (6) BUFFET {BUFF}{ET}
21 Young man becomes a party to rising crime (6) ADONIS {A}{DO}{SIN<=}
23 Brief intersection? (5) TERSE [T]
24 A mathematical group involving, say, a subject (5) LIEGE {LI{EG}E}
25 It’s gone bad, left out or brought in? (5) ADDED ADDlED

Reference List
Cast Iron = CI, Force = F, Mike = M, Gunners = RA(Royal Artillery), Time = T, Soldier = RE(Royal Engineers), Bishop = B, Unknown = Y, Measure = EN, Constant = PI, Movie = ET, Party = DO, Left = L

Thursday, 29 July 2021

No 13312, Thursday 29 Jul 2021, Karaoke

Solution to 16D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   The intoxicant works essentially with illicit drug at social gathering near river (4,4) RICE BEER {woRks}{ICE}{BEE}{R}
5   Sun moves to the top in Zodiac sign during seasons (6) SPICES (+s)SPI(-s)CES
9   Abandon heavy-handed girl in trouble (5,4,3,3) LEAVE HIGH AND DRY*
11 Lookalike leading lady is deleted from offensive adult clip by second censor (9) DUPLICATE {ADUlT+CLIP}*{cEnsor}
12 Lease out aeroplanes grounded in parking area (5) APRON AeROPlaNes
13 He raises his hand but not to hit someone. It’s all in the game! (6) UMPIRE [CD]
15 They are inclined to read morning post regularly (5) RAMPS {R}{AM}{PoSt}
19 Financial backer’s temper is lessened with a drop of liquor (5) ANGEL {ANGEr}{Li...r}
20 Canines killed in terrible accident causing delay (6) DETAIN AccIDENT*
24 Originally, Lama has accepted seat at the capital city (5) LHASA Acrostic
25 What would one do to protest loudly? Set up a gambling house? (5,4) RAISE HELL {RAISE}{HELL}
27 Long-standing and will be deathless in other words (4-11) WELL ESTABLISHED*
28 Maybe Saudi kings’ monies lost interest for peak oil (6) ROYALS R(-i+o)OYALS
29 Concluded an issue in rush (8) REASONED {RE{A}{SON}ED}

1   Dismissed regulation, bishop acquitted in ambiguity (5,3) RULED OUT {RULE}{DOUbT}
2   Appreciably, cocktail bar disallowed smokers’ accessory (4,4) CLAY PIPE APPrECIabLY*
3   It is cheap puff in Bangladesh, I hear (5) BEEDI (~bd)
4   Plants to treat caries (6) ERICAS*
6   Explosive long fruit (9) PINEAPPLE {PINE}{APPLE}
7   Cold ducks spend energy for drinks (6) CIDERS {C}{eIDERS}
8   Saw secret service recruiting top agents for president (6) SAYING S(-p+a)AYING
10 Animals with long laughs outside (6) HYENAS {H{YEN}AS}
14 What a caller at the door will do to sound familiar? (4,1,4) RING A BELL [DD]
16 Undercover scribe with A-line skirts (6) ?E?R?T (Addendum - SECRET SECRETary - See comments)
17 North American native hare went haywire (8) WATERHEN*
18 Comprehended hint essentially was unclear with nothing missing (8) INCLUDED {IN}{CLoUDED}
21 Frown at farmer shifting sides (6) GLOWER G(-r+l)LOWER
22 It goes into liquors and spirits at local shelter reportedly (6) BARLEY {BAR}{LEY}(~lee)
23 Quick-moving river swallows doctor (6) NIMBLE {NI{MB}LE}
26 Legends create one less than hundred in records (5) EPICS {EP{IC}S}

Reference List
Social gathering = BEE, River = R, Sun = S, Read = R, Interest = I, Bishop = B, Cold = C, Energy = E, President = P, Line = RY, Records = EPS

