1 Total neglect — did urge restart treatment (5,9 UTTER DISREGARD {DID+URGE+RESTART*}10 Cap without releasing force (5) BERET {BERE
11 Alloy of molten Iron — right away cannot flow on its own (3-6) NON-MOTILE {MOLTEN+I
12 In chaste Tamil can you review the weather? (7) CLIMATE (T<=)
13 Essentially hold within reach, treat disease (7) CHOLERA {REACH*} around {
14 European with daughter coming in to watch regularly (5) SWEDE {S{W}E{D}E}
16 Overlap of economic bloc — including India and China, excluding India and China (9) IMBRICATE {I}{M{BRIC}ATE}
19 Regular dress tailored in some city in Iowa (3,6) DES MOINES {D
20 Cut over, and cut both sides to be precise (5) EXACT {AXE<=}{C
22 Banned slide — shedding skin like a worm (7) ANNELID {
25 Malta wrongly shown within borders of Asia, but not this city (4-3) ALMA-ATA {A{MALTA*}
27 Get a nut, in other words, it’s for stretching things a bit (9) TAUTENING {GET+A+NUT+IN*}
28 Some have permit, rest is staff (5) MITRE (T)
29 Retaliation as part of the shoe size (7,7) COUNTER MEASURE {COUNTER}{MEASURE}
2 Being always late, could be trained on board (9) TARDINESS {TRAINED*}{SS}3 Additional court summary (5) EXTRA (DD?)
4 Landed abroad, no one came up with a flower (9) DANDELION {LANDED*}{NO I<=}
5 Boom in a way is very good, but short (5) SONIC {SO}{NIC
6 Save millions missing from some income, perhaps (9) ECONOMISE {SO
7 Girl friend’s good, starts off (5) ALICE {
8 Deadline as the guy was fed, reportedly (3,4) DUE DATE {~ DUDE ATE}
9 We get a taxi back in front of counter, say (6) ABACUS {A}{CAB<=}{US}
15 Stretch out in molten solution, it’s soothing (9) EMOLLIENT {LIE} in {MOLTEN*}
17 Told not to marry, but I became father — that should make things sparkle (9) BESPANGLE {BE S(-i+PA)ANGLE}
18 A small dog and flower, white in colour (9) ALABASTER {A}{LAB}{ASTER}
19 It’s part of menu put up — rather extreme (7) DRASTIC {{CARD} around {ITS}} <=
21 Last shot, one’s within rights to get a bullet (6) TRACER {
23 Country adjoining Argentina, Uruguay (5) NAURU (T)
24 Half-hearted motorist getting more parched (5) DRIER {DRI
26 Complaint brought up by politician in total (5) MUMPS {{SUM} around {PM}}<= Anno correct?
Reference List