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

No 13311, Wednesday 28 Jul 2021, Avtaar

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Order staff meeting (7) MANDATE {MAN}{DATE}
Heartaches from unlimited crossword-solving (7) SORROWS cROSSWORd*
10 Nutritious cereal dip with head of oregano (4) SAGO {SAG}{Or...o}
11 Basically, this reproduces like a copier, maybe? (10) REPLICATOR {This+Re...s+Like+A+COPIER}* &lit
12 Story by Indian state footballer (6) GOALIE {LIE}<=>{GOA}
13 Over-seers’ growth? (8) EYEBROWS [CD]
14 Swingers training near Mulund vigorously, start to sweat (9) PENDULUMS {PE}{MULUND*}{Sw..t}
16 Detective grilled Spooner after Queen disappeared (5) SNOOP SPOONer
17 Order stout with asparagus starter (5) FATWA {FAT}{W}{As...s}
19 Gifted academic challenged Federer without hesitation (9) PROFFERED {PROF}{FEDERer*}
23 Champion Barty, when on a trip, packs leggings and expensive tops (8) ASHLEIGH {AS}{H{Le...s}{Ex...e}IGH}
24 Tips from announcements and quotes at the opening circulating in stock exchange (6) NASDAQ {An...s+AND+Qu...s}* Should have been 'Tip' and not 'Tips' (Correction {An...tS+AND+Qu...s}* - See comments)
26 In African city, student is killed by one boy who waited in vain for his Dad’s command (10) CASABIANCA CASAB(-l+1)IANCA
The boy stood on the burning deck,
Whence all but he had fled;
The flame that lit the battle’s wreck,
Shone round him o’er the dead.

Yet beautiful and bright he stood,
As born to rule the storm;
A creature of heroic blood,
A proud, though childlike form.

The flames rolled on – he would not go,
Without his father’s word;
That father, faint in death below,
His voice no longer heard.

He called aloud – ‘Say, father, say
If yet my task is done?’
He knew not that the chieftain lay
Unconscious of his son.

‘Speak, father!’ once again he cried,
‘If I may yet be gone!’
– And but the booming shots replied,
And fast the flames rolled on.

Upon his brow he felt their breath
And in his waving hair;
And look’d from that lone post of death,
In still yet brave despair.

And shouted but once more aloud,
‘My father! must I stay?’
While o’er him fast, through sail and shroud,
The wreathing fires made way.

They wrapped the ship in splendour wild,
They caught the flag on high,
And streamed above the gallant child,
Like banners in the sky.

There came a burst of thunder sound –
The boy – oh! where was he?
Ask of the winds that far around
With fragments strewed the sea!

With mast, and helm, and pennon fair,
That well had borne their part,
But the noblest thing which perished there,
Was that young faithful heart.
27 Go-slow blocks capital (4) OSLO [T]
28 Every child has a public image (7) PERSONA {PER}{SON}{A}
29 Avtaar sorted out clothes for film technicians (7)  EDITORS {ED{I}TORS*}

2  An egg, stuffed with batter and topping of dried chamomile’s root, stewed with veggies in gravy (1,2,4) A LA MODE {A}{LAM}{O}{Dr..d}{c...lE} Semi&lit?
Ridiculous way of celebrating an event without alcohol (5) D?O?L (Addendum - DROLL DrumROLL - See comments)
North Carolinian belt leather (7) TARHEEL* Enu should be (3,4)
Office’s opening tenders for building arches (6) OGIVES {Of...e}{GIVES}
Shift and Back-space (9) REARRANGE {REAR}{RANGE}
Show how drunk could be these VIPs (4,3) WHOS WHO*
9  Drug dealer who delivers fast? (5,8) SPEED MERCHANT {SPEED}{MERCHANT}
15 File transfers coded on DOS wanting authentic, digitally licensed sources (9) DOWNLOADS {ON+DOS+Wa...g+Au...c+Di...y+Li...d}*
18 Hazarded a guess, finally, about introduction to title scene in a film (2,5) AT STAKE {A}{Ti..e}{Gu..s}{TAKE}
20 Faraday’s upcountry place in Europe (7) FINLAND {F}{IN}{LAND}
21 Atelier used Amazon, say (1-6) E-TAILER*
22 In Borneo, lauraceous, ant-proof ironwood tops, perhaps? (6) BILIAN {IN+Bo...o+La...s+An...f+Ir...d}* &lit
25 Rant about replacing police chief in probe (5) SCOUT S(-p+c)COUT

Reference List
Queen = ER, With = W, On a trip = HIGH, Student = L, Faraday = F, About = C

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

No 13310, Tuesday 27 Jul 2021, Gussalufz

Solution to 5A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

There is a NINA in the grid, same to be identified only by a novice commenter.

1   She may be interested in taking some men out: essentially easy going and without disrespectful speech (8) ASSASSIN {eASy}{SASS}{goIng}{aNd}
5   Transmitter’s extent of some long-wave signal cut back (6) ?E?D?R (Addendum SENDER REDNESs <= - See comments)
9   So, Atlas Shrugged is not making a profit? (2,1,4) AT A LOSS*
10 Massaged closer, finding model's protective garment (7) CORSLET {CLOSER}*{T}
11 Add fifty eggs at first and mix up (5) ADDLE {ADD}{L}{E}
12 Organelle initially released in intimate ecstasy (8) RIBOSOME {Re...d}{In}{BOSOM}{E}
13 Really aced cooking this vegetable with a dal! (6) CELERY {CELERY+A+DAL= REALLY ACED} [CA]
14 Anand, perhaps countered joke about a kind of Hindu philosophy (8) VEDANTIC {DEV<=}{ANTIC}
18 Survey is old and unfavourable, choose rejecting to participate (4,4) EXIT POLL {EX}{I{OPT<=}LL}
20 Spy agitated by Marxist mentality (6) PSYCHE {SPY*}{CHE}
23 Varying by the time of the year? Nothing's irrelevant in sales modelling (8) SEASONAL {O}{NA} in {SALES}*
25 Happens to be standing in cool wind (5) HOIST {HO{IS}T}
27 Behaviour of a certain tiger: primarily charges (7) ACTIONS {A}{Ce...n}{Ti..r}{IONS}
28 Active, ripped, hot gent wearing glasses (2,3,2) ON THE GO {O{H+GENT}*O}
29 League’s leader drops out of final game for bribe! (6) PAYOFF PlAYOFF
30 Once batter’s spooned, they might use their hands (8) CATCHERS [CD]

1   Husband wrapped up in drapery after a big fall (9) AVALANCHE {VALANC{H}E}<=>{A}
2   Outrage of upwardly mobile young man when under examination (7) SCANDAL {LAD<=}<=>{SCAN}
3   Coronets made with the top part of pretty flowering plant (9) STONECROP {CORONETS}*{Pr...y}
4   Bat crossed the line, absolutely — guarantee! (6) INSURE {IN}{SURE}
6   Coins term in neuroscience (5) EUROS [T]
7   Shy about hugging, well, without restraints? Set boundaries! (7) DELIMIT {TIMID<=} over {wELl}
8   Regularly gathered erotica for retired judge (4) RATE {EroTicA+foR}<=
10 Animal captures boy (quintessentially Watterson’s boy!) in intricate trap (6) COBWEB {CO{B}W}{w..tEr..n}{B}
15 High? (Hesitate about appealing) (9) AESTHETIC {HESTITATE}*{C}
16 Exceptionally nice costs and special eliveries! (1-8) C-SECTIONS {NICE+COSTS}*
17 Afghans avoiding alien spaces? (6) BLANKS BLANKetS
19 Setter has set plenty without competence! (7) INEPTLY {I}{PLENTY*}
21 Foreigners popular for some eccentricity in Old Amsterdam, perhaps? (7) CHINESE {CH(-e+in)INESE}
22 Tumour covered up in cream, oil, gelatin (6) GLIOMA [T<=]
24 Laugh very loudly after saucy comic operetta starts (5) SCOFF {FF}<=>{Sa..y}{Co..c}{Op...a}
26 Division of a million pence by one hundred (4) CAMP {A}{M}{P}<=>{C}

Reference List
Model = T, Fifty = L, Ecstasy = E, Old = EX, Cool = HOT, Glasses = OO, Husband = H, Boy = B, About = C, Alien = ET, Popular = IN, Very loud = FF, Million = M, Pence = P, Hundred = C

Monday, 26 July 2021

No 13309, Monday 26 Jul 2021, Bruno

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   High-speed show’s a failure (8) GIGAFLOP {GIG}{A}{FLOP}
9   Change hands during dismount correctly (6) ARIGHT A(-l+r)RIGHT
10 Emperor’s final letter found in coach (4) TZAR {T{Z}AR} Tar/Coach? (Addendum - CZAR {C{Z}AR{ - See comments)
11 Group that supports women wears rose dhotis (10) SISTERHOOD*
12 Fat man inwardly turning around for support (6) BEHALF {FLA{HE}B}<=
14 Rain and smog affected every single living thing (8) ORGANISM*
15 Must beards be trimmed often over mouth to be a useful accessory? (13) SHOULDERSTRAP {SHOULD}{bEaRdS}{TRAP}
17 European noodle variant essentially causes great well-being (8) EUPHORIA {EU}{PHO}{vaRIAnt}
19 Taking a couple of layers off — heard amour can find passion (6) ARDOUR {heARD}{amOUR}
21 Film on King’s fine new weapon (5,5) FLICK KNIFE {FLICK}{K}{FINE*}
22 Skip meals and pass away over time (4) DIET {DIE}{T}
23 Second gentleman takes hand — pirouettes for dance (6) ?O?R?S (Addendum - MORRIS {MO}{SI{R}R<=} - See comments)
24 Make English bank lose pounds (8) ENGENDER {ENG}{lENDER}

1   Zinfandel lacking body bottled in mass makes hissing sound (6) SIZZLE {SIZ{Zi...eL}E}
2   Light//show? (4) FAIR [DD]
3   Satisfied subs fill dugout (8) BLISSFUL*
4   Horse ordered to lead black sheep (3,3) BAD EGG {GG}<=>{BADE}
5   EU marine facilities task-force starts releasing thermodiffusing plastic that can be used to catch food (7,3) FISHING ROD tHeRmODIFfuSING*
6   After opening session, member of parliament makes noise, gets raise and takes drugs (6,2) SHOOTS UP {Se...n}{HOOTS}{UP}
8   Recovering mailman? (13) POSTOPERATIVE {POST OPERATIVE}
13 Drug dealer has 3 drugs in a car at the end of driveway (10) APOTHECARY  {A}{POT}{H}{E}{CAR}{d...aY}
15 Kitchen worker’s turn to take out second layer in onion (8) SCULLERY  Anno pending (Addendum - SCULLION SC(-a+u)ULLION - See comments)
16 Wise to control speed these days? (5,3) SPACE AGE {S{PACE}AGE}
18 Dissolute artist’s drunk kiss? (6) RAKISH {RA}{KISH}(~kiss)
20 Messaging system seen hacked in Utah (6) USENET {U{SEEN*}T}
22 Study at the end of lobby has counter (4) DENY {DEN}{l..bY}

Reference List
King = K, Time = T, Second = MO, Hand = R, Pounds = L, Horse = GG, Drugs = POT, H, E, Artist = RA

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Special, Sunday 25 Jul 2021, The Zodiac

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By The Zodiac
Squares filled: 0/158
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ The Zodiac & THCC

1Models I love engaging in plays (8)
5Chasing rattlesnake, partner moves stealthily (6)
9Monument building not cheap (8)
10Gemstone, according to leading jeweller, must be shifted to the front (6)
12Hated wearing seat belt during initial driving exercise (10)
13Swings camera the other way to take photo (4)
15Small vehicle covering a large distance, possibly (6)
17Best scrabble tile: "E" (5)
20Short, slow old man going around shopping area (5)
21Trouble in gold trade (6)
24Group from Chinatown (4)
25A president could be boring (10)
28Outlaw in favour of proposal (6)
29Animals' state of frenzy followed by endless fear (8)
30Rolled fabric material when talking (6)
31Doctor (plastic surgeon) not curing champions (8)

1Figure out how saltwater fish enters river (6)
2Elaborate lecture about essence of nationalism (6)
3Hostile Italian criminal kidnaps son of top celebrity (10)
4Origin of dental pharmacology (5)
6Wonderful lunch after noon (4)
7Supplement software with sorted index (8)
8Short of money; goes back to pinch some pennies (8)
11Red US state, for the most part (6)
14Ruins many properties surrounding US region (10)
16Holding ball, fashion model appeared (6)
18Secondary products put away inside ship (4-4)
19Care a bit about these organisms (8)
22Memorable show (6)
23Charges premiums without benefits at first (6)
26Finally prepare crack for supply (5)
27American soldier gets extremely valuable award (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3160, Sunday 25 Jul 2021

1   Duck, swans, tercel mostly flap about – everyone knows it (4,6) OPEN SECRET {0}{PENS}{TERCEl}*
6   God's surpressed by Schrodinger (4) ODIN [T]
9   Fish, some wines, then who's inclined to have a snooze? (3,7) RED SNAPPER {REDS}{NAPPER}
10 Uriah, beheaded, coming back: bit of a shock (4) HAIR uRIAH<=
12 Bunch of keys? (11) ARCHIPELAGO [CD]
15 Walked casually, topless: deliberately caused provocation (7) TROLLED sTROLLED
16 Mostly worry, back and forth; energy to go all over the place (7) SUFFUSE {FUSs<=FUSs}{E}
17 Song whereby fool captivated by childish things (3,2,2) LET IT GO {LE{TIT}GO}

19 Some silica gel essence makes you eternally young (7) AGELESS [T]
20 The French, OK, are into fizzy water in abundance (4,7) LAKE ONTARIO {LA}{OK+ARE+INTO}* 
23 'Duffer's not half fouled up with ball!' (4) FORE {dufFER}*{0} Semi&lit
24 Whose make-up is dorsal mail? (10) ARMADILLOS* &lit
25 Announced prophet's brand (4) SEAR (~seer)
26 Cast spells, seen to leave you without anger (10) SPLEENLESS*

1   Bad-tempered person's so stuck up (4) OGRE<=
2   Blyton's vacuous designs (4) ENDS {ENiDS}
3   Batty aunt's idea: covering lake with cream (6,6) SUNTAN LOTION {AUNTS*}{N{L}OTION}
4   Coast's Atlantic; people enjoying clams or dogfish for starters? (4,3) CAPE COD Acrostic Semi&lit
5   At heart, men's semis test rivals (7) ENEMIES {mENs}{sEMIs}{tESt}
7   Drink a quart and careen, half-cut: who'll worry? (5,5) DRAMA QUEEN {DRAM}{A}{QU}{carEEN}
8   Censor play, suffering drowsiness (10) NARCOLEPSY*
11 Generosity fed into love's invigorating (4-8) SELF-DEVOTION*
13 Second time Everyman will crop selfie, ghastly imagery (5,5) STILL LIFES {S}{T}{I'LL}{SELFIe}*
14 King and a horse out travelling country (5,5) SOUTH KOREA {K+A+HORSE+OUT}*
18 Spur to win in hairdressing contest!? (7) OUTCROP {DD]
19 Rabelais composed line wanting source of flight (3,4) AIR BASE RABElIAS*
21 In Köln, ewer oddly depicted by artist (4) KLEE {KoLn+EwEr}
22 Employs some house-sitters (4) USES [T]

Reference List
Energy = E, The in French = LA, Lake = L, Quart = QU, Second = S, Time = T, King = K, Line = L

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday #47, 25 Jul 2021, Lightning

The Hindu Cryptic on Sunday can be accessed at the link given below. The interactive version at the link is NO LONGER free, you need to register and sign in using an email ID and password, subscription is required.

The crossword is not being blogged as the annotations are provided in the interactive version itself which can be seen if you click on 'Show a hint' under the 'reveal' tab on the top.

The same will be posted on every Sunday at 6 AM.


Saturday, 24 July 2021

No 13308, Saturday 24 Jul 2021, Hypatia


1 Magnificent balloon (5) SWELL (DD)
4 He needs this drink in hot weather! (5) WATER {HE} in {WATER*} = {WEATHER} &lit (Addendum - {HE+WATER}* = WEATHER [CA] - See comments)
11 Cover with seat belts (7) SWADDLE {S{W}ADDLE}
12 Solitary soldiers cryptic clues (7) RECLUSE {RE}{CLUSE*}
13 Basically evaluates drafts: improves them substantively! (5) EDITS (Acrostic) &lit
14 Nervous date at bar with bruised criminal (9) DISTURBED {D}{T+BRUISED*}
15 Emergency situation in Paris — milk and butter held back with the French women! (7,3) MARTIAL LAW {{LAIT}{RAM}<=}{LA}{W}

17 House fly (4) RACE (DD)
19 Pieces regularly skipped, rewinding SPB song (4) GOBS {SpB sOnG<=}
21 Act one is fast moving? (4-6) HIGH-OCTANE {ACE+ONE*} Reverse Anagram
25 Judge music festival in front of radical muse (9) MODERATOR {MOD}{ERATO}{R}
27 Cover song by two, about victory (5) DUVET {DU{V}ET}
28 Obstetrician / doctor likes needle (7) OBELISK {OB}{LIKES*}
29 Retired agents win over a player twice in bridge (7) SPANNER {REPS<=} over {A}{N}{N}
30 Toss recipe in casserole (5) STREW {ST{R}EW}
31 Forest officer, scratching head in nettle (5) ANGER {rANGER}


2 More tired, I swear I err somewhat (7) WEARIER (T)
3 Sadly lost fashionable title (8) LADYSHIP {SADLY*}{HIP}
5 Clubs pursuing a team announced result (6) ACCRUE {A}{C}{~CREW}
6 Localities in the outskirts of old ancient city near Bhilai, oddly (7) EXURBIA {EX}{UR}{BhIlAi}
7 Admire sweethearts small face... taken up (6) ESTEEM {swEet}{S}{MEET<=}
8 Capital, when idle, is distributed (3,5) NEW DELHI {WHEN+IDLE*}
9 Members most often follow upcoming artist (4) ARMS {RA<=}{MoSt}
10 Miss the French nag (6) NEEDLE {NEED}{LE}
16 Saw cenotaph... Or is memorial covered? (8) APHORISM (T)
18 From both sides, island air can be circulating toxic emissions (4,4) ACID RAIN {IslanD+AIR+CAN*}
19 Frisk doctor in jail (6) GAMBOL {GA{MB}OL}
20 As per Spooner, father’s wager is a write-off (3,4) BAD DEBT Spoonerism of {DAD}{BET}
22 Promote commercial vehicle these days (7) ADVANCE {AD}{VAN}{CE}
23 Whole book about Ireland? On the contrary! (6) ENTIRE {E{NT}IRE}
24 Woman heading out with setter’s fur coat (6) ERMINE {hER}{MINE}
26 Choose time needed by cook for boy (4)  TAKE {(-b+T)AKE}                                      


Reference List

With=W, Soldier=RE, Bar=T, In Paris milk=Lait, Butter=Ram, The French=La, Women=W, Radical=R, Muse=Erato, Victory=V, Obstetrician=OB, Agents=Reps, Player=N, Recipe=R
Clubs=C, Old=Ex, Ancient city=Ur, Small=S, Artist=RA. The French=Le, Doctor=Le, Commercial=Ad, These days=CE, Books=NT, Ireland=Eire. Woman=Her, Setter's=Mine, Time=T, Boy=B

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday, 23 July 2021

No 13307, Friday 23 Jul 2021, Hypatia


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Creeps cycle and dash off (6) SCRAWL (+s)SCRAWL(-s)
4   Painted reflection of still seals — mostly still (6) DAUBED {DE{BUt}AD}<=
9   Insect’s name seen in label from behind (4) GNAT {TA{N}G<=}
10 Free reporter covering Indian drug stock (10) REPERTOIRE {REPERTO{I}R*}{E}
11 Asias noblemen, from the Orient, nurture miniature trees (6) BONSAI [T<=]
12 Official material worn by school master (8) LINESMAN {LINE{S}{MA}N}
13 Parking area cutting through lonely Egyptian grave (9) DESPERATE {DES{P}ER{A}T}{E}
15 Who doesn’t drink crumpling old flame’s message (4) TEXT {T{EX}T}
16 March in front of excellent president (4) PACE {ACE}<=>{P}
17 Fine or light (3,2,4) SET ON FIRE {FINE+OR}* [RA]
21 Over a month they’re rolling and tossing in fever! (8) JAUNDICE {J{A}UN}{DICE} Is Jaundice a fever?
22 Tablet for a dental problem (6) PLAQUE [DD]
24 Spooner says, “marry crushes” — they think alike (5,5) GREAT MINDS (~ mate grinds to great minds)
25 Frequently take cheatour back to state (4) UTAH {cHeAp+ToUr}<=
26 Go with holy man heading to spiritual meetings (6) TRYSTS {TRY}{ST}{Sp...l}
27 For instance, recklessly braved bombs (6) ADVERB*

1   Faint // sound missing in some parts (7) SYNCOPE [DD]
2   Judges had boring empty rooms (5) RATES {Room{ATE}S}
3   Shot arrow to capture one radical soldier (7) WARRIOR {WARR{1}O*}{R}
5   Expert’s article about small garments (6) APRONS {A{PRO}N}{S} 
6   Novel fixture in a den? (9) BOOKSHELF {BOOK}{SHELF} Semi&lit
7   Gatekeeper at the end of shift only missed sleeping (7) DORMANT {DOoRMAN}{s..fT}
8   What a clumsy chef might do — let slip? (5,3,5) SPILL THE BEANS [DD]
14 Any price arrangement involving dough, essentially (9) PECUNIARY {ANY+PRICE+doUgh}* &lit
16 Pull up sheet depicting bits of Korean, Russian and Indian language (7) PRAKRIT {TARP<=} over {Ko...n}{Ru...n}{In...n}
18 Averse to cooking technique taking soft eggs daily for starters (7) OPPOSED {OP{P}OS}{Eggs}{Da..y}
19 Massage wrapping husband with local plant (7) RHUBARB {R{H}U{BAR}B}
20 To some extent, luck is metaphorically destiny (6) KISMET [T]
23 Blue uniform pressed by Arizona’s engineers (5) AZURE {AZ}{U}{RE}

Reference List
Name = N, Indian = I, Drug = E, School = S, Master = MA, Parking = P, Area = A, Egyptian = E, Non-drinker = TT, Old flame = EX, President = P, Radical , Small = S, Only = O, Soft = P, Husband = H, Uniform = U, Engineers = RE(Royal Engineers